Let's make her the new symbol for the Alt Right.
Project NRAltRight
I'd just rather not see goblina again kthx
>inb4 mulatto memes "this is already the symbol of the alt right"
I thought you guys wanted to destroy her? This is the only way to do it.
She is so fucking cute.
>inb4 sexually repressed virgins and delusional alt light play it off as if they have the social status to be turning any sort of woman down
>I'm a lesbian who don't need no man
>still walk around with her ass hanging out
A thot is a thot is a thot.
She's almost there. She doesn't like how she's been used by the left especially CNN.
she's a kid man
she's like 16 or something
"woman" lol, guy you must be banned for being this underage
Ah, so we're making the amerimutt meme the official symbol of the alt-riet?
Sure let's get a bald carpet munching radical feminist lefty amerimutt to be the symbol of the alt-right. I've got a better idea why don't we just meme about how much she's milking being a school shooter survivor and playing the victim card for her own self-interests
>Gays against guns
Gay married couples should be allowed to defend their pot farms with fully automatic rifles. The fuck is wrong with this bitch?
She's so chill and comfy and expressive I bet she's the star child sent to save us all. Everyone must protect her and listen to everything she says seriously.
No such thing as a gay marriage
>sexually repressed virgins and delusional alt light play it off as if they have the social status to be turning any sort of woman down
Grow a spine you fucking degenerate.
Fucking everything you see makes you no better than an animal.
JIDF shill. Why would we need to destroy someone who already lost relevancy?
Someone shop some hair on her.
I wanna conduct a test.
Actually you are describing the perfect society right there. That is where I would like to live!
That's white in America.
This reads like the shitty feminist retards trying to egg us on to do retarded shit during gamergate by pretending to be one of us.
HINT: Nobody gives a fuck about this cunt. Nobody will remember her within a week. Nobody would remember her now if you fucking shills weren't posting her all the time.
PS: She is a goblin and you should kill yourself.
a society like that can't exist there's no such thing as gay marriage
I can accept her as my personal alien savior and still fuck her?
I want her to go to hell for eternity
haired emma eh? rare.
shoop her as derek vinyard in american history x curbstomping niggers
read somewhere that apparently this mutt cunt was one of the people who bullied the school shooter/caused the shooting in this first place
anyone have any info to confirm this?
Post you butthole, slut
She probably got him to ask her out and then rejected him in front of the Hoggster
>Cutey terrorists
>youll never fuck her butthole
You are still a faggot