What do you guys think?
World index of female hotness
global warming
pretty accurate desu.
Fuck yeah quebec got the beast qts
interesting desu. I had no idea east canada was supposed to be so good.
Australia is funny. Do australians agree? Never been?
Is central russia really meh?
East Canada is Quebec so it's French. The center of Australia has an aboriginal population, while the coasts are more European, and Central Russians are mongoloid.
Niggers, Abo's, Amazon donkeys all revolting?
Yeh I'd say that chart is pretty accurate desu
Polish women are pretty cute in my experience.
meme it
t, Polish Diaspora
As someone who lives in a HORRENDOUS region (North Brownzil), all I can say is that this map is 100% accurate.
>wisconsin having the hottest females in the us
wew lad
lol """kiwi""" women are ugly as fuck!!!
They're mixed with the Native population there. You end up with this kind of Asian looking French girl. They're basically natural hapa qts.
>those sources
wouldn't trust any other
I agree. I can tell you, as someone who lives in the Midwestern US, 90% of the people here are obese Walmart trash.
Nope, I'm Anglo. They don't age very well though.
balkans have some qts and poos should be africa color but other than that its pretty good.
And honestly, women from Eastern Canada are not perfection.
Italy a cute
I feel bad for ugly people.
I've seen people from the Balkans, Caucasus and northern middle east, and let me tell you, they are not bad looking when compared to 85% of the worlds population. I live in the US and have seen all kinds of degenerate mutts.
>Mutt posting
Persian girls look like men?
You're facked in the head, mate.
>map says 'meh'
Ok, but still facked.
Oh good Italy's north girls are really so popular? That's surprising
spread of aids?
This but they're also kind of retarded unfortunately. Especially when it comes to politics, economisc and emotional stability.
Miriam is Sicilian
>newfie girls are top tier
Japanese girls are almost perfection, but they have that shitty teeth that they use because they suposedly think it makes asian people look younger.
Its like (((they))) shilled this to sort of do "fuck you asian people wont be perfect, all countries have their beuties"
horrible map vietnamite girl and han chinese are beautiful
Gooks look like fucking insects. If you don't get uncanny valley effect from them you are actually mentally ill.
Eastern Europe needs to be higher bro, have you never been there? Every girl is a model
Models look like men
Oh man Vietnamese girls are awesome. I went to Vietnam and hooked up with a girl from tinder in hanoi, she was hot as fuck and she spoke english had her own apt etc.
i think northern quebec are eskimo bitches
anyone who believes a quebec woman is perfect has obviously never been to quebec. Quebec is a province filled with subhumans with the delusional notion that they are normal french people. They deserve to be sepearated from Canada and walled off.
>that red strip in the American South
Lol. This chart was made by a virgin faggot. Canada absolute perfection my ass. Also I still have to see one (1) nice Chinese woman. Also France doesn't have beautiful women, that's a meme. Of course there are exceptions.
>attractive - beautiful
really OP, really?
This is almost accurate, they're on the plain side with England.
>Sweden is absolute perfection
Scandinavian women are depraved whores so no. Most of the map is, however, fairly accurate.
>The American black belt
Man that is funny.
India should be lower
Russia should be higher
Controversial opinion: Brazil should be higher
There are plenty of trad newfie qt's sure, but there are way too many fatties to put us in the purple.
You should put red dots on San Francisco, Portland, Baltimore, Detroit, and Seattle.
So... They're typical women?
>nips and gooks that high
>the delusional notion that they are normal french people
we can't even understand half a word of what they're seemingly trying to puke
not even joking
québécois is completely unintelligible for any actual French
>walled off
because we fucking aren't taking those animals back
map is a fraud there is no people in half the areas marked in australia, also new zealand women are fucking terrible. not even cuzzy bros will defend them thats why they all come here .
Don't you know about Khazarian milkers
>NZ girls
they are and funny without the imposed fake prentious of the hans
but god i love japanese girl
Of course people in Quebec are absolutely beautiful. People who live in the rest of Canada are pretty much Ameri mutts
theres is just something soulless and evil in the eyes of every jew
You must be muslim
Panama rating 1000% accurate, can confirm, qts are extremely rare
as a southerner, can confirm black girls from the south are horrid in looks and attitude.....
>New Zealand
The only thing beautiful about our country is the landscape.
russian girl are top too but not as cute as japanese girls
To be honest
The france french, is the french of muslims, arabs and africans.
Quebecois french, is more manly, more real.
Less nose on the air, snobby bs.
If you french are so superior, why are you overrun by muslims ?
I've been to Japan and there are some exceptionally beautiful women there, but on average it's no better than here.
it's just a whiteness index
Kek, don’t want to be a disgusting nigger lover here, but South Africa has a lot of decent whites from the colonization so they should be a bit higher, but overall pretty accurate.
>tfw chinese women are hotter than the australian outback creaturas.
Our women kick ass and you know it.
Lmao sure.
Can confirm that maritime girls are perfection
nope, White as can be
>why are you overrun by muslims ?
because we used to own them
same as you worthless dimwitted snowniggers
now, to be fair, there still are some people speaking with an accent alike to the québécois one, here
but you gotta go to the isolated countryside, and find severely retarded, alcoholic, poor and very, very inbred peasants
those sound like québécois, but obviously, they're perfectly unintelligible as well
they don't sound anymore manly than québécois, though
more like so primitive it's rather animalistic, or niggerish
really, I don't even say that to banter, or mock you (it's not even needed)
québécois is completely unintelligible to actual French people
that's an indisputable fact
when your scum of the scum class ancestors went there, French as a language didn't even really exist anyway
it was more a collection of countless pidgins
and that's what you retarded monkeys spew, not actual French
>superior chilean genes.
Brasil is full of whores user
Yeah there are tons of fatties but if they weren't so fat they would probably be decent, most Newfie chicks are dimes
Just looked it up. The New York times never published this. Some retard created this and stuck the New York Times label on it.
But hey Sup Forums is the hive of fake news.
You sound butthurt, maybe some hemorrhoid cream will help.
>Sup Forums is the hive of fake news
still better than being the hive of fake men
Brazilian women are hot as fuck.
Big asses, big tits, fun-loving, big asses... they are perfect
>implying i'm butthurt.
Sure thing, weon.
would colonize
>Our women kick ass
with their dicks
Venezuela and colombia have some of the best breeding material in the world, PERIOD!
wrong. Russian girls are obviously the most beautiful on Earth. seriously;
Glad to see you admit that you cucks spread lies and propaganda here.
Everybody knows white females are the top.
>Saying big asses 2x
Can you care to explain te A S T H E T I C
look on their butts?
Totally Wrong
>Chilean women.
Maybe pic related is more like it.