Why do non-white males have this ridiculous hairline? I consider it a microaggression that triggers me every time I see it. It's just ridiculous, do they cut it like that or do they all have that stupid hairline?
Why do non-white males have this ridiculous hairline...
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drake sucks dick
>tfw awful genetic hairline and went bald at 21
Are you talking about having no widow's peak? Or that weird 90 degree angle hairline?
Half white/black guy here that grew up around blacks and hispanics.
They do it because it separates them from whites in a way they deem professional to their own culture and cool/hip/popular. It is mostly popular with gang members, criminals and hoodlums and not the members of the race that contribute to society which is funny in itself.
Half of the people in that pic are white
mexican hairlines look shitty but at least its not balding lol
>do they cut it like that
I'm talking about how it just goes straight across.
Mutt no!
Or is the question , Why do they have such short foreheads? I think that it is a sign of low intelligence
I'm a jap with a widows peak
Nah, this is wrong.
It's to give the appearance of a straight hairline. Niggers, wiggers, spiggers, it's the hip thing to do because their favorite performing niggers do it.
t. Balding mutt
They actually have more hair genetically and cut it that way by choice
Like Monchichi hair line (boomer fag reference)
it's the spic gangbanger haircut
T. Baldy
They trim it or draw it in that way. I agree looks horrible.
idk everyone around me cuts their hair like this so i do too, plus if your hairline is a mess you'd get CLOWNED on in school.
Live long and prosper
It's a lineup you fucking dumb ass. Only niggers and non-whites with African ancestry have that hairstyle.
It’s to make up for their lack of squareness in the jaw probably. A poor attempt nonetheless
na nobody draws it in, it's cut this way.
Top left guy looks Sicilian or something.
>Why do non-white males have this ridiculous hairline?
it's not natural
they shave their foreheads
>not having a crispy edgeup
It’s called a “line up.” Not sure why they do it, aside from the fact that blacks are kinda limited when it comes to styling their hair. Either line up, dreads, or fro.
Mulattos probably do it because their low IQ asses are too stupid to realize they’re mimicking an even lesser race.
lol exactly
It's mostly a hood thing among street culture
This shit always makes me laugh when I see it. Or when redneck wiggers do it with their bangs
this better be bait
>do they cut it like that
It's called a line up, you get it when you get a fade. I used to get mine cut like that and i'm white.
I used to have one of those growing up. They were called Chicaboos in the UK.
that my friend is a puerto rican. They are technically american citizens so we can't deport them. The line between sicilians and puerto ricans is close on looks, and many interbreed.
the call it a "box", it was popular among blacks and Hispanics going all the way back to when I went to high school in nyc in the late 90s
That's Aaron Hernandez the Patriots' player that killed someone. He's some kind of spic.
where are you from? They only called them edgeups where i'm from
all it is is a low top fade with a line up jesus does everything black people do threaten Sup Forums?
The funny part is that fucker actually has a widows peak, he just shaves the front
Is this better?
it doesn't threaten me, I just think it looks really offensive for some reason, like if I were a teacher and I had a student with this haircut I'd probably subconsciously give him lower marks.
The white dude on the right is just radiating soy induced femininity. Just by looking at him you could tell he speaks with a gay lispy voice.
Because having a fresh cut and new shit is more important than anything else to them.
>t. Urban Sup Forumsack
Fros are cool desu. I think it's cool when blacks own up their hair instead of doing retarded shit with it. Besides, niggers with afros are generally the better stock, from what I've seen.
>Either line up
Or just shave it like a normal person.
It's a barbershop thing. Barbers who take pride in how "fresh" the lineup and fade is. A lot of these customers get haircuts once per week or every two weeks.
I have a friend who works at a barbershop. He doesn't like to do this sort of cut because it is too time consuming for what people are willing to pay on a haircut. The guy on the top right probably took at least 45 minutes to an hour. You make money as a barber with high volume typically.
its literally just called getting your hair cut neatly and Sup Forums starts reeeing lmao
can't catch a break
Not him, but I'm from Southern California, called a lineup here. Where are you from?
if numbers OP cuts that hairline on himself
it makes your face stand out more, is more symetrical i.e. more attractive
Anything and anyone non-white in my country is a microaggression, add it all up and there's just SEETHING RAGE.
Because they're fucking dumb and they think it looks aesthetic
>tfw still no cure to baldness
>tfw if anything, modern toxicity and maladaptive breeding will make it more common and severe
>Barbers who take pride in how "fresh" the lineup and fade is
That super sharply defined hairline (and beard when they do it) looks absolutely ridiculous, though. The only way they can look more ridiculous is when they shave super intricate patterns into their hair/beard. It's a shame it's a trend.
It's mostly the way he's placing his legs/feet. Only way he could be more feminine is if his knees were touching.
>it makes your face stand out more
Absolutely doesn't, though, it calls a lot of attention to itself, drawing away from the face. Which is arguably good for an ugly mutt, though.
t. man with a emma gonzalez fade
That’s my haircut type . Taper fade with the edge up , you white cuck fag.
Filthy language like trigger and microaggression will not be tolerated here.
el horror....
nyc bro
I work with a few black guys they often go to get "lined up" before a big weekend of drinking their money away.
Seriously they have arguements on whos is straightest, its fucking childish and petty so blacks are like superhuman at it
I have no idea, famalam. Barbers have trimmed my hairline like that since I was a babby, only recently realized that I don't actually like it and have since told them to leave it as-is.
Not that it matters much, my hair's thinning out right smackdab in the middle there anyway. I don't know if its shitty genetics or if I'm just getting old.
Goddamn that faggot on the right is even more repulsive than the inbred mutants next to him
In russia this haircut very polular nowdays.
I don't get it. How are they able to do this ? It looks like their hair also grow on top of their foreheads. What's wrong with their hairline ?
Fag hair
Makes their head look like a television
>mexicans are white
They cut it that way. It's not their hairline. It's called a "straight edge" hairstyle.
sicillians were conqoured by arabs at one point so no they are mixed
It’s called a lineup
and shoot them?
It’s called a shape Up
>How are they able to do this
Scissors, a comb, and an electric razor
I thought it was because they were criminals, lol
No they don't. Coons have the least hair of all races, Asians the most.
I don’t know you’re laughing considering you get triggered over haircuts
Like you could do this with your hair, Pierre. You would look just as dumb as they do.
>It’s called a lineup
Ok, i went to youtube to see what it was all about, stumbled on this.
I get it now. BUT STILL! why is their hairline abnormally low ? know what i mean ? i see what they're doing, they're shaving some in the front, but i still think (even before the shave) their hairline looks abnormally low. Or maybe i just have a huge forehead , i don't know.
Which mutt fucked your girl stormfag?
>talcum x's real father
That is called a hair-cut in modern times you fucking mongoloid. Yeah i think it is fucking stupid too, doesn't mean you have to be a fucking mongoloid about it when your fucking picture has a spic actually doing the stupid haircut.
This Is the Whitemans internet Jamal
Go back to jerking off over blacked .com till it falls off
Youre like 5 years late
>we're at the point where brown skinned mutts are white
Hint: white means fucking white. WHITE.
because non whites get their hairline down to near their eyebrows a lot of the time and looks like nasty pube apes
t. barber
F. know this feel btw
Ask your mother.
its called edge up in north texas
They have no foreheads desu
Am I white, Sup Forums?