The southern cone is white.
The southern cone is white
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the northern cone is red.
But is the southern cone is white?
Yes we are.
SAnta Catarina reportin in
Chile aint white and Argentina is full of stupid fuck indios and mestizos because they didn't control their borders.
Is this a bizarro Sup Forums thread?
The nigger of languages.
That's too vague. Let me fix that statement for you.
>the southern cone of South America has significantly more Western European ancestry than the rest of South America
Indios have always hated us White Argentines
>latinos are white
>no srsly
>actually believing Hispanics are whiter than Nord descended Americans
>He doesn't knows about the native genocide
They don't even have reservations,
> Paraguay
Paraguay is literally 97% mixed.
> Spanish
Literally Arabic
i'm white and i can confirm this
> Americunt
Please, go get shot somewhere else.
Paraguay is the least white south american country, nice job fellow burger
oh no no no no no
Did a goblin eat your self awareness?
Nowhere in South or central America is white. If your nations language is Spanish then I'm sorry to say that your nation is full of shitskin spics
Nowhere in the American continent is white.
the southern cone was white
But some places like the US is browner than others like Argentina and Uruguay.
Okay John Gonzalez de la Huerta Rodriguez
>meme flag
>obviously divisive content
>includes Paraguay
>includes Chile
I predict: archived.
This is the most retarded shit i read in time.
>Paraguay is 90% guarani, not white.
>chile is pure mapuche and similar with some white folks.
>Uruguay has a really big negro-mulato porcentage.
>All the north of argentina is Coya - Aimara, the north- east is also guarani.
Maybe you can find white people from cordoba province to the south, but Buenos Aires is infested with mongrels too.
t. Argentinean.
>Chile ain't white
And you have the balls to call OP divisive
>Private school uniform
>Cherry picked pic
Nigger, stfu i know a lot of chileans and they are not by a chance white.
Plus, i never called OP divisive, i called him retarded. Not the same thing.
If you truly think chile is white, you dont even know what the fuck a white person is.
Im sick of the south american mentality of calling anything not congolese white.
You are what you are, suck it up. Im not white either, im mediterranean, have no problem with that.
>Non white people leaving Chile
They are to poor for that.
nigger you can find those ones in bolivia too... yet bolivia is bolivia.
The Triple Frontier is one of the great places to see if you can get down there. See all three countries, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay.
A ancient civilization called the cloud people of Northern European decent were found in ancient Peru. They were said to be gorgeous blonde haired blue eyed warriors with beautiful women "worthy of the Incas taking as wives and sacrificing to the Sun temples." Very mysterious because they died so quickly before we could learn anything about their culture except what other tribes wrote about them.
They lived in the mountains of Peru, the only cold climate found on that swamp shithole of a continent. They created a massive empire before the Incas conquered them.
They were very proud of their heritage and wore unique fur hats when they travelled so they would be recognizable and known everywhere. They even kept a distinctive blood line and didn't race mix after they were conquered by Incas. People in the area have distinctive DNA to this day unique to the region.
They were wiped out from disease when they made contact with the Spanish explorers. Which means they had been separated from Europe for so long, they no longer had immunity to the same diseases.
Pic related is their half white descendants from a native tribe that was BLEACHED.
Fair hair, freckles, and blue eyes were not traits given by the Spanish.
We are getting filled with fucking niggers, pls send help.
>the only cold climate found on that swamp shithole of a continent
according to who? some illiterate stormfaggot peasant?
>implying brazil isn't 90% mixed either
Absolutely not. Argentina has received a flood of millions of non-whites from Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and other regional poorer countries since decades ago (pic related), in the 60's it could have been considered an outpost of Europe in Latin America, now it is little Mexico. Paraguay was never white and they actually pushed a forcefully race-mixing policy two centuries ago, and Chile is a genuinely mestizo country. The only relatively white country there is Uruguay, a completely irrelevant 3M people country that will eventually fall to the mestizo hordes too.
Bolivia didn't had the ethnic replacement the south cone had, it's obvious that spaniards defeated all those filthy natives and created a proxy europe.
we are already getting BLACKED by dominicans