Hello Sup Forums today we will go chapter by chapter through the Quran. Please give commentary on pic related and other Quran macros that I post. The Quran is not organized chronologically but by length and the first chapters we observe aren't the first revealed to the prophet of Islam. Pic related is an effective intro.
/QG/ Quran general A second try edition
A. L . M
this is the first instance of the disconnected letters(en.wikipedia.org
The major theme in this chapter is the hypocrite. The wrought-er of ills that says he brings peace. The heathen that says he observes the 7th day. The man who boasts of loving his family and wife but abuses them behind doors.
The one who blasphemes God's name but sings of His blessing in front of the pious. These are moral abominations. With a pure ideology only a few will really follow the true message, the rest will follow men and their sin. You know who you are do not beg to God when judgement comes.
The wording of this certain passage is a continuity nod to God talking to Moses in the OT.
I had a vision where an angel told me it would be 50,000 years before we understood the Koran
God taught the first human Adam all the names(properties) of God. God told the Angels to recite them. Then he told Adam to display his greater knowledge.
God then told all the Angels to bow down to Adam. They all did but one. He was Iblis(satan). He was too proud. How could he bow down to something created by earthen clay? While he was made by the very fires of the heavens?
Adam learned to pray to God. He starts to adopt some aspects of God. He becomes compassionate and merciful.
Also we get a quick continuity nod to the OT, to remind the Arabians that this the same God their ancestors worshiped and that they strayed from God's light. God says it's not too late to follow the covenant he made with their forefather Abraham.
God tells the Arabians that now they have to follow some new rules. They must if able pay charity to those less fortunate and to pray to humble him self. God tells them to always do good, to be patient and to be forever humble. Because one day you will meet God.
Allah is a false god and Muhammad is his false prophet! Cursed be Allah! Cursed be Muhammad! Death to Islam!
Are you honestly a retard? Or are you just trolling. Google Allah.
Pick up a physical Quran and read it. If you have questions ask a local imam or go to a local masjid for answers.
Please if you're gonna reply to this thread, discuss the Quran macros one by one.
>google it
are you retarded?
I will refrain from posting any other installments for a while. This is not a posting general.
You got me there.
pick up what's left of your brain and denounce this satanic backwards thug culture
I got all the answers I needed on 9-11. I hope you're ready for the purging of Islam from the West. We have nukes and you don't.
I applaud your patience! This is not a place for daweh lol, seeing how this is a home for trolls and shitposting. Goodluck
Read the quran posts so far. State your objections.
Mmk buddy, you're the one who wants to fight. But as OP said, this isn't a general. You should try speaking to muslims IRL at a mosque or something. Echo-chambers can be toxic to the mind
you are both faggots of the highest order. traitors to your respective countries.
Are you fucking kidding me? Sup Forums is not the place for you, motherfucker.
You may be ok, but as your population in any area increases, so does suffering.
Also you don't worship the Christian God.
Goodbye, and Deus Vult.
Read! As God has commanded before you.
Muslims drink camel piss
Pissbreath pedos
Not the christian god but the God of Abraham. The christian god is paganistic in nature. Christianity merged Abrahamicism with paganism(trinity, son of god, etc).
This is not a hadith general. The majority of Hadiths are unsourced and unreliable. And contested with all sorts of muslims. The one thing that strings all Muslims together is the book. We talk about the quran here. Start here and read on. What do you think?
read >and
>What do you think?
I think Mohammed was a pedophile, and so are you, piss-breath
They have their eyes covered and their fingers in their ears. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i will not read your filthy book. everything muh ham mad ever learned came from Jews and Christians living in Arabia. an original thought has never come from his mouth. Muh ham mad was an ungrateful ass clown and killed the people who made him who he became: a uniter of pagan arabs using the moon god they worshiped the same way catholic pope appropriated european pagan symbols in catholicism (bastardized christianity).
fuck off with your trash
Is this the way how arabs really think? Can they even bind a single coherent sentence?
You will never be welcome on pol. We are one of the last bastions of western civilization.
You can play pacifist and our traitorous politicians will let you pour into our lands all day, but this is not your place.
Ad hominem
The symbol of Islam isn't the moon and crescent. Only the west uses it as a symbol. The ottoman empire was seen as the embodiment of Islam to the west.
Be civil bruv. His first wife was twice his age. his second wife was not 9 also. That came from an unsourced hadith. See pic related for some info.
