show some fucking civil disobedience for once, are you just going to get raped until they kill you?
What the fuck is your problem?
You can fight back with fucking LEAFLETS. Your country has gotten so fragile some words on paper can set the realm ablaze. Get inspired. Make people mad. Wake them up. The police are more interested in finding people who wrote hateful tweets and bike wheels than finding the people who raped children. It's disgusting.
Are you men or will you let your country die? Have you no shame? Have you no bravery? Are you willing to huddle in your homes while they strip your land from you and give it to the Saudis and the chinese? Post a fucking piece of paper. Make them fucking mad. Make people angry.
take off the meme flag bong, we know that you are butthurt
Landon Martinez
>show some fucking civil disobedience for once Oh yeah? Next weekend the people's champion, Tommy Robinson™, is going to Speakers corner to say, nay, DEMAND, that they have a right to discuss the fact that over a hundred thousand white girls have been raped, fucked (willingly sometimes), abused, and drugged at the hands of muslims. Even though his sister is a muslim convert with shitskin children, and his wife cheated on him with a muslim, he's going to tough it out and say what everyone's thinking. "Terrorists are bad #NotAllTho". And none of you unpatriotic faggots show up trying to talk about "replacement" or mention pic related. There's no place in McEngland™ for you.
Start "neighbourhood / community watch" schemes with locals. Network with other like-minded men who don't trust the police to protect communities. Forge a strong bond with these men. Network outwards to other grassroots community watch programs. Spreading the word beforehand to start new branches elsewhere first of course.
This will instill a sense of brotherhood within the most proud and respectable members of society who will ultimately be supported by the rest of their communities for sacrificing their time, energy, and safety for the sake of the community.
Take it seriously, get to the gym, work out from home, get fit, take up MMA. Learn squad tactics. Train yourselves similarly to how the police train themselves.
Then you have the beginnings of a standing army, and we go from there.
Anthony Lopez
not that it makes much difference but he's not a policeman
Leo Jackson
Brits know that their kids are migrant fucktoys. And they are fine with it. Their choice. Not our problem.
Gabriel Lee
>wearing police uniform and vest that says police What is he then?
Ethan Perez
Merely a dusky prankster
Adrian Collins
Tommy is not a jew
Grayson Edwards
If you Brits aren't going to handle this mess appropriately, you need to stop having children. That'll force the migrants to start grooming you instead. Don't worry, you'll consent to it.
Hudson Reyes
I doubt that. Is police impersonation not a serious criminal offence there?
Adrian Turner
we have community officers who aren't really policemen. they dont have near as many legal powers as an actual police man
Josiah Reyes
It is but he's a golliwog so he's going to do that isn't he. It's not a proper uniform and he hams up the radio shenanigans.
It might as well be real though so what the fuck
Jeremiah King
Oh my god shut the fuck up, you mutts have guns and you do nothing about the niggers and spics (or chinks and pajeets for the leaf) breeding your women, at least here there have been revenge truck of peace attacks, your country is far more infested with out and out communists than the U.K. And you have the gall to claim we're the cucked ones? Go out and do something yourselves, you're armed but you incels are worse off than us, you elected Trump now carry the momentum forward instead of festering in your "hurr durr we already won" attitude
they're whole land is face in the pillow ass on display proper fucked and pilfered. let them enjoy it a little longer until it starts to feel uncomfortable but also good in a naughty british way.
only once they admit their taking pleasure in such a disgraceful act can they take steps to repent and purge their land of the curse they let in.
until then press S to spit in their face. it's the new 'in' thing with UK youth today. most do it with open welcoming mouths and don't let a drop to waste.
I wish more people thought like this, because that's exactly what we must all do
Jaxon Martinez
Nothing we can do no more! We had our empire in the sun, now the sun has set on it and now Britain, I'll covert to Islam when the time is right! At least I get to throw degenerates off roofs, I'll have that going for me..
Julian Brooks
The people getting raped are Labour supporters or their children. If there is one thing a right minded brit hates it's Labour supporters. What the fuck are leaflets supposed to do? Warn people about things they already know about? Brits wont care about the people living next door nevermind some Labour supporters raping other Labour supporters in some god forsaken part of the country.
Henry Allen
>> Comments about Americans still having guns. >> Says the US is cucked more than Britain. >> Thinks the US is closer to communism than the UK. >> Feels better about himself now.
You waived your right to have an opinion with your hate speech laws. We're concerned for you Brits. Honestly, Americans would fight with you if that was what you wanted.
Our government will be held accountable in this lifetime. Will yours?
Caleb Rivera
Even if you don't fuck anything up, the media will still paint any group like this as radical right wing neo-nazis. They'll just pin all the rapes on groups like this and that'll be problem solved for them.
Dylan Torres
>Have guns. >Obama ruled for 8 years. Yeah right. Nobody believes you.
>speak out >get arrested >your face is plastered all over TV >the rapists know your name and face, and probably already have the police on their side >family now looks like property in the light of these disgusting pigs yeah nah, fuck tht mate
Austin Lewis
>> We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.
Obama didn't rule shit because he was afraid of American gun owners. He's gone, and yet we're still armed. Americans would have already taken up arms long before reaching the current level of despotism in the UK.
I'm serious. If Brits started a revolution, Americans would fight with them.
Nolan Myers
No you wouldn't. You'd just fund the Irish like usual. You fuckers only know how to fund terrorist organizations.
