He just ran a clip about Trayon White, A D.C. councilman, who suggested the Rothchild family controls the weather. He unfortunately claimed it was anti-semitism and ridiculed the man and the whole story. Its been known for a while the government has projects like HAARP to modify the weather. Its too bad I always thought Tucker was the only based news "reporter" left on T.V. even though its all garbage. Damn, I guess he is controlled as well, and honestly Idk why I thought any differently. Anyone else see the clip, it just aired?
Tucker Carlson Rothschild weather control
It was great. Fox is unintentionally redpilling normies. Just like when they played clips of Farrakhan saying Jews did 9/11.
So you think just by bring attention to it, even in a negative manner, it will red pill people by those who decide to look it up? I wish I were that optimistic. Lol You might be right though
Think about what's going on right now in the world and how much it's changed in one year. Couple that with the fact that the jews have already censored a ton of people. Sure, they silenced people talking about things they don't want but they also took away the ability to analyze the data to understand the current state of people and their overall thoughts. They can't see trends and that's gonna seal their fate. they are using the same playbook and people have grown tired of it. They have diminishing returns and now it's having the opposite effect.
I can’t remember the last time I’ve laughed so hard while watching Fox news. They took shitposting to prime time. Tucker is probably going to catch some flack for everything said, even though it was in jest.
I agree a lot has changed. Its funny that a D.C. politician, albeit low on the rung, has named the Jew. I'm going to be watching out for that guy in the future, hope he doesn't decide to shoot himself in the back of the head twice. I was just a bit disappointed in Tucker, because while he never named them in the past, he would always target powerful corporations and government etc all the arms they use to operate.
Tucker has a producer yelling into his ear and he's on a major corporate network. He isn't speaking his mind freely. He obviously has limits on what he can say. Also Rupert Murdoch is a giant zionist.
Yeah man he fucking lost it! I wonder what he was thinking during the whole segment? His laugh is contagious. He either knew the best thing he could do was laugh, or he isn't as red pilled as I hoped, granted it takes some persistance down the rabbit hole to eventually come to the realization of who is behind everything.
True, are there any signs from the past he secretly knows what's up? You can only imagine what the producer was yelling there. Lol
like 6 months ago in a segment he insinuated something about Israel doing 9.11 that was pretty telling.
This is just a ploy to associate anyone who mentions the Rothschilds with wacko conspiracy nuts. The intended result is anyone who mentions them is made fun of, and people will avoid any theories that mention the Rothschilds so they don't also get branded as nutjobs in their social circle.
Holy shit, I'll have to look for that clip!
Yea lately they are working over time it seems to correlate terms that even remotely name them with either racism, ignorance, or insanity.
Fucking conspiracy brainlets.
Like a bunch of dumb niggers coming up with primitive theories to justify shit you don't unserstand and passing it off as gospel.
Fucking kill yourselves.
Go ahead tell us how you really feel. What don't we understand here? Please enlighten us
>Claims Rothschilds control the weather
>Does not expose Rothschilds for white genocide
>Has turned the entire anti-Rothschilds movement into a joke
>white genocide continues unopposed
Well I did call his agenda in to question after seeing the recent clip. How would he expose them for white genocide and get away with it for longer than one episode or even 5 minutes? Hell, the evidence alone takes hours to make those connections, its not cut and dry.
he can expose them for nonsense like weather control but not white genocide..
let that sink in.
they are just testing the waters...see what kind of comments they get regarding the "Rothschild Weather Machine"
Learn how to accept victory. Think about it. We have the naggers calliing out the Jews here. What’s not to like?
Well that was the problem he didn't really expose them, infact he ridculed the story, which maybe was his clever way of at least bringing the name to attention.
Yea truly was a victory, I wonder what platform he ran on to get elected, what his public beliefs and agenda looks like
yeah. He ridiculed the entire claim Rothschilds are behind our problems.
