Is South America failed continent?
Is South America failed continent?
Not entirely, we're there.
yes and those fucking niggers had a goddamn gay lesbian pride parade today in the middle of my fucking main square get the fuck out brazil niggers
lol, less failed than the EU. At least, my country.
Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay have hope. If Brazil genocides the mutts then they also have a shot. I have more faith in you four than Mexico
>importing niggers by the thousands
>not failed
I know Europe is failed. It seems like whole christian world today is failed. USA is dead, South America is dead, Europe is dead...
and least we don't have a police surveillance state, yet. Nor polluted air and soil due to centuries of feudal unsustainable farming + industrial revolution
We're evolving into an ancap paradise
>t. poor loser who doesnt know how to export wine to europe
what are you talking about?
I honestly do not know why there are so many homos here.
Argentina is fine. Chile is also mostly fine. The rest is pretty shit though
yes dude it is a matter of bad exporting policies rather than europeans having a preference over fellow european markets' goods...
stop liking cocks!
You know nothing burger, argentina is failed, they are the niggers of south america. Argentina is one of the most commie countries in the south america.
Chile is fine, but they looks like native americans and elected a commie president twice. Brazil is doomed, only one state is good but (((them))) are filling with haitian shitskins.
No it succeeds at being a continent.
>Chile, Argentina is so fucked up beyond saving
>Uruguay has free health care and free education in 1949
>2018 Uruguay major export is soya beans
Fuck off, Uncle sambo
You are the Next to become failed country
And entire America continent becomegod forsaken cursed land
totally, and way more if we trust shit like socialism
Before and long after 1949 you barely had something resembling a hospital in your war stricken starving country you dumb ugly pan-faced soyboy gook subhuman
>one always speaks badly when one has nothing to say - Voltaire
And your ((dependence theory)) work very well for you
unlike you , we make redoubled efforts to create functional society
But you people accomplish nothing and end up as poor
Sub-human like you always "Blame White" but do nothing for him self or society
Just like niggers
It's a good place for sex tourists to get cheap pussy and even cheaper dick.
... So I've heard.