>capitalists are going to automate driving, making 30% of entire american workers now unemployed
wtf I love capitalism
Capitalists are going to automate driving, making 30% of entire american workers now unemployed
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Get a job, loser.
Seeing as 1 of those cars just killed someone today we still have time
And how many cars killed someone who were driven by real people today? A lot more proportionally.
I'm sure you saw the news today that an Uber autonomous vehicle ran over a human today and killed them. Self driving cars are not coming for 20 more years.
There is gonna be big growth in making sure that every one of the sensors and every system in those automated cars is in tip top shape, 100% of the time. So, auto mechanic is gonna see big growth.
>american workers
You mean "taxi drivers of peace"
Their niqab laden gals are going to get even more beatings. Kek.
Sup Forums niggers will suck corporate cock to the day they get kicked out of their job because Al took their job.
>there is a static amount of jobs
>Luddite complaining about industrial revolution circa 1800.
no it wont faggot the point of making self driving cars is to get rid of labor and save on costs numb nuts, not create more labor and increase costs.
>dur dai iz making self driven cars to make moar jobz!!!!!
>the average nigger/spic/muslim has enough IQ to be technicial/engineer
>there is a static amount of low skill jobs
>AI wont be cheaper than hiring niggers
>A self driving car just ran over a woman, who was not on a crosswalk, late at night
Engineers make their systems more and more foolproof, and the universe responds by creating bigger and bigger fools.
Well if there was no minimum wage labor prices would come down
i drive a truck in nyc and for my job to automated, the entire city would need to be torn apart and rebuilt. so i’m not too worried.
>le freetard meme
yeah nigger is not like the free market send your job to a cheaper country, retard.
oy vey we cant have deflation goyim
who will take out a loan?
oh vey, let's send all our industry and jobs to china because that will make stuff cheaper.
le good goy meme.
They don't need to be perfect to be better
It's only PR bullshit holding it back now
Why dont we make things cheaper?
capitalist make things cheaper by saving cost in terms of labour, by fucking outsourcing it to cheaper places or automating.
yes and?
>he doesn't know american wages has been stagnant since the 70's
ok retard.
a house now can't be sustained by a single parent now.
thanks capitalism.
what happens if people can't afford the things the capitalists makes?
wow, nice economic system.