No hog who feeds from the zionist trough will ever bite the hand no matter how tyrannical or genocidal
Rothschilds are globalist bankers
It's not that complicated
It's like claiming that naming Soros is anti-semitic which they have literally said about Trump and the NRA
As other anons mentioned, how many mainstream Fox news watchers just saw that segment and have never even heard the Rothschild. So they fire up their computer and get sucked into the rabbit hole accordingly. Clearly I wasn't thrilled with the segment and will be weary of what he says in the future, but honestly he said he didn't even know how to respond so he would just laugh. It was mostly Mark Stein that did the ridicule. That piece wasn't based clearly, at least not on the surface.
It takes some research of history in order to put that together. World War 1 and 2, the creation of central banking, the state of Israel. I guess not hours, but to gain a perspective of it, it takes some time
Here's the thing, a lot of libertarians and anyone critical of the federal reserve is cognizant of the Rothschilds. However, I don't think everyone who knows about the Rothschilds, knows they're Jewish.
Basically, this whole thing about neurotic Jews pointing their fingers and crying antisemitism about every little thing is resulting in everyone realizing just how prominent Jews really are.
and how many are any closer to the truth about them? none. they all think blaming Rothschilds is a joke or a conspiracy theory now.
Somewhat relevant, isn't Ashkenazi's not even Jewish though? I kind of thought the bloodlines just high-jacked Judaism as a scapegoat in order to enact their zionist agenda. That way they can do as they are currently doing, which is cry anti-semitism whenever they come under fire. I can't imagine perpetual warfare in Israel is good for the average Jew? I can't imagine even more than 1% of them are in on the global agenda or does everyone here think there is something fundamentally wrong with the people/religion as a whole?
fuck off (((shill)))
Damn that anti-semite card comes in handy don’t it.
Is this real desu
Yeah I compiled it the day of the chimpout.
No one is Jewish, the "Jews" are just Free Masons who wanted to LARP as God's chosen people to justify their pedophila
I'm on a very redpill btw, sorry if I'm too woke for you right now
>the "Jews" are just Free Masons who wanted to LARP as God's chosen people to justify their pedophila
Alright I mean you can get your point across without being a complete cock bag, but yea I could see what are you are saying as true. So what's the point of their pedophilia, black mail or something more sinister? Using it for satanic rituals to draw power of somekind?
>black mail or something more sinister?
As I Christian, I think there is no point, except that it's an expression of true evil. There is nothing more innocent and in more need of an adult's protection than a child, so to not only defile it but to psychologically damage it for life because of sexual deviancy is truly, truly the most vile and heinous thing I could think of. Especially because kids trust adults.
The evil is influenced and encouraged by Satan. We have free will to act on good or to act on evil.
I don't even necessarily think they worship Satan. They can still be very very evil
>and probably do totally worship Satan
Also sorry for being a cockbag I didn't mean to come across that way. What part made you think that senpai?
this. as mentioned in other threads you're not going to see fox news reporting on holocoasters or the USS Liberty. reports on antisemitism will always be from a negative perspective. perhaps people will look things up as a result of the media covering antisemitism and inadvertantly becoming redpilled. but as it stands now i don't see any news anchor calling for the federal reserve to be audited
>Microwaves heat water in your hotpocket
>microwaves pointed at the sky wont heat clouds, you tinfoil wearing conspiracy theorist
American logic everybody. This country is dumb as dirt.
Shut up, dumbass. This has long since been declassified.
Sorry, I misread your post. Guess I'm just proving your point.
>The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
You just came off as condescending somewhat about being too woke right now. No problem, all is good though. You would think it would be unbearable to commit such an act unless there was something of incredible value driving them, and of course even then I couldn't imagine what.
You would think calling for the Federal Reserve to be audited could come off as patriotic and common sense even, but I'm sure they would find a way to cry racism even then!
This made laugh, right such a simple example with the hot pockets, yet on a large scale people can't believe it could be replicated.
Yes one of my favorite quotes. Nowadays you can't openly criticize any group without being shunned.
>Nowadays you can't openly criticize any group without being shunned.