Dragon Ball Super

If Goku alone is stronger than Kafla than how strong is Vegetto actually? Is he really stronger than Beerus? Could he beat Whis?

Probably so strong at this point his potara wouldn't even last a few seconds.

does it really even matter? No one will ever beat jiren

just give us the fucking blanco already so we can bury this series




excuse me but please only use anime and manga images thank you

Post best girls.

Defend this toeidogs.

Did she friendzone Goku in this episode?
>Don't fall for me!

Vegito should be infinitely stronger than whatever Goku can accomplish by himself.

And we all know Goku should be at least on par with Beerus by the end of Super, right?

Also, Ultra Instinct feels like it'll be Goku's power ceiling or at least close to it, I don't see him getting further beyond it, not by much.

So, if you take this Uber strong Goku capable of matching Jiren (said to be pretty much your average God of Destruction) and you fuse it with Vegeta...

Vegito should be by all means capable of stomping Beerus. Goku alone will one day rival Beerus, so the fusions must completely destroy that purple cat.

Of course the "power=time" thing is a bullshit and realistically the fusion wouldn't even work at that level, but lets assume they have a better Ki control and it lasts at least a minute. That's enough to One-punch anything under Angel-tier.


ultra instinct kao ken x20

Reminder that Shin is the leader and the protector of universe 7. He deserves respect!

There's this too. Vegito never goes all out, but he can use all of their techniques.

Against Buuhan he could have gone SSJ3 and evaporize him with a blink, and considering the damage Goku did with a few kicks, he'll destroy even Zamasu's spirit with a KKx10 kick

She just knows her existence is temporary.

>*teleports behind you*


Why does it look like his legs are growing from where his dick is supposed to be.

>dickgirl confirmed

They dropped the ball not having a Shin vs Zamasu fight, they are the same dude colorswapped.

Or at least they were, before Super transformed him into a midget for comedic relief.

Vegetto would beat up bills but turn back before he could finish him off.

*teleports behind you*
>H-he's fast!

>not expecting a NANI?! moment at this stage in your fighting career.
What did TOEI mean by this?

So long gay bowser

Zamasu was way more powerful than Shin. He was a prodigy among the Kais.

Eliminated soon to make room for Jiren again.

>kefla fags this triggered



it's cool

>Jiren doesn't wake up when kefla goes apeshit
>Jiren wakes up when Goku goes UI

Holy shit lmao

I swear I fucking hate this piece of shit.
Cuz yeah Goku in 10 kaioken mode COULDN'T PREDICT stupid cliched *****TELEPORTS BEHIND YOUR BACK***** idiocy!
Finally this cunt will gonna die in next ep.

I'd doot her.

Are we going to be triggered if she manages to land a few shots on UI Goku?

/r/ edits with U.I.

Toei has really gave up the martial arts aspect of the series didn't they
>Just a barrage of ki blasts
>Ki blasts
>Teleprts behind you and kicks

Ultra Instinct, the most hetero form in DB. Destroyer of lesbians and yurifags.

Yeah, that looked really dumb and like an asspull
nu-toei sucks

I mean, Goku is like what, bare minimum 20 times stronger than he was in BoG with Blue Kaioken x20, and I don't think beerus was that worried with Blue Kaioken times 10, he only reached GoD level with UI, which is way stronger than Blue x20.

So that phrase with "even Vegito wouldn't do jackshit!" also kinda translates to beerus since regular SSG wouldn't really do jack-shit. atleast in retrospect.

Are you actually surprised that UI Goku is stronger than Kefla?

It seems UI for now is something that happens with no control, interesting
Wonder what triggers it

absolutely based

Martial arts already stopped being relevant in DBZ 20 years ago.


When will mods start banning redditors?

Kefla looking good next episode.

kefla is trash. Even her name, no.. her whole character is spic fanfic tier garbo from some shitty brazilian devian art page

I mean, she didn't "beat" kaioken blue, she knocked him into ultra instinct.

I agree its just really funny that kefla fags are this delusional

>Jiren will realize the threat and goes after Ultra aUtist Goku or UI Goku will go after Jiren after going into UI
>postponing Kefla elimination
>Kefla and UI Goku team up against Jiren

Goku and the others have been talking about how Goku always achieves new heights when he's forced to, not when he wants to.

I swear some of you just look for a dumb reason to get pissed off every week

I can understand that he never completed his training and as a result, he's isn't very good at his job, but damn, there was no need to turn Shin into a complete fuccboi.

i can fap to this, thanks

>Kefla is trash
What do people want?
If Kefla loses, they say she sucks.
If she wins, she's a mary sue.

She is so fucking cringe and has nothing beyond this is awesome. A literal brat

What do you think will be Gohans peak performance in this arc?

