Sanders & Warren are literally pushing communism in this live stream. Yes, we have reached that point.
Sanders & Warren are literally pushing communism in this live stream. Yes, we have reached that point
sanders paid the least amount in taxes
typical hypocrite
When can we start enforcing this
>When can we start enforcing this
It would never stand up to appeal. Violates free speech and free association. We really need to stack the courts.
The city is taking Sanders to court to recoup around $31,000 — roughly $28,300 owed for out-of-pocket costs, including police, fire and public works overtime associated with the event held May 21, 2016.
you dont say
Socialism is the midpoint between capitalism and communism, but most normalfags don't want anything to do with it because they are mental midgets.
Albert Einstein said socialism is what is needed in a social, much like ours, where millions are isolated on every level of the economic ladder.
Read it. I found it very good.
>Socialism is the midpoint between capitalism and communism,
No socialism is the step before communism but no less communist
Einstein was a physicist not a fucking ecknomist. As a complete autist his brain probably couldn't comprehend economics and the complexity of people driven systems. What he says means fuck all in this discussion. It is the equivalent of listening to a bunch of empty headed Hollywood folk talking econ.
You can see how fake they are. Compare this to intellectuals from our side speaking.
Einstein was a Communist because he was a Jew, every Jew was a Communist at that time.
3 kikes and a poc. nice.
Sanders believed it was possible to make college and healthcare free while at the same time pay off our national debt. And all we have to do is take the money from the rich!
Mussolini was 500 years ahead of his time. He made (W)EINSTEIN look like a Jew cuck dumbass.
>we have reached that point
What point ? Sanders was always hard socialist ? And you're a leaf faggot
Troll the stream. Share with friends of PEPE.
The West is going to go full Bolshevist before they collapse.
REVEALED: Nearly half of millennials in America would prefer to live in a socialist rather than capitalist society, according to new survey
44% of millennials said they would rather live in a socialist society than capitalist
The survey was conducted by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
It also found that 1/3 of millennials had trouble identifying the difference between communism and socialism
Read more:
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As a Sanders voter, I tuned into the stream for about 2 minutes before I had to leave. Ellison and Warren both distracting people with "systemic racissssm" and how white people have it so much better than your average black household. I can't take it.
Wealth inequality is strictly a class issue, not a race issue. More divide and conquer nonsense that's straight from the Fed.
Wow such leadership. People are so stupid
>socialism is what is needed in a social (system), much like ours, where millions (of people) are isolated (?segregated?) on every LEVEL of the economic LADDER
the mixed metaphors and general ambiguity of the statement reads like a bot-generated advertisement
Still better and smarter than Trump
Socialism leads to “Social Credit Scores” a la what China is currently implementing. Fuck off back to Hell with that shit, evil commie boomers
B-b but "social democrats" aren't "communists". Don't you like your Trojan Horse meme terms, "progressives"? So maybe your nation gets gutted a few years down the road into communist globalist slavery, hey sometimes it happens, what's the matter, goyim!?
what do you think about environmental racism
Student loans were a mistake.
Einstein was a zionist who kvetched about European nationalism constantly. Fuck him.
What's wrong with communism?
>as a Sanders voter
unironically kys. Bernie isn't cute and he ins't harmless. he's not your dad or your uncle. he's a literal Bolshevik Jew. read a history book you if you don't know what that implies.
Communism Lite
Deport all illegals and visa workers, indefnitely halt all future immigration except those that are already rich.
There, everyone's wages just went up at least 20%, cities have a $15 minimum wage without it being government enforced,and the price of housing which is the single largest expense for the majority of Americans is lowered. American economy fixed.
Of course businesses wouldn't like that.
Ask the 100 million people the system killed.
A system doesn't kill people. If you are talking about Mao and Stalin, those were basically insane dictators killing their own people. Can happen under any ideological banner, basically. Sure as hell happened before communism even existed too.
so countries that had progressed past mass killings were regressed by communism to install murderous dictators that mass killed people. interesting...
Murderous dictators pop up in right wing ideologies, in left wing ideologies, through time, taking forms as monarchs or military leaders, and so on. Literally any ideology has a perverted form. Communism is per definition utopia. We have never had a communist society - ever. This is a fact, because the word 'communism' means a set of things, and these set of things were not in place in China nor in Soviet. Thus; they were not communism. There are actual texts describing what communism is and should be. The same thing cannot be said about fascism and nazism, sadly.
National debt literally doesn't matter, brainlet boy
what event was this?
>Grass is green, water is wet
Bernie didn't have the nomination stolen from him because he was in on it the whole time. They've been pushing Communism openly for decades on college campuses.
thats such a baby argument. "we havent had communism because communism is perfect and we have never acheived perfection" well then fine the ideology and striving for communism has installed these mass murderers. sure far right wing ideologies have had military leaders. that doesnt excuse communism. in the 20th century implementations of communism and fascism are filled with civilian mass murder. only those two disgusting authoritarian ideologies have been doing that and just because fascism exists does not justify the bloody hands of communism.
Like 15% if the us population would get purged