> need a break from demanding sociology degree
> ride carousel of cocks
> spreading disease
> drugs and alcohol in excess
why can't we quarantine them while they are all in one place?
> need a break from demanding sociology degree
> ride carousel of cocks
> spreading disease
> drugs and alcohol in excess
why can't we quarantine them while they are all in one place?
Other urls found in this thread:
let's be real here OP, you're just mad af that you ain't getting any roastie puss
Why is that gay homeless bearded nigger wearing fanny pack I want to kill him for the fanny pack wearer must die.
Those faggot twins in the movie "Spring Breakers" were fucking pathetic
You can't type /thread on your own post.
Why so many gay "people" choose FILA? It's almost as prevalent as ADIDAS with russians.
>> drugs
You hab my attention.
is that death grips?
I don't know it annoys the FUCK out of me though!
OP is an angry virgin
Adidas, Nike and Fila are for plebs, patricians go for Puma.
These same faggots will cry about student loans, lack of good jobs for their worthless degree
This country needs a war. A real war. One that purges this scum
Is that the name of her abortionist?
It's all gay, but Puma probably the worst.
They’re riding anyone that comes near them and yet you still can’t get any. Sorry.
Just get a fleshlight and maybe you'll start paying attention to the bigger issues the world has.
>caring what sluts do
Let them die of AIDS
>why can't we quarantine them
College is the quarantine, spring break is the field trip, the problem is that you quarantined them and then let them loose.
Are you making up animals again Griffs?
They are a bad influence for other girls
/thread desu
Come on man, just go fuck some sluts and quit crying about muh degeneracy
if you hate spring break, you hate america period
I live near Gulf Shores. I hate the niggers and trash that roll into town near Spring break time. Luckily they banned alcohol on the beach for a few weeks which turns some away, still not enough though.
but they won't die or even get aids, they'll just ride hundreds of dicks before settling down with some beta loser when they're thirty
found the kikes/roasties
And then become gun control/diversity advocates or bridge builders
You fags at /r9k/ need to get off our board.
>getting high and fucking whores is a bad thing
Only Polaks wear Puma because they're always at least 20% cheaper than Adidas.
well isn't that better than the old days where the betas were just killed in jewish/german wars?
sadly, i agree.
yes please
Sorry, Evola, but Women have always been whores, and if you don't 'shag' 'em, someone else will... probably a nigger.
>/thread-ing your own post
I don't give a fuck how right you think you are, that's just in poor taste
>tfw I'm Polack diaspora
lel. I just like Puma because Adidas and Nike have been coopted by shitskins and russians. Puma makes good stuff too.
How do you calm a woman down without striking them besides a good hard dicking? I think food is the only 3rd option and we know what that does to them.....
I want to punt them like a football.
I hope someone drives a truck of peace through a pack of degenerates.
dont mind me im jsut here for the tit pics of this obvious slide thread
>just quarantine
You are too kind.
Found the virgin.
LITERALLY nothing wrong with this
Yes, they’re all pieces of shit but they should be easy enough to avoid.
What a sad display of fake fulfillment
>you don't want people to be degenerate?
>You must be a virgin
It has to be on our soil, or only the healthy white males will go to war and die
Trump supporting white male actually. I don’t understand why Sup Forums is so afraid of pussy. Trust me man, it’s not that bad
>fuck homosexuality
>fuck roasties
>fuck niggers
>fuck drugs
>fuck alchool
>fuck degeneracy
>makes a thread about hating the major event that promotes all these things
>u just mad
>Yes Goy, Go fuck sluts I stead of trying to find a wife and start a family
fpbp. fucking virgin OP btfo
why would i care about roastie puss when i can just sleep with my gf like a normal dude
I couldn’t agree more.
not in texas, texas has a pretty good economy
They don't want you to breed, user. that's why
people like you are the reason why western society is coming to an end.
What about....fucking sluts to see which one is worth starting a family with? (slut being a term of endearment for females in this social setting)
What a shitty slide thread. Saged.
>/threading his own post
Go the fuck back to r*ddit faggot
There's a good documentary on spring break degeneracy but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called.
