Tucker is talking about the Rothschilds controlling the weather right now!!!!!!
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there was a thread on this earlier today. i mentioned that fox news is going to ramp up coverage on crackpot antisemitism. i didnt think it was going to happen this fast
It's great, it'll redpill the normies.
not if they keep lumping in farrakhan with Sup Forums
Is the idea to talk about crackpot antisemitism to legitimize mainstream antisemitism? Clever.
Who the fuck cares.
If he is talking about putting heavy metals that reflect sun light in the fuel of jet engines, that’s imminent knowledge. John Brennan Communist former head of CIA talked about it. Google it. Welcome to Sup Forums new friend, and remember. Sup Forums is always right.
>Tfw missed the Tucker segment and now that high school drop out Hannity is on
Watch out dude the hannity internet defense force is about to come in. The dude is a low iq retard. His radio show is better than his fox show but yeah he is a fucking retard
leafs can't click timelines. kys
>He names the Jew by claiming they're behind weather manipulation....
>He refuses to expose the Jew for white genocide or globalism
Zionist shill confirmed.
i care and so should you. for farrakhan to rant about evil jews is ok. then it's evil whites. then it's we wuz kangz that created ebil whites and now there's kangz scientists orbiting the earth in a mothership. do you really want to be lumped in with that? do you really think that that is "redpilling the masses"? look forward to more shit like "rothschilds control the weather" bullshit to be reported on the major networks along with appropriate commenter from the presenter.
Farrakhan is based and he says all the time when he's referencing the satanic white people he's tlaking about Jews.
no. he lumps in whitey with the jews. whitey was created by rogue kang scientist for the sole purpose of being a thorn in the side of wakanda kangz.
Farrakhan is a hero and has redpilled countless black people. Your insistence on him being bad indicates to me you're a kike.
well the NWO does control the weather. They belt the coastal cities with chemtrails daily.
farrakhan is mentally retarded and for you not actually repudiating what i have presented as documented facts but having to stoop to name calling puts your motives into question
fuck off kike. Your talking points grow stale.
Synagogue of Satan literally named on Fox News tonight, albeit as /x/ shit. But I did notice Tucker made SURE to emphasize Rothschilds "are a Jewish clan at the center of many conspiracies." Personally, I think Tucker is doing a smirking dog whistle and not a smokescreen limited hangout. Many Christians in the South talk about the Rothschilds but are unaware they're Jews and founded Israel, know this first and secondhand. So this is a win tonight, small but fun.
Same with Farrakhan's Jew claims being all over MSM. Normies can YouTube this stuff to laugh, some will be mildly redpilled. This might all be what elite Jews want, raise "antisemitism" levels to justify an attack. Don't underestimate their foresight, history is littered with gentile optimists.
Are you insane? He put out a call for Malcolm X’s death and his Muslim Brotherhood attack dogs firebombed his home and then assassinated him. X had dropped all of his “kill whitey” nonsense and was starting to make some sense. He was the role model black men needed, not that whore MLK Jr.
Except that antisemitism is a bullshit word and the criticism is warranted.
Muslim Brotherhood is MOSSAD
>now reverts to profantity laced invectives
kek - i'm still waiting for you to tell us about farrakhan DOES NOT preach to his sheep how there IS NOT spaceship of the original black peoples of the earth orbiting the planet this very minute waiting the right time to descend and genocide every race excepting the negroes
>tell us
Sorry, but you're a kike shill.
This is all typical kike bullshit and you're exemplifying it. Also who the fuck cares, I've never heard him talk about a spaceship, but it's better than JEWS STEALING, TORTURING, AND SACRIFICING CHILDREN TO A FUCKING BULL GOD.
Farrakhan is pro-Trump, anti-Kushner anti-Netanyahu. His voice's reach about elite Jews supersedes his more radical boasts. He's like a more laid back Gaddafi. And he's 85 and still a great speaker. Choose your enemies wisely anons. Farrakhan > Rebbit white faggots
the only peopel who are anti kushner are kike shills because he's working on a Palestinian peace deal that will BTFO of Israel.
>Trump’s peace plan doesn’t sound like Trump
>The Donald Trump who proclaimed Jerusalem the capital of Israel cannot be the same Donald Trump now willing to cut the baby in half.
>Report: Trump Peace Plan Would Recognize Palestinian State With Capital in Eastern Jerusalem
>Reports in the last several months have suggested the Saudi Crown Prince has adopted a stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that is favorable to Netanyahu.
>when you're a Mormon but Sup Forums still calls you a jew
Brainlet anons will go on wikipedia and if it says jew they'll just go with it without looking into it deeper.
>Farrakhan is Mossad
Farrkahan tells millions of people across the globe that Mossad did 9/11. That's like Sup Forums being Irgun or Haddassah. Might as well kys.
Nation of Islam isn't the Muslim brotherhood you fucking retard.
