Why do Austrians speak German and not Austrian?

Why do Austrians speak German and not Austrian?

Attached: Austria.png (1024x514, 458K)

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LOL God Tier bait my friend +1 upvotes for you

their clay belongs to bavarians

Pray, only banter of the highest order shall grace this threaded conversation. I for one am humbled and impressed by the OP's concise and clever contribution to meme culture.

Attached: 1504659202997.png (630x620, 32K)

read about the Silesian wars

Attached: Deutscher_Bund.png (600x600, 449K)

Why do Ukrainians speak Russian and not Ukrainian?

Attached: 2412448D-F801-46E7-8C6F-EF4312B2CE23.png (485x443, 18K)

sudtirol! molodets, taras trzaktorowicz! sudmaehren tozhe?

But we dua.

What's even weirder to me is Hitler was from there. How'd he get all the way from there to Europe and become their dictator? He didn't even have the right accent.

during the first world war they had an alliance and austrians were officially declared 'honorary aryans' by kaiser metternich.

American education, I see...

Tough words for a paki

>Artikel 8. (1) Die deutsche Sprache ist, unbeschadet der den sprachlichen Minderheiten bundesgesetzlich eingeräumten Rechte, die Staatssprache der Republik.

Some speak Russian, some Ukrainian. But Ukrainian, not Russian, it the sole official language.

Why do you speak Russian?

Attached: MXmF1Ao79hg.jpg (604x364, 29K)

Russian is more used in Ukraine than Ukrainian is.

Poroshenko doesn't even know the Ukrainian word for wallet.


Attached: 1521308083636.png (800x859, 336K)

Nice b8 m8

Why do amerimutts speak english instead of american?

your map is wrong

Why do Italians speak italian instead of latin?

Hey I have a Bavarian phenotype

Different type of German.

me too!

Attached: donthate.jpg (2444x1552, 768K)