>pussy >literally nothing we can do individually Country-wide riots is all we could do, and things aren't that far-gone that the entire country is up in arms
Daniel James
I'm not talking about funding, I'm talking about fighting. Yes we would.
Levi Cox
Brits are not merely cucks, they share nothing with their compatriots because muh class and in fact, they detest them and think the chavs have it coming (and they'll be spared). See Forget about Britain, it's been played against itself and it's lost. All they have is class resentment and self-delusion. Nothing to gain there.
Asher Wright
Labour supporters are the cancer of our country. Who cares if a few million die nevermind a few hundred rapes?
Andrew Stewart
"We will punish those who insult Islam!"
Who said it? Jihadists or your politicians?
Luke King
>be british >watch Hollywood movies my whole life >americans are so cool and multiculturalism is awesome
>Are you men or will you let your country die? Have you no shame? Have you no bravery? Are you willing to huddle in your homes while they strip your land from you and give it to the Saudis and the chinese? Post a fucking piece of paper. Make them fucking mad. Make people angry. especially this. Fucking do something.
I come from Northern Ireland, we invented civil disobedience, just waiting on our cousins across the sea to catch up. You need only look to Ulster to see what Brits will do when pushed.
Why haven't you started an armed uprising against your government yet then? You are pretty pathetic. All talk, no action Mutt. You have guns so you got less excuse than them
Look, Britain has had no known instances in history of a people uprising against anything, so it will never happen. Most Brits are docile little Englanders, who are easily distracted by shiny things on the telly, and shit scared to speak out of turn. The only people who can act and defend Britain are in lower class chavy areas, so the higher classes in the media and politics point out to these areas as an example of how not to behave. Everyone is heavily indoctrinated here, you'd be doing a favour to the world if you cordon off the whole island and then nuke it and forgot about it
You won't do anything until its too late to change anything. It's fucking maddening and they are attempting it here: Extreme migration in the name of diversity, attempts at banning free speech, the demonization of the white males (current power structure), establishing a police state.
They know we have guns and a constitution so they are boiling us slower.
Jack Gutierrez
>He wants a Labour republic. Get fucked Commie.
Ayden Cooper
>Why haven't you started an armed uprising Because we won in 2016 and set off a global uprising as a result. See, Italy, Germany, Austria, etc. Pay attention, kike.
Who cares about Britain? Haven't given a shit about them since July 4th, 1776.
Alexander Morris
>it wasn't brexit that help send a signals to you sharters
Notice how you never mention Britain because we came before you in this.
>a victory I never partook in and even though my country is in even worse condition I still choose not to fight but still boast about a battle i never fought in
Jaxson Foster
people are pussies these days, Peasants of the past knew the only way shit got done was putting your life on the line, riot get you respected, not fucking complaining, like woman.
Joseph Sanchez
When a light goes out, it gets darker. You fuckin shill
Nathaniel Long
You watch those nature documentaries on the cable? You see the one about lions? Look at this lion. He’s the king of the jungle, huge mane out to here. He’s laying down under a tree, in the middle of Africa. He’s so big, he’s so hot. He doesn’t want to move.
Now the little lion cubs, they start messing with him. Biting his tail, biting his ears. He doesn’t do anything. The lioness, she starts messing with him. Coming over, making trouble. Still, nothing. Now the other animals, they notice this. And they start to move in. The jackals; hyenas.
They’re barking at him, laughing at him. They nip his toes, and eat the food that’s in his domain. They do this, and they get closer and closer, and bolder and bolder. Until one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody. He runs like the wind, eats everything in his path. Because every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals, who he is.
The picture of himself on his own shirt holding two other girls asses really genuinely made me laugh. I have no quarrels with this man simply because of his shirt
Brody Allen
>Notice how you never mention Britain because we came before you in this. No. England's Tories and Royals hate America. We are the generation of populism. Things are moving fast.
It seems like it's already too late for them. Any resistance is immediately classified as a hate crime. Every post a bong has made in this thread would be enough to arrest them if they posted a similar thing on social media.
Justin Powell
You haven't started shit actually. Populistic movements had successes in Europe way before your 2016 election:
>Golden Dawn in Greece >Brexit in GB >Sweden Democrats in Sweden >True Finns in Finland >Orban being Orban >Freedom Party in Netherlands >Front National in France
At most you could have inspired what happened in Austria, at most.
Meanwhile your women are race mixing and no wall is built yet. You are massive cucks
Somebody should photoshop this to have the cops be muslim, and the latex suits should have the British flag on them. Please, I promise whichever one of you photoshop wizards does it, you will be creating the funniest fucking meme of 2018
John Baker
Some cunt is still sore.
Camden Murphy
>Americans are massive cucks
Okey dokey let's see what's behind that meme flag
Levi Roberts
Tbh i'm too busy saving the white race impregnating as much anglo pussy as possible than concentrating on the spawn of degenerates in urban shitholes. 3 so far.
Also I am actually an American for the record, but I admit that America is cucked beyond belief. We are virtually the slaves of the Jews and my compatriots are clinical retards. It sucks to be an Amerimutt
No, the British didn't do anything. American populism has a long wonderful tradition. From here Europe has built it's needed momentum in a dozen different parties. England is a roadblock to all of this. Something we are now seeing being dismantled with rather impressive speed.