Hey there, calm down on flooding the thread user. I agree, ISIS and MB have deep Israel ties. Kushner was pushing for Syria occupation this time last year, promoting chemical weapons false flags, just like Nikki Poo Haley is rn. Just bc he promotes a Palestinian plan doesn't mean he's genuine. Gimme a break.
This bombogenesis nonsense doesn’t seem right. Never heard the term my entire life up until a few years ago, when we started getting nor’easters with 90 mph wind gusts. Literally snow hurricanes and they give them names now. Seems very unnatural. Seeded perhaps?
>Also who the fuck cares,
i care
>I've never heard him talk about a spaceship
it's literally in the link i posted. here's some quotes from that link:
>the original peoples of the world were black and that white people were a race of "devils" created by a scientist named Yakub (the Biblical and Qur'anic Jacob) on the Greek island of Patmos
and here's his spaceship of death --- youtube.com
Kushner wasn't pushing for shit, how would you even know that? There's literally no information on Kushner but the fake news being spammed out every couple of months. It's obvious Israel has a grudge against him.
Assad is still alive, Russia is our ally, We're not gonna go to war with Iran, NK just committed to denuclearization. All these things are bad for israel.
You are a JEW. Your pilpul is shitty. Isn't there a foreskin you need to suck, Rabbi?
Islam isn't the problem.
Christians aren't the problem.
Atheists aren't the problem.
No religion is the fucking problem except for Zionist Jews.
It's to try to make anyone who talks about jews look like retarded conspiracy theorists.
It will probably work on low IQ normies, for the time being.
But they're not thinking about the long term. The JQ is now out in the open in a big way. Everyone is fucking talking about it. It's not going to just blow over like 9/11 conspiracy stuff or UFOs.
>Kushner wasn't pushing to out Assad
Fake News, like I said.
No one on Sup Forums disagrees that JaVanka tried to get Trump to fubar Assad last year, lad. Sorry. Sup Forums was instrumental in getting #FireKushner to trend last year for this sole reason. Ivanka tweeted about muh evil chemical weapon baby genocide.
I knew you were a shill. Using fucking Steve Bannon names. Pathetic. Steve is a fat fucking traitor and you're a kike shill. Suck a dick faggot
is there a particular reason that you won't have a rational discussion on farrakhans statements? why must you feel the need to call people names and insult them when they disagree with you instead of rational discussion. could it be that you are actually a supposed "redpilled black man?" it seems that when ever a person of color is confronted with incontrovertible facts they resort to insults and name calling. in other words - my nigger detector is off the meter.
Because I don't give a fuck if he thinks there's some spaceship when Jews steal and sacrifice children when christians believe Jesus is coming back and when Mormons think there's a planet called Kolob.
I am concerned about his opinion and judgements on real world political events and situations.
You are interested in the bullshit because you're a kike shill trying to derail legitimate discussion. The Jews are evil and you are too. You're on this website defending Jews, you wouldn't have to do that if you people weren't all fucking evil.
>You're on this website defending Jews,
i am doing nothing of the sort. what i am seeing is jew media reporting on antisemitism. i am seeing a talking head reading off of a teleprompter and parroting what his producers are whispering into his earpiece. whereas we are on this board discussing legitimate concerns regarding zionists (((fox news))) is reporting on antisemites that believe in nigger spaceships and rothschilds weather control. i mentioned in a previous thread (and this thread) that the mainstream media is going to ramp up their reports on antisemitism and that all of the reports are going to of crackpot antisemites. it's begun and it's going to increase.
good I hope it does increase because it's entirely unwarranted and will wake up regular folks
>talking about banker families who happen to be jews is anti-semitic
I think it will ultimately create a schism between blacks and jews, because plenty of blacks know of the Rothschilds, but do not know they're actually jewish.
it will have the opposite effect. tucker is not going to talk about holocoasters. hannity is not going to talk about israel firing on the USS Liberty. what's going to happen next is a crackpot jewhater wearing a kekistan t-shirt is going to blame jews for the next earthquake that hits california. do you honestly believe that this type of reporting that we're seeing recently is redpilling the masses?
Yeah, it's having the opposite effect than what the kikes want.
Your opinion is only that. An opinion.
Hell ya tuck came through
Everything is coming together
Day of the rope soon
Tuck took the call?
No tuck called me up said I am gonna make you proud
And I knew he wanted to but I did not think the Jews would allow it.
Grichka was behind the scene on this one.
some people are woke. mainstream media is aimed at normies. and alot of normies still buy into the "israel is our greatest ally" bullshit. the media painting antisemites as crackpots is in the medias best interest - not yours or mine. read through my posts on this thread again and remember what i've typed next time fox news runs another segment on antisemitism or blames the bombings/next mass shooting on an antisemite. i don't usually use the parentheses but in this case i will - (((fox news))) is not your friend
Get fucked David
We will make plebs out of your family
Kek, I have a feeling you're a legit insider LARPing as a troll. If so, you're great.
Humanity will be saved
We will slaughter the pedos
Oy vey!
Tucker is a national treasure
You listen to No Agenda