>things that won't happen
if anything it'll be goku and vegeta use potara cause jiren is still too strong

I've seen theory that it might be something related to saiyan blood. That's why Whis didn't react so enthusiastically when Goku transformed for the second time - beacuse it's not the same Ultra Instinct that he knows.

>28 civilizations in the universe
>doesn't even find one semi strong guy in the entire universe.
Shin was a mistake

>has nothing beyond this is awesome
What did Roberto Jose mean by this?

Possible explanation, knowing Toriyama/Toei's writing style:
>after achieving it for the first time, UI is now part of Goku's body because of the whole ''a Saiyan's body remembers everything that happens to it'' thing but it activates at random times. That is until Goku learns how to master it

Goku is losing heat again. He'll lose UI and lose to Kefla. Screencap this.


toei mastered ultra ruination of the animu, past 3 episodes were terrible and this just topped them all!

they really wants kids audience, who the hell is getting excited seeing this shit?

Why does she trigger spics and niggers so much?
We need to know so that Toei keeps doing it.

His fight against the U10 guy was his top moment. It's all downhill from here.

Considering Goku will eliminate Kafla with UI in the next ep, would you say it's becoming more and more likely that he won't actually win against Jiren? It's toei, I'm aware, but that would be going way too far with the Gokuwank, even for them.

Why can't you redditors help yourselves but stand out in every single post you type?
Even by the way you type you can tell you are not used to being here.

Goku was kicking her ass just episodes ago with his martial arts experience but Kalifula surpassed martial arts now


I literally don't understand the appeal of her other then beta numales liking her cause MUH WAIFU.

fixe it
then i may save it

Was there any credibility to the theory that he was going to be the final survivor of the Tournament?

>ultra urination

>they really wants kids audience
Oh yeah?
What tipped you off?
Toei saying multiple times that it's for kids?
The fact that it's in the time slot for kid shows?
Maybe the "Dragon Ball" in the name?

Only if you speak spanish.

making you mad because she steals the spotlight from your favorite character

What is Jiren going to do after he wakes up and Goku has no stamina again?
Just stand around and not help Dyspo and Toppo?

She is taking Gohan's spotlight.

goku! don't yell this time! SAVE THE STAMINA!!!

>waifufags are now beta numales
Your newfag is showing.

Cut him some slack. He was a new trainee when Buu fucked everything up. Despite having limited knowledge and skills, he managed to track down Babidi. That's impressive.

Vegeta episode fucking when? They better put some more fucking effort to his fight because it looks like shit every time it's on screen

Jiren will be outnumbered by Goku and Frieza
They have been talking about winning by having more warriors left lately
I thought we were past this? Toriyama has complete control over the show's story, Toei just makes his ideas better


The set up for the powerup in the recruitment episodes, the previous ED visuals and the OP lyrics.

If U3 manages to avoid losses in the next 4 episodes they will tie U7 in the first place

Consider this

both Berserker Kale and SSJ2 Caulifla were struggling against a tired SSJ2 Goku

when Kale and Caulifla fused, their power multiplied tens of times, which means when they combined they literally became more powerful as base Kefla than they ever did individually

afterwards they struggled with a tired SSJB x20 Kaioken Goku in their new Super Saiyan fused state before he powered up to Ultra Instinct, this gives the impression if Goku WAS fully fresh, he would have much less problems with Kefla in Super Saiyan, he might have even won

If we were to take the principal that Fusion in U7 is also, 'tens of times' then the Vegito in Goku Black arc would have been stronger than SSJB Goku and SSBJ Vegeta in BASE, with SSJB stacked on top of that, in fact, he was so powerful that the Potaro fusion actually ran out

What does this mean?
SSJB Vegito would not only stomp Jiren, he would also beat Beerus, but he probably wouldn't beat Whis

>they really wants kids audience
Yes, they do.
That's precisely the target audience of DBS and I have no idea what could have told you otherwise.

> no item allowed

>potara is allowed

TOEI in charge

final boss: potara jiren

They've always been beta numales, I guess you can't see that because you are one.

Want a hug?

Did you even watch the last episode

> t. underaged waifufaggot
cry more, little baby. Also
> spics and niggers
not even close

I love how, on top of that tumblrina that always says that people who hate Caulifla and Kale are misogynists, we have this retard unironically trying to act like he has a semblance of masculinity when he's discussing a kids show in an anime imageboard.

Told you Zeno would allow them.

Jiren DID flinch his eyebrow a tiny bit when kefla powered up

Well they were hinting at a new form for him. He said he way going to reach a new level but in a different way than Goku. I don't know if they still plan on doing that.

No WEAPONS allowed, I have no idea why you fags thought it meant general items as well

>reddit spacing

>has no fucking idea when to use greentexting
>no upper cases

>retard getting triggered by waifufags on fucking Sup Forums

Seriously, is there ANYONE in this thread that has been in Sup Forums for more than 2 years?