>Following the meeting, Bartholomew gave an interview in which he said that he and Francis are planning a gathering in 2025 in Nicea. The purpose of this meeting? “To celebrate together, after 17centuries, the first truly ecumenical synod.” That’s right: another historic meeting in Nicea, the place known as the birthplace of Christianity as we know it today.
>As every media outlet on the planet reminded us, the original Council of Nicea was held in 325 C.E. in modern-day Iznik, Turkey. It was attended by hundreds of Bishops and produced the Nicene Creed, the formulation of the faith that continues to be used to this day and is often regarded as the definition of Christianity. (Ever attended church and confidently proclaimed, “God from God, light from light, true God from true God…” only to drop your head and mumble through the rest? That was the Nicene Creed you were butchering.)
>So the date and location are symbolically important. Despite the slight difference in the terminology (the 2025 meeting is a synod, not a council) this is a conscious effort to evoke the idea of a unified church. They want us to think of the Council of Nicea. This is about harkening back to a simpler time, when children knew their place, handwriting mattered, and there was only one united, universal, and apostolic church. thedailybeast.com/plotting-nicea-iii-could-be-pope-franciss-masterstroke Whats gonna happen anons? Are gadoligs finally going to begome?
I hope so. Getting mighty tired of arguing and preaching into nothing. Hopefully He'll forgive me for thinking that. I'll continue the works, but, holy shit is it tedious. No wonder he appears cranky af in the Bible, if the process never really changed in two thousand years.
The Catholic Church never sold indulgences for sins, that was actually condemned it was never approved of. What did happen that was approved of was indulgences for the super wealthy who gave donations to the Church, the Church promised to those donaters that they'd be given a spiritual blessing from the Holy Ghost, not a "spiritual" blessing that results in more money, no I mean literary given blessings that would make your donation make and helpyou be a better person that it not be in vain
>You are like little arianists okay I'll admit I chuckled
James Rivera
Most Protestant "denominations" aren't inherently Protestant as they don't follow the five solaes outright. Keep that in mind.
Also megachurches are an American invention.
Chase Myers
>Protestant Prot·es·tant ˈprädəstənt/Submit noun 1. a member or follower of any of the Western Christian churches that are separate from the Roman Catholic Church and follow the principles of the Reformation, including the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Lutheran churches. adjective 1. relating to or belonging to any of the Protestant churches.
What's wrong with race-mixing? You're the sinner heretic for saying such bullshit here. Christianity is for everyone, mixed or not. Most of the early christians were mixed arabs and North Africans... Fuck off.
Moscow is full of muslims, so is Russia but these cucks take orders from Putin and say they should bring more in! Haha, after all the wars Russia fought against Islam... Fucking heretics.
Daniel Jackson
Brazil is a unique situation since the clergy was full of freemasons and they all got excommunicated your situation is not representative of the Church as it should exist