I'm American (100% german / english ancestry)

I have blue eyes, dark hair master race.

Wife is half polish, half latvian. VERY close to source image. Blue eyes and naturally blonde hair with peach fuzz everywhere.

We just got married and I found out last month she's pregnant with twins. I can't wait to raise 2 redpilled kids with a 100% redpilled mother.

I love how our very existence sends kikes and niggers into an endless rage of nonstop aggression online. Lol maybe if you tried to use your brain you'd have a job. Nope, everything you have is based on the results and work of white men.

Attached: 15541952_10155785402703539_2109519531017821765_n.jpg (736x960, 62K)

she definitely got BLACKED senpai

Attached: allahuakbar.png (483x558, 359K)

can you like stop or something

Can't make this shit up lol

Attached: 1508573787167.png (666x514, 49K)

Whiter than you mohamed

Attached: 23andme.png (985x590, 52K)

fuck off

>Blue eyes
All blue eyed people have a common ancestor in the baltic, indicative of inbreeding
>Slav nigger wife
Slavs aren't white. Also
You may as well have married a hooker

Don't think so, juan walmart ramirez. I can trace my French lineage back to the 16th century.

I can trace my lineage back to the mayflower. And I have a few ancestors from quebec I can trace to 1608. I live in maine which is more white than France.

stop posting about the dream life you'll never have you ugly faggot

lol look at all the garbage shitskins. this shit is like fly paper

be honest guys, do you guys get jealous frequently of white people. every hour? every few minutes? is it a constant thing?

i know you have to be jealous of our 1000's of years of accomplishments while you are all living in mud huts

i'm just honestly curious what your response is besides a continuous round of jealousy and shitty life.

Attached: 2018-03-19.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

That image only proves you can use (((google))), mutt.

How would I prove it faggot. That's my actual 23andme

>I live in Maine which is more white than France

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Congrats brother. Do right by your kids the way you're doing right by your race.

>potato nigger roleplaying as white
this is my favorite

REEEEEEE stop this meme now

> using JIDF memes.

Then why do you show a Russian Mongol?

You better have over 5 kids. currently got nice job and hitting the gym hard and will start looking for a q.t redhead to give me atleast 10 kids.

DO IT. THIS IS EXACTLY how I did it.

Got a great job. Hit the gym 6 times a weak, ate a shit ton of protein, hoarded my cash and invested mildly, found a hot as hell naturally blue eyed red pilled babe, we fell in love and now working on kids.

She likes Trump MORE than I do even dude. We're going to have at least 5. I said let's start with 2 and she insisted 4 minimum.

Attached: Trump vs Soros.gif (385x235, 2.76M)