Why does the dwarven priness look more like the dark elf priness from kuroinu (minus the ears) than a dwarf?
Why does the dwarven priness look more like the dark elf priness from kuroinu (minus the ears) than a dwarf?
Depending on the mythology, dwarves are just a type of elf.
But the male dwarves look like short stocky dwarves.
Also why is she wearing bikini armor? She should be in full plate.
Cause brown Tomo is hot
>Also why is she wearing bikini armor? She should be in full plate.
Because this is another breastfeeding manga and a bikini is easier to take off than a breastplate
>Also why is she wearing bikini armor?
Because this is Seikon no Qwaser: Isekai edition (from the same author too)
Thanks for providing sauce. I was literally stumped as to what the hell it was (first thought was Ecstas Online).
I prefer my female dwarves to be petite.
>implying Elves have tits & ass like that
>Because this is another breastfeeding manga and a bikini is easier to take off than a breastplate
I feel like it would be hotter to take off a breastplate and see some massive titties spilling out, followed by the girl looking nervous and pulling her undershirt down and taught over that huge rack.
>Because this is another breastfeeding manga
Breastfeeding manga is a thing? There's more than ONE breastfeeding manga?
It's the same guy as Qwaser
He knows what he wants
This. So much this.
Well, there's Qwaser for one thing.
What manga is this?
Shinju no Nectar. Same author and powerup like Seikon no Qwaser
im sure the dwarves could design a boob window for it.
why dont females make manga like this
Some do.
Can't have a thinking man's fetish if you're a woman
so whats the thinking woman's fetish
>mfw auto-correct says "cuckolding"
They do. That's why shoujo manga is covered with trash like cheating and NTR.
no i mean the breast part.
They do. Mostly /ss/ stuff though.
im pretty sure pochi isnt female
Her armor must have 999 def
>technocracy vs akashic
>Dwarven males are short and stocky
>Dwaven females are tall and slender
Inverse of Granblue's Draph
because its cuter than a muscular bearded woman and japanese 2D always chooses cute over reality/faithfulness.
>train was supposedly made via welding
>rivets are clearly visible on the passenger compartment
She's a big dwarf
Quality nip dwarves are pretty cute though
It's what they want.
for you
>brown fighter tomo
I can already tell that she's best girl.
Women are perfectly capable of drawing fancervise of big-tittied girls.
The race of Draphs have tall males and stocky, short females.
Here's another example. Female manga artists aren't restricted to drawing shoujo-style manga.
I hear Fei is a woman and she draws nothing but tall women with huge breasts and hips
Read the rules and lurk more, faggot.
Don't spoonfeed, especially since the source was already given above.
>I hear Fei is a woman and she draws nothing but tall women with huge breasts and hips
You heard well.
She looks like a brown Tomo with thick eyebrows.
Is this isekai?
If so I won't even bother.
Posting here you already bothered.