I never once had this experience. I wonder why normies have to have it. Why they feel compelled to party all at the same time/same place/same way. It's just a big sexual selection, akin to fish spawning rituals, but they don't want to call it that.
Why the fuck to colleges needs breaks around that time? The education system itself just further props up the sexual selection system too by condoning this.
When it was made? There were a bunch in the 90s/00s and some fuck all it effect that had. Tell young girls they're going to be drug and raped in a foreign land and they sign up with glee and anticipation.
Because virginity, modesty, and self-restraint should be prized, so you are not only ruining another man's future wife, but you are encouraging the ruination of women as a whole.
Could it be this one?
An old wise man once said: if you hook up a girl in a pub expect a pub girl
> ruination of society
Because the people who go want to feel connected all the time and live off that social 'high'
Shut the fuck up fag
Are you implying that isn't a word? Because it is lol
Central Florida fag here, where can I get my fair share of degenerate sluts this spring break?
Hello armed forces memetic warfare division. Honestly I'm with you. Sign me up.
>roastie puss
seems pretty fun desu desu
>waaaahhhh look at these rich greedy westerners oppressing the locals with jobs and an economy outside of drug smuggling for the cartels
yeah if I was in abject poverty due to the pervasive corruption of my governement by drug cartels I would hate it if a thriving tourist industry popped up giving me a way out of the endless cycle of blood shed and drug use
They look like they bounce. I want to bounce them. Squishy midgets.
OP is jelly cause he cant get pussy
Aaaand now I'm horny
Spring breaaaaaak
i would shamelessly take one home and bury my face in that ass.
Anything in the extreme is clearly dangerous and destructive, so what about pre-marital sex with in long term relationships while looking for the one that works out in the end that leads to marriage and children? That's kind of what I did, 3rd time was the charm, four other times didn't even become "relationships" but that happens sometimes.
True but we need a little bit of mutual empathy between the genders, we have a lost generation that is just doing the best it can with the information it has.
If that information is "I'm lonely so I want to go meet someone, everyone seems to go to pubs and clubs to do that so why don't I" then can we really hold it against people so much?
Not many people even think about all those qwerky alternatives like joining a community sports club or church or classes or whatever.
Hell we can't even go into blockbuster to meet our soulmates anymore.
>italy giving love advice
I’ve seen them in person they’re literally like 5’3 and 105lbs soaking wet
>four other times didn't even become "relationships" but that happens sometimes.
Even if you don't have the self-control to wait until marriage, you should still have the self-control to at least be in a loving relationship beforehand. It doesn't just "happen sometimes." You made the conscious choice to have sex with someone who you did not love. I can empathize with those who had sex with a loving partner before marriage, but I can't get on board with sex with strangers you aren't in a relationship with. That's pure degeneracy that can't be written off as just the product a being a member of a lost generation.
Germanic peoples are barbarians. They fuck people who are alike.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
>That house layout.
Holy shit. I may have cleaned this house before :I
While I get the point, there's a certain point where things need to play out for the human connection to happen or at least attempt to happen.
It can start off as a bit of a spark which turns to lust and the sex can fire the chemistry (or not). There's only so many ways you can escalate a relationship or friendship, buying flowers and reciting poetry doesn't work to get the chemicals going.
You've heard of love at first sight, but love can also develop from intimacy. Friendship + sex can really bring two people close together. I don't expect everyone to understand but if I just sat in the courting phase all the time without escalating it, I would be just like the rest of the schmucks passed up for more masculine guys. They like guys that take what they want, that also lets them know that its safe to be feminine around you and let that intimacy grow.
Whatever you do, don't look them up without makeup... Fucking makeup is truly the greatest lie of all time.
/thread on your own post should be punishable by ban
I'm aware. But I also acknowledge that virgins are rare and not everyone can get one. My gf was a virgin when we met, but she's clearly not the norm and most aren't as lucky as I am. Society is really fucked, so I understand a little bit of leniency for past mistakes, assuming they are somewhat small. As long as she actually acknowledges her mistakes. That in and of itself is rare. There's a difference between a girl who had sex with her HS bf because she was 16 and thought they'd get married one day vs some bar slut with 3 black babies.