What are jews?

Which of the following are they? This always confused me.
>Templar babies
>Serpent seed
>ugly cucked whites
>mix of all of the above
>something else

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Khazarians, but before the khazarians they were something else. They steal identities.


Jews are not wh*Te.

Which is make them automatically Based and superior to wh*Tes in every way.

Theres many types of jews.
Khazars wich are the ones that spread the most trough europe. Mezrazi wich i think are meditiranian jews and arabian jews wich are sephirazi. Might be wrong. I do know jews fight internally over their racialyl affairs and that America is under control of Khazars.

gypsy is a nice term for them. they roam the lands gypping the natives until they are either expelled or gain control of the banks/govs.

history has been perverted to the extent that attempting to classify them inside of it will never reveal the truth. locations have been transposed, peoples slaughtered, and invaluable artifacts have been destroyed or sequestered.

one can recognize them by their works.

Shouldnt you be busy "liberating" towns from kurdshits?

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From the tribe of Judah?

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Good read didn't use to think evil jews was satire for the most part but that's some heavy shit

Yup, the evil is beyond comprehension. Check out this cartoon depicting Rothschild from the late 1800s they are wearing a crown of Moloch.

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Spooky i wish there was some vids of some rituals and sacrifices being performed

There are. How do you think that people stay silent/are blackmailed. I'm sure some pizzagate related videos will be coming out soon that will horrify everyone.

Deuteronomy 23:19-20
They're (((Aryan Hebrews)))

They're a semitic tribe from the Levant.

Does Moloch only accept child sacrifices

>Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice.

You must remember though, that Moloch and Baal are titles, not names. They are both titles of YHWH. The Jewish god.

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the shit they do would make a hardened Sup Forumstard puke. they rape infants to death and then eat them. some of that shit did get posted on Sup Forums back in the day... and it wasn't long after that poolberg got shanghai'd and FBI/CIA took over the servers.

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started off as cannibalistic healers/medicine men probably in the indo-china region. They couldn't defend themselves so created myths and legends to control the tribe and keep themselves protected with it. Snake on a staff was their original symbol and is part of every belief system they fostered as a reminder.
Tribe of Snakes, is the name I've gathered to be the root that took hold in Egypt before the Hyksos dynasty, probably around the same time the Judaic calendar starts (5778yrs ago), because the concept of usury was introduced and the Egyptians appropriately named it "snake bite".
Fast forward to the Hyksos (translates to rulers of a foreign land) dynasty and they've pissed off a lot of people with the polytheism and the blood sacrifice rituals that the priesthood was chased out of Egypt with their army. This would be later retold as Moses and the poor jew slaves, all bullshit. They were the Pharisees and the Canaanites as the Old Testament labels them and they possessed the Masonic sacred knowledge from the Egyptians. The Canaanites would be the Khazar as they were the lands of the Weshesh, Shekelesh, Danye, Tjekker and Peleset lands, basically mixed mutts they'd collect along the way and made an army out of them, they were also known as "mw" by the indigenous population and Sea Peoples by Ramses III because of they were a sea borne culture. But the funny part is in the Torah the name Tribe of DN appears because they were told to leave their mark just like the shaman with the snake on a stick, so off they went into Europe and every conquered land they'd leave their name (SweDEN, DENmark, etc...)
The Babylon collapse story was a foundation myth used to subjugate the Sumerians because of their warlike nature and gave birth to Judaism, the God's Chosen People, which would then change any Sumerian into a Jew by conversion and they get protected status, much like a mafia. Actually, they are the mafia too but that's a tangent.

The historical Israelites were Eastern European Hyksos. But really, the true Twelve Tribes of Israel are the twelve archetypes within our souls. They are the 12 zodiacs, 12 apostles, 12 glands. We, the terrestrial humanity, are the Israelites in bondage in Egypt, which is the allegorical representation of Malkuth, the physical plane. We must liberate ourselves by crossing the "Red Sea" in order to once again return to Eden.

Khazarians are the descendants of Neanderthals that mixed and blended, and hid within other tribes like the Canaanites, Pharisees, Wahhabis, etc. They became the ruling class of europe, the middle east, and later America. As neanderthals during Atlantis they were cannibals, and were taught black magic in their work with demons.

The situation we have today is really just the karmic recurrence of the Atlantean root race. And our root race will end the same way.

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nope. i mean maybe some, but that's not the group you mean to be pointing at.

we don't have a proper name for the elongated skull race, but it's them.

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>>Templar babies
Yes. Sephardic
No, but during the Babylonian captivity, foreskin removal became a mark to identify the jews as slaves/lower class and their religion was converted into a Babylonian hybrid religion which was oral tradition into the Talmud and Zohar
Yes, these were Caananites.
>>Serpent seed
Yeah these were Canaanites. Literally the bloodline descended from Cain.
>>ugly cucked whites
Inbred Ashkenazi
>>mix of all of the above
Most are jews of some type

Mostly Khazars who fled to Europe and mixed with Europeans

It's worse than you think, they are Italians!

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Croatians and hungarians are the same?
You mean i can get a hottie from there?!?? OMGOMOGMGOGMOGMGOG

The jews are a group of 12 different tribes ... different types of people . 2/12 of these tribes are good and these Jews are true Jews in the sense they love YHWH and are GOOD people .
The other 10 tribes worship Molech, sacrifice children, eat foreskin soup, hate YHWH , hate family, hate GOYS, HATE EVERYONE , are sneaky and conniving merchants who will stop at nothing to achieve their goal... manifesting their Messiah which is SATAN into this plane

The elite worship OFFworld technology from the FallenOne and Google is the High temple.... overthrow the False God's

Anti technocrat Music video

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Europeans tend to be quite close genetically (much to the chagrin of everyone) to their geographic neighbors. An Austrian cluster would be there too between Hungarians and Germans.

We only think that the ruling class elite Khazars became jews. The later Cossacks claimed to be Khazars and Kiev wasn’t part of Khazaria yet it was very very jewish
This is just the name given to Bronze Age Phoenicians. It’s possibly they were a subset of them
>Templar babies
Judaism officially admits that it’s Phariseeism. Only Protestant Christians seem to be the ones who forgot this. The Talmud is the Pharisee “oral torah” written down even
Maybe some of them
Highly doubtful. Hyksos also has Indo-European names and Manetho calls them Phoenicians
Their “soul” perhaps
>Serpent seed
Isn’t this the same thing?
>ugly cucked whites
Some of them probably are
>mix of all of the above
>something else