He’s right you know.

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Face it, if you could go back in time knowing what we know now, you'd vote for Her.

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>left is upset they didnt do it first


>Congress might be the Russians!
Oh, you sure it's not democrats blackmailed by whichever country controls Awan?

Nigger. He won because we got out and voted.

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A guilty dog barks the loudest.

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...these people.

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>Trump has achieved nothing
>Trump has dirt on Congress
schlomo please

then why is the left barking so loud?

>Stolen Data
Data retrieved legally the same way Obama got his.
>30M from the NRA
They spent 20M over the last 10 years as opposed to Hillary's 1B.
>Money from Russia

No, but I would vote for literally Hitler now when I wouldn't have back then. Trump is too good for you, you deserve so much worse.

Attached: Trump happened.jpg (1242x1553, 295K)

Yeah, and Hillary lost even though she employed every bad play in the book. She killed leakers that would ruin her. She weaponized the DNC, CIA, FBI, and the NSA against Trump. She also got some help from Putin by getting profits from Uranium sales. She got the FBI to use the FISA Court on Trump about 4-8 times. Also, she got the most powerful ruling families on the Earth to be sponsored by (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros, and Ect). With the help of the media, she committed the largest hit piece campaign in presidential history and used propaganda on the American people to turn against Trump so she could secure her existence.

And she still lost. Now go away, kike.

Attached: 391.png (1280x720, 1016K)

Kikes in full damage control! Zuck and Trump btfo by a literal leaf faggot.

>blue checkmark

>stolen data
literally just info from 270k people who filled out one of those stupid questionnaire apps

I have never seen a response to this.

No they're mad because they did literally everything he's bitching about and still lost, they colluded with foreign governments, they took and gave bribes, they stuffed ballot boxes wherever they could and they were such shitty people with such shitty ideas that it didn't matter.

JFC no one cares.
Obummer pulled this exact same shit during his election and it was ‘he is a genius!!’ Hillary even pitched a fucking fit because O wouldn’t share his data lists.
But NOMG TRUMP IS EVUL!! Srsly STFU and climb in the fucking oven, Frank.

Whahha everyobe who is on social media should be aware that personal data is out for authorities and firms.

Facebook is literally responsible for that lack. PRE trump

Some user posted this crap right on his tweeter lel.

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I didn't vote for Trump because Russians told me to. I saw 0 political ