Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

What made him so great?

He was voiced by Kamiyan and is one of the greatest characters in the series.

He's got stage presence and shit.

00s japanese punk hairstyle

Created and written by Kumeta, voiced by Kamiya, animated by Shaft and PRed by Tahara, Satou and Animate.

Mainly the cute girls.

you tell me,
lol there's a reason it will never be completely animated.
Because he becomes really repetitive in what he does.

This post has put me in despair. I need to die.

>lol there's a reason it will never be completely animated.
user, it's a long manga. Three seasons and six OVAs certainly indicate financial success.

And they did the best part before it became too stale. All girls going meta breaking 4th walls every chapter and speaking authors' voice was just too depressing. In the beginning it was just the zoo girl and Maria but then Fujo and Normal joined and then all of them. What in the world why whyy

Yeah I hate it when they break the fourth wall too. I'm convinced my life is animated by shaft.


His show died, but his work lives

He's handsome

Komori is best.

Say that to my face.

>You Will never ser the end aninated

I don't know why, it's the most SHAFT shit there is

stage presence is a nice way to put it

both his outbursts and casual appearance dominate each and every scene and make him a very effective focaliser

Second best. Still great though.

He's relatable

Good taste.

She's great.

>And they did the best part before it became too stale. All girls going meta breaking 4th walls every chapter and speaking authors' voice was just too depressing.

This. The characters didn't feel like characters any more - more like tools for the author to make some point.

You were there?

Eh, Zutto.