How long could you live without black inventions Sup Forums?
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The most important thing you can do for the white race, and yourself, is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, to the greatest possible extent, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, everyday, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life
Longer than they could without white inventions
nice clickbait garbage
Reminder that life is only comfortable in the west because your countries were built by African people, technology and resources
>Black inventions
What black inventions? I’ve gone my entire life without owning a super soaker.
there are more available resources in africa right now than at any time in history
You're ignorant
What black inventions? I’ve gone my entire life without owning a super soaker.
About 14,000 years.
We do have a surplus of African pebbles in the west
That sucks, they were pretty great, easily the crowning achievement of black ingenuity
I don't know why they got so shitty after the 90s though
Jesus Christ why do they have to find the fattest, most obnoxious hood rats for this shit? I'd cum on the white girl's face.
Mandatory viewing for all you idiots who've only been taught white history by our biased education systems
I wouldn't be inconvenienced at all. I would probably think for a bit, then create all of those things myself, if me or anyone else ever needed them. I mean, peanut butter? What a fucking joke. As if no white person could have ever thought of crushing peanuts into paste. And what else? Traffic lights? Shit, if a nigger Hadn't thought of it first... a white guy would have created one the next day. Let's see how long niggers live without our food, housing, medicine, heat, clothing, plumbing, electricity...we derive NO benefit from their presence in our society. Their very survival depends upon our charity. And they repay us with hatred, murder, theft, and destruction. We need to exterminate them.
Fuck your mud people “history”.
You are wrong. Those things were invented before just they took credit for it with a variation patent.
How long could I go without Jenkem?
About another 59 years, I don't need your shitty american hip hop, also it would be nice living without nigger culture
none of those are black inventions though
What black inventions? I’ve gone my entire life without owning a super soaker
>blacks can't build comfortable anything without outside assistance
Truly opened my eyes.
I have been living without penaut butter all my life. And it's not even a black invention so it's a win by default?
Your theory
>Africans event great things
>Still poorest in the world
Doesnt make me respect them any more. How can you not keep weath you create? But your theory isn't true
Why on EARTH did they feature in the thumbnail a black girl who looks like that?It isn’t flattering to blacks at all. She looks like the quintessential sheboon.
Three days without aids.
so, why black people got tired of inventing? too much time thinking in KANGZ?
Saved that, thanks!
I use peanut butter for just about everything.
yep.blacks made everything you see with their amazing skills and planning. that's why africa is so fucking great we wanted to copy them!
totally nailed it smart user.
awesome picture, mind if I color it for you?
If we emptied out Africa of resources why is China in AFrica now bleeding the nogs dry of Rare earth elements?
It's all so tiresome
How could I do without drive-by shootings and peanut butter?
I have a special mod on my supersoaker that allows it to shoot peanut butter and purple drank
I didn’t watch the video but I’m guessing black inventions include loud speakers on mobile phones because they’re the only retards inconsiderate enough to use them in public
What cracks me up is knowing how peanut butter is made whenever someone brings it up.
You just grind peanuts.
That's it.
One of their most popular achievements is literally crushing peanuts into a paste.
I bet the education systems are also a black invention.
>How long could you live without black inventions Sup Forums?
like, mud huts?
ive done pretty well so far
>PCs were invented by black people
>black guy invented doors for the elevator
>elevator is now a black invention
I don't think my brain is large enough to compute that kind of logic.
Been going strong for 33 years so far, I think I can manage.
>nigger invents peanut but....
I cannot imagine life without peanut butter or the traffic light.
The Traffic Light was not invented by a black person. J.P Knight was white.
Nutella and roundabouts, we europe now.
Is lynching considered a black invention?
I'm pretty sure Mayans invented the shit thousands of years before them.
>I use peanut butter for just about everything.
>black woman works for bell labs
I live well without it
>Peanut butter
>nigger invention
Now I understand why peanut butter is so big in muttmerica. Ive never even had it
This bitch got herpes on her face out here thinking that electrical resistance was invented and not a natural property.