>Ad hominem
lel wut? It literally reads like a "let's write a holy book one word at a time" thread. If they wrote this, couldn't they at least put some effort in it? Sand monkeys, seriously
I'm not Arab. It's really beautiful language. Out do's the bible in all ways of prose and form.
>imam comes to /pol
You're here forever, and Allah can't help you.
Now you're just trolling
You haven't read it. That's like arguing with someone that Shakespeare is good, while the arguer on the other side has never read or watched the plays. Plus Arabic grammar in the 7th century will not translate cleanly to a 21st century hotchpotch that is English.
The locus twas a early mudslimem symbol as the symbol of Satanic cults in the bible
Perhaps. Stop being so low inhib and reply according to the thread. Discuss the verses presented,
You lie like a Jew, piss-breath. Is this your Takiyyah in action?
Mohammed WAS a pedo, Aisha was 6 when he married her, you can't show me any scripture to contradict this - because none exists.
Kill yourself shitskin
Non whites are animals, you cant reason with animals, but I'm sure you're redpilling normies that stumbled across this
You do know theirs no Quran verses in that picture right? I guess this is how low IQ Sup Forums can get. Just like not all Gospels are canon not all hadith are canon. We're discussing the Quran here. Please leave if your just gonna troll.
cant argue with holes. they are empty. they allow themselves to be fucked in every hole and then give their hearts and minds over for more of the same. they are lost without cause, without hope, without shame, without fear of anything because they have nothing left to offer their moon god to penetrate. so they offer their wives and children to their deaths for credit to their account of all they offered their sick cult leader and followers.
Cathlic Church officialy taught that Baphomet was the literal image of "allah" not to mention "allah" means to ascend in hebrew
no ones trolling you faggot. they all hate your religion and you because you troll this board with your horseshit religion of peace
I never claimed it WAS the Koran you sisterfucker. Go suck Mohammed's cock in hell
>Please leave
No. YOU leave.
>Gay Flag
>Talks about "Being Holes"
I don't think anyone is more of "holes" than anal lads. Thanks for the nice kek
Baphomet was used to incriminate the knights templar. The pope said they worshiped a pagan god(Baphomet). He feared that the knights were getting too powerful and so he devised this to seize their money to pay off his debt. Baphomet is indeed a bastardization of Mahomet. The pope however knew little about Islam and assumed that it was a pagan religion that worshiped Mohamet.
If you want to talk about this make a 'Islam redpill general' or something. Just leave this thread if you won't read.
laugh it up. it's a fucking meme flag like your meme religion
Lol. Confirmed troll. Keep misspelling the anglicized name. Congrats on baiting me this far. Lol. The catholic church hypothesis lmao.
They're just baiting. No one's this dumb.
So, what was wrong with the first try?
Anyway, Islam is nothing new, the Bible warned us about it:
>Galatians 1
>8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
>9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
Read the real book, the Bible, bro. Jesus will save you too.
Sure everyone knows that, but Muhammed the titted GOAT is not ht eGod of Jacob and Issac and Abraham. And he is not the Lord.
The Lord's unspoken name means I am
But "allah" literally means "to go up"
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
It's the same verb used in This verse here. The famous lucifer verse. What a COINCIDENCE.
>DEvil worshipper
Stop worshipping a goat with tits
I'm reading the bible rn. I'm reading all the Abrahamic books.
Europeans are just as closely related. They share a common ancestor from just a measly 1000 years ago. As I was saying I say no to race mixing, but an outright ban is a bit infringing.
Reference: livescience.com
lol wrong thread,hahaha im done for the night
Allah= Monotheistic God.
Learn some classical Arabic.
I hear whatchu sayin'
But the logic is flawed
So I won't be prayin'
To your pedophile's "god"
Go up
Mods kill this thread please.
Every user knows that arabic is a drunken bastardization of Hebrew
Actual retards or Trolls. I choose Trolls.
>kill me please
No. Aramaic split up into Arabic and Hebrew.
Dude, you chose DICK. Go suck the goat-dung off Mohammed's shitty stump.
I don't know what I was thinking, this place is low IQ as hell.
Your writing style is like that of a drunken man
So is your speeched it sounds slurred compared to hebrew. Oh by the way real arabs were white men you're just a filthy mulatto beast
Where's the 'rahim'. Why is their two 'bismillah'. Learn some Arabic.
Brother use your efforts on people that have seen the sun in the past week. Daweh has always been tough anyways
I'm not Arab.
2.I'm speaking punctually because I'm talking to retards.
You're right youre an animal