Is it true, Sup Forums?

Is it true, Sup Forums?

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It takes a beta provider that can't find someone who isn't devoting half their resources already to a child and is likely desperate to include a second parent to contribute resources.

Only not cucked if it's a step daughter and even then only if she's pretty, watching a cute toddler become a hot adult can be rewarding.

If they're white...

Improving the future of a white kid and breeding more siblings for him, especially if you don't have better options around.... Seems fairly noble.

You might save the kid from becoming a degenerate.

Is that you, Sargon?

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Having another man raise my son would tear at my soul for the rest of my existence

It takes a strong man to admit that kikes need to be gassed

No. It isnt.

Its only strong if you make two more yourself.

it takes a village to raise a child, said the pedo SAGE

It doesn't take a strong man to do that.
It takes a man who doesn't know how inclusive fitness works.

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Isn't "step up to the plate" a baseball saying?

Why eat a man's leftovers when you can make your own meal?

No, not being able to pass on your own genes and raising another man's kids instead is the epitome of weakness and cuckoldry.

This is also true though.

No, its just roasties shifting the blame of their sexual promiscuity onto the men that dont want to deal with that shit

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Mixed metaphors. Fuck these tradcucks.

That's the joke.

yes it is

t. ira rosentein

If a man would willingly raise another man's child, can we still truly call him a man?

>t. cuck

I always thought 'stepping up to the plate' referred to baseball. Not leftovers.

Sure, senpai.

Better you than me.

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>Pedo detected

I do not eat from another man's trencher.


No. I did it, and I'm not a strong man. You do have to be a loving man, though, and you do have to make up your mind that you're going to be the father, not just the mother's husband/boyfriend/whatever.

And that takes commitment, and a commitment to something you did not initiate.

If my lifelong friend or brother died tragically out of the blue, and I was asked to raise his kids, then sure. Least I could do to honour their memory. But if some reckless thot hits the wall, she's on her own with the litter of multi-coloured welfare earners m8.

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No. It's just another form of cuckoldry. Single mothers get the rope too.

Cuckoldry is as "strong" as "fast" your car is because it falls down a cliff.

You'd be some type of idiot to waste love, energy and money on this knowing its not yours.

It takes a special type of deranged moron to find pride in shacking up with a used-up roastie and raise some deadbeat retard's spawn.

Only worth it if you or your biological son get to fuck and breed her.

I'm a huge fan of adoption. Lots of white adopted kids in my immediate surroundings and all the families have biological kids too. I like it. Much better than abortions, not having kids, or marrying a former whore with random kids.

You're hanging the man that took a single mother out of society.

>step up to the plate
A baseball metaphor
>another man left on the table
Oh you mean plate like a dinner plate?

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We don't practice cannibalism in the West

And almost everywhere a stronger demand than supply.

You don't marry her till she proves to be worth . If you rush marrying a whore she will try take advantace of divorces. Be smart and don't do their liking. Expect loyalty from her without marrying her first.And you need to express this, telling the whore you don't put up with whores to waste your time , if she complains you don't even bother, show her she has no value from the start if she's not willing to work it. And don't excuse her for fuck ups.They want to be treated special, then treat them special by not excusing her fuck ups.

Also, aryan kid appreciation itt. They are weird little fuckers.

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She's smiling and nodding with her mouth. Do you mean with a smiling palate?

Or sodomize girls with eels.

Only a pedophile would get with a single mother. I know, I'm a pedophile and my wife was a single mother when I met her. She was just around 30 months when I met the old hag, bitch was always up to give me plenty of alone time with her, dumb cunt. She's almost 14 nor and such a good fuck, getting a bit old though.

>Knowing how insane women are in general, you are gonna chance it with someone who is so unhinged that someone who literally has created human life with them could not stand to remain in a relationship at least until the kids are in college
This is X10 if they are hot

Yes goy, it is defintely true!

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Neck yourself.

When you look at your child, you see yourself.
When you look at your stepchild, you see a man that fucked your wife.
Not everyone enjoys this type of reminders.

>I know i am a pedo
Notify your local School and then the authorities and hang yourself.

Larping feminist roastie is larping for screenshots.

Reported to the FBI

It takes a strong woman to keep her legs closed until she's married

what's wrong with you

>Only not cucked if it's a step daughter and even then only if she's pretty, watching a cute toddler become a hot adult can be rewarding.


Top b8 m8

Who cares anymore, this would not even be a 'political' issue if the family 'Law' Courts weren't so corrupt. I mean give me a break.

CIA glow in the dark niggers shall get you.

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Kinda hot but still a pedo bruh.

