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every campaign does this
that's why all the sudden victims of sexual abuse come to the limelight during elections
He said it's over goy, stop it already. Trump is finished
More like
>trumps consultants filmed playing along with a seemingly powerful prospect who suddenly starts making insane requests of them
"Always accuse your opponent of what you are guilty of."
How many Dems are fucked too? Don't they have dozens of clients? I say lets clear the air.
Well guys, it was fun. But it's Her turn now. Blimpf is done.
So that's how Trump took down Hillary and, more importantly, JEB! JEB SURGE WHEN!?
Hillary and the media just made up stories. Didn't even bother to use prositutes.
Surely this will be the end of Trump
Glormpf's HP is inverted, so he only gets stronger when you hit him. The best thing for enemies to do is ignore him...
...but even then, it's only a matter of time before he gets you. Invest in lube.
How gullible must trump voters feel? Lmao read into their tactics. You cucks got fucked played. Now you guys blindly trust Trump out of shame because you can't admit you were bought this bait hook line and sinker.
Remember when it was revealed on film that Dems bus people to different voting stations and paid people to instigate violent protests?
No matter how hard you cry about it hillary will never be president faggot
>UK company lying its faggot asses off
>we got video evidence
>show us
im fucking sick of MI5/MI6. Where the FUCK is the CIA to counter/wreck these fucking faggots? World whines about U.S. meddling when MI6 is responsible for more shit than the CIA. I hope we fucking go to war against the UK at this point. Absolutely sick of their pederast big brother garbage
Love how you jump to hillary because you can't possibly accept the fact you were baited by a data mining company into voting for a billionaire so he could cut his own taxes massively. It would be funny if it didn't fuck the country over so much.
Obama did this with google as his lap dog
A Clinton operative, part of the swamp.
>my taxes also go down under Trump's plan
>therefore I got played
Whatever happened to the guys that was filmed saying they were busing people in and having people vote several times by some undercover guy.. what was the youtube channel again?
>you get a 2% cut
>he gets a 100% cut
>print money to pay for it = inflation
Keep convincing yourself you weren't played.
Still waiting on that impeachment......
>hurr the rich get a 100% tax cut
>personal and standard deductions together were only 10,000 dollars under the old plan
>12,000 dollars under the new personal deduction
I didn't know I made 100,000 dollars. Just admit it faggot, you don't have a job.
>project veritas reveals Democrat operatives engaging in false flags and election rigging
>yawwwwwn - leftists
>unfounded claims against trump campaign of doing mild version of same thing
For the trump family yes, look at the inheritance tax.
Dude I just had to prepay $15k this quarter alone to the IRS, but what you get is far less than the inflation that will come from printing $10T+ to pay out people like Trump.
Cambridge Analytica legit feels like
Spectre from 007. Shady as fuck.
Does any other anons seem to remember that Cambridge Analytica was working for the Clinton Foundation in 2015-2016? I sure as fuck don't remember this group being affiliated with Trump or even the GOP back then. There's some serious Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, bullshit afoot, lads.
Channel 4? The same channel 4 with fearless journalist Cathy Newman?
Hillary Clinton had Seth Rich killed.
Yawn Sage.
Not how it works faggot.
I didn't know a data mining company was responsible for making Hillary an unlikable cunt whom I've disliked for 25 years and who literally joked and laughed about Qadahfi being dragged into the street and beat to death by an angry mob.
t. Cruz Missile btw
lol, then we get Pence. hooray, go liberals!