One of the greatest lies of the modern era.
mayans are black dawg
>what they dont teach you in school
We wuz injuns n sheit
>something like 50% of a container is just sugar
I could believe that a nigger invented such a shit spread.
You know a based black man wrote this pasta right?
Edison was the main actor in what we could call the development of the modern light bulb. Latimer (the black man in this story, and one of Edison's employees) is claimed to have developed a carbon filament which increased the bulb's lifespan. This is true but it's dishonest to emphasize it as a starting point because Joseph Swan was really the first one to patent carbon filaments for use in lighting. In reality, Latimer patented improvements to the carbon filament. I don't mean to take anything away from Latimer, he was an excellent inventor and should be appreciated for his work. However all this nonsense about how a black man invented the light-bulb is nothing short of historical revisionism. In any case it's partially irrelevant to this video because we generally use tungsten filaments (developed by a Hungarian and Croatian duo in 1904) in incandescent bulbs now, among other lighting sources.
>tfw Sup Forumsanned for responding to cheese pizza with that image 10 years ago
right in the nostalgias
Nigs wouldn't stand a chance without even the most simple white inventions. Slavery was the absolute best thing to happen to them.
i believe you mean
>we wuz meso-amerindians... n sheit
niggers crunched those diamonds underfoot for millennium
>Traffic light
Gas powered traffic lights were invented by a white man in the 19th century
The first electric traffic lights (red and green only) were invented by a white man in the early 20th century
The Green/yellow/red light was invented by William Potts a white policeman from Detroit in 1921.
So why are blacks claiming one of their own invented it? Because several years after Pott's invention a black man patented a mechanical traffic signal (not a light). That's correct, not only was the traffic light already invented but the Black man's "invention" was a step backwards.
>other people are ignorant
don't you ever fucking dare link a buzzcuck video without a hooktube link you fucking cuck
bring back snacks
Yo dem crackas aint no peanut butta see man ayee
>up 620%
i thought no one searched for wakanda before the film
Debunking the racist video (2)
The caller ID was not invented by a black person. Nélio José Nicolai is white.
What always irks me the most about this picture is how South America, The Middle East and all of Asia somehow didn't buy any resources from Africa in the past hundreds of years. Not that the "exploitation' was even valid in the first place, I'm talking about the finger pointing/blaming alone.
Someone was so ignorant that just drew it as the places with white people, without even thinking about how much, if those places benefited, the entire global economy did. Europe and America aren't isolated and only trade with each other.
China can literally go into Africa tomorrow, with an army of nothing ethnic Chinese, kill every single black person there and for generations afterwards we'd still get art and pictures and memes like this only showing white people as some evil influence on Africa.
Not gonna watch the video but judging from the thumbnail, the video is full of irrelevant inventions, (well, the lightbulb is irrelevant to me because none of the bedrooms in my house have lightbulbs.)
Proof that America was built on the backbone of blacks, without us yall really would be living in caves so yall better show us some respect or stop using our inventions like right now
I wrote it. I'm Iranian. The jews are coming for both of our societies.
I already do
Blacks invented being cool. Got it.
That was the fukken Ancient Greeks and Romans.
And peanut butter wasn't actually invented by a black man at all, to top it off.
no you got it wrong goy, Shlomo Goldshekelbergrosenblatt invented being (((cool))) by promoting ape like behaviour as a trendy thing, blacks are golems for the chosen people of the oven.
Diamonds aren’t really used for anything faggot, not is ivory, I wish they didn’t bring blacks to America
No they invented being gay
>a world without Jewish half-breed history.
This fucking idiot just said that the light bulb was invented by a black man. They are trying to write white people out of history.
>a fucking leaf
No that was your father.
Are you 1/16th roman?
Are you 3/4 Mongolian?
This video is just a flat out lie. Black people invented stealing, and they're stealing all these white inventions.