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My wife's son. Great intro at family social events

It's like incest but without the incest

The reward is her toddler vagina. By supporting a single mother you are paying her to let you have her sex with her daughter. And if you aren't fucking her daughter why are you with a single mother?

>dirty feet in a stock photo

Nothing , I've got a sweet well-trained little fucktoy. We plan to leave her mother soon, we'll start out own family.

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If the bio dad has died, then it is a noble and just act to do so.
If not, then you are just a cuck doing another mans job

>T. White trash women who fucked a lot of niggers and want a white man to provide for their half-breeds

yes. also who /singlemotherfacebook/ here?

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If it's a niglett it takes a cuck!
So you'll need to visit commiefornia or a communist rally.

"Stepping up to the plate" is a baseball metaphor. I doubt anyone left home-plate on a table. Typical "progressive" "intelligence".

It does, except in this instance, you're stepping up to a plate on a table to finish what was, at the beginning, his fresh meal after he is finished with it.

You realize men who date single mothers don't have to pay for the child right? I don't know where you all get this idea that the women expects some kind of child support from the guy who is fucking her. Maybe some do, and you'll figure that out really quickly, but not all.

A single dad doesn't expect the women he's dating to care for his kid. None of my dads girlfriends financially supported me. Picking me up to school every once in a while isn't that big of a deal. If I dated a single mother I would not financially support her child at all, but I wouldn't mind picking them up from school or something if she couldn't.

You guys need to get outside more or meet more women

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This. No one wins but the woman and the kid.

It's true that the metaphor makes no sense

If its the same race then there's NOTHING wrong with raising another mans baby

How does it feel to be retarded?

I read it as it takes a
man and it made sense.

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"It takes a strong woman to not be an idiot and get knocked up by some dude she doesn't know well and she's pretty sure won't stick around"

How about that? I'm sick of the bastard crisis being put on men when women are the gatekeepers.

Women with kids are ruined. End of story. I won't pay for her mistakes and yes there are always costs when they have kids.

In many US states and Canada, if it can be proven you took a "fatherly role" with her child, (including something as innocuous as picking them up from school, like a parent would do) you can be forced into the hook by the courts. Also, you can be roped into 'Common Law Marriage', and all of this can happen without your explicit consent, only by actions perceived by a court as 'taking on a role'.

>maybe if I make this meme, more will be open to taking care of Tyrone’s niglet
>maybe even chad will let me leech on!
This is really how roasties think

Nah. I'm not going to write someone off completely just because they were manipulated into a mistake when they were young.

But, I will absolutely not pay for that kid in any way. I wouldn't date a single mother with a young child, though. But, with a teen there's little to no cost unless you're a cuck who willingly pays. The first time she gave me shit for not supporting in some way I'd walk.

Tagged your IP and passed to my superiors.

You have 3 days to turn yourself. I’ll even keep it out of the papers for you. After 3 days your closest family will be getting a copy handed to them personally.


Why would I date a woman without the intent of pursuing a longterm relationship, and ultimately a family? Why waste everyone's time?

Be sure to tell them it was a joke

What is Sup Forumss opinion on women who raise another man's kids? Is it cucked or noble?

The analogy "step up to the plate" refers to a batter stepping up to home plate to hit in baseball

Yeah, I don't eat leftovers, sorry.

You don't go to a restaurant and eat off a leftover plate. Why should you do the same?

>Wife husbandry
>Cucking your "wife" for her daughter you raised
Nice. Legal in Canada, not in the states, not sure about Ausland.

Check em

to raise a vets child maybe. but someone who left or where your spouse cheated. Not hardly.
Only real situation is where guy fires blanks and has no choice.

sorry I don't raise coalburners kids

Noble. But the man should give her biological children too.

It takes a desperate, starving man to eat someone else's leftovers

>step up to that used pussy and felch another man's load out of it
no thanks

What about people with medical conditions who can not reproduce. Is it at least worth it to raise a child with your morals and teachings?

only if she's a widow. divorcees are subhuman.

>glow in the darkies are against america
>but in their meantime they are le based personal army that goes after pedophiles
gtfo this board you normie cuck

It's true. Having said that, you should ONLY pursue this if the woman is ABSOLUTE waifu material.


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It does take a strong man to fix the mess left my a single mother, but unfortunately, strong men have way more options. So these women don't actually get a strong man, they get desperate losers or weirdos who are way too into their kids. The child deserves better, but they'll never get it. No one wins when it comes to single mothers.

Why would you date a woman who isn't a virgin?

Oh my one weakness, motivational posters. looking after some nigger's half-caste sperg demon-spawn.