There is no reason any civilian needs a full semi-automatic assault weapon. All you should possibly have is a hunting rifle.
There is no reason any civilian needs a full semi-automatic assault weapon...
an attempt was made
It's almost like liberals are racist against the color black or something.
Nobody needs a pistol anyway, just use 9mm
Why is the ranch mini-14 so comfy?
You're boss at sharia blue should of fired you by now.
>There is no reason
to form a militia
Daily reminder that civilians should only be allowed to buy bolt action rifles, and only after a 1 month waiting period.
Holy big, this is a bait one
>ruger is behind the AR-15 ban
It all makes sense now
Look at all this free publicity
we're gonna take all of your guns you stupid fucking fascist pigs
i will be piloting the drones that drop chemical munitions on you whenever you resist
Because Garand
Why do civs need firearms we should all just use bow and arrows.
but make arrowheads illegal cause that might hurt somebody.
>full semi-automatic assault weapon
Just stop mate.
who needs an ar milita for a possible hostile takeover.
>Chris Rock 2020 Special:
easyer for us to subvert the american peopple.
No reason to come on here and be a whiny little bitch/troll yet here you are....
So what you're saying is black is bad?
>The second amendment is for hunting
KYS red coat
>1 post by this ID
2A was written for the purpose of granting the citizenry the ability to resist the government with force of arms
Fully automatic weapons existed at the time, they just hadn't yet seen widespread battlefield deployment
2A covers everything from a broadsword to a battleship t. federalist papers
you're a faggot
if anything, most/all of our gun regulations should be repealed, as they're inherently unconstitutional
and (we'll) have the guns.
Holy shit you're right:
>Q: Are there examples or categories of weapons that are not assault weapons?
>Yes. Many rifles, shotguns, and pistols are not assault weapons, and therefore are not “copies or duplicates” of enumerated assault weapons. For example, the following are not assault weapons under G.L. c. 140, § 121:
>Any Ruger Mini 14 or substantially-similar model weapon;
Colt had better come out with a wooden AR-15 fast.
If you can't defend yourself and your family with a bandolier of ninja throwing stars you don't deserve to call yourself a man
>full semi-automatic assault weapon
Take a full half cup of soy in your danger cup don't you?
The moment a private citizen / business builds a nuke and pulls a NK then we'll learn how fast Nukes fall under the 2nd amendment too.
What about the ruger 556?
>assault weapon disguised as innocuous hunting rifle
Weak ass b8, nigger. lrn2troll.
>full semi
Well, that's a new one...
1/10, got a (((You))) out of me.
This should be enough. Or is it so necessary to have military style weapons? Stop being the bitch of the NRA and think of the children
how many times are you shareblue faggots gonna make the same thread each day?
i've said it before and i'll say it again- i need all the firepower i can get to kill faggots like you- there's a lot of them.
that's sexy
Go back to Plebbit
I'm genuinely confused.
Is the Ruger Mini 14 Tactical legal in Massachusetts? The law literally specifies Ruger Mini 14 variants as not being assault weapons...
I might consider it if you deport all nonwhites and leftists.
>full semi automatic
Oh that real nice, OP.
Why dont you explain to this thread why the NRA is a bunch of murderers, too
>muh NRA controls everything
The NRA is one of the last organizations in the US controlled by white males, and that's why the kikes hate it so much; plus the fact that they want to disarm whites so they can Zimbabwe us.
There is always a reason.
just bought some more magazines and some ammo for my Aug, feels good man.
>There is no reason any civilian needs a full semi-automatic assault weapon
Okay you've made your thesis statement
Now where the fuck are your arguments?
Your entire history can be looked up in less than an hour, why would you need a month?
New Vegas service rifle.
gr8 b8 m8, I r8 14/88
Sage you fucking autists, if bait this obvious gets taken there really is no hope
pistol grip?! get that assault weapon OFF OF MY SCREEN
Anyone with a net worth above $20 million is clearly more interesting in enriching him or herself than working for the common good, and as such should be barred from holding public office
>You’re boss
>should of
Leaf education
I agree, make it full auto
>"full semi-automatic assault weapon"
Either you are actually retarded, or you're trying to mislead.
Tbf the new plastic looking trend is absolutely vomit inducing, but at the same time let's put wood everywhere approach is just as ugly
t. Mateba aficionado
yes to kill leftist tyrants. thats what the 2nd amendment was created for.
>leftist tyrant
Might want to rethink that part
>tfw I'd have to drop around 1k € to arm myself with something less than optimal
Come on man, this is a pasta thread that gets reposted every few hours.
Actually, I genuinely wonder if we can show this to a lefty and see if they think this is not an a-salt weapon. If anything, they may say it is not as scary as the black one.
naw you're right that isn't what the Founding Fathers meant at all with the 2A
>guess ya better throw away your smart phone, television, radio, computer/with internet so as not to violate the 1A like the Founding Fathers would have wanted
mini 14 is a semi auto, retard.
>make a pistol grip that screws-off
>use rifle in its "cuck form" to trick leftists
>put grip on later
one gun control thread thread dies - another gun control thread begins. you shills are slowing down; there's usually 4 or 5 going on at the same time as of late
>"assault" weapon
I laugh everytime.
You are totally right soyboi we shouldn't have assault rifles. We should have battle rifles. Don't wanna leave people the chance to fight back.
MAfag here. Yes, it is legal. AR15 and AK variants are not. I'm positive there's some corporate fuckery going on with with gun laws here. Glock also doesn't do business here, so S&W reigns supreme. Never seen a CZ in my life, either.
>ban all but hunting rifles
>60 million people become proficient snipers
>ban scopes
Why don’t you boot lickers just come out and ban scopes now?
I think the pistol grip will probably cause deep goncern, but it'd be a fun experiment.
Crowder did a hilarious video where gun control advocates all said the .223 round was fine but they didn't like any of the .223 guns, they thought the 30-06 round was too dangerous but liked the 30-06 rifle.
>ban scopes
>millions of Simo Hayhas are created
>US military doesn't stand a chance anymore
People don't need guns in a civilized society
>hire insane person to kill strangers with your competitor's gun
>lobby to ban competitor's gun
>profit $$$$
But shooting is a fun hobby.
Horrible bait bro, you made it too obvious
True. There is no civilized society thought. America is close, but we still have shit skins. If it was all white, guns would be far from an issue.
>leftists disarming themselves
Please continue.
.308 master race
rights arent just hobbies.
Not cut
its a joke cuck
they just disassemble them and pretend they sawed them in half
bro it's sawed in half
disgrace to your meme flag for missing it.
Holy shit you're a retard
Shut up idiot. It's not
I remember seeing that. It was certainly an interesting experiment that showed people's general lack of knowledge about guns.
There is one thing I wish someone in congress would do. A Representative would walk in with a Runger mini-14 (unloaded of course) in it's standard wood configuration and tactical stock. He could ask the people if the mini-14 in it's standard configuration is an "assault rifle" or if it is a hunting gun. Then, the Representative would change out the stock in front of everyone in less then a minuet like in this video:
I would love to see how the gun control advocates would react.
stop posting these threads. normies don't get it. They are too dumb to understand that those are the same rifle albeit a standard size mag in the top version.
fuck it.. im cool with killing leftists with a 5 round mag too.
Disarmament of civilians would be a violation of the NAP. Get fucked my dude
Newfags learn what sage means and how to execute it. We need to clean up all these slide/shill threads. That includes any and ask of the following:
>e -celeb garbage
>is x white
>divide & conquer threads
>demoralization threads
In closing, fellow faggots,
>ask not what your Mongolian pictogram posting forum can do for you, but what you can do for your Mongolian pictogram posting forum
Good video. That's a great idea.
The NRA are also faggots who wrote the assault weapons ban back in the 90s or whenever. They cuck out all the time, which is why the 2A keeps getting infringed. Give your money and attention to a real 2A advocacy group that deserves it like GOA.
>still saging
What is full semi-auto?
your photoshop skills can use some work but you almost had me fooled at first glance. the saw sticks out under closer scrutiny
There is no such thing as a "full" semi-automatic "assault" weapons. Only Semi-Automatic and Full-Automatic weapons. The "Full" semi-automatic term was added for political porpuses despite never being an official fire-arms classification term. And the "assault" only applies to full-automatic guns. Do you know anything about guns?? Go back to Reedit.
it literally took me two seconds
You're so right. A civilian definitely does not need an AR15.
They need two. One is none.
I will be dropping massive loads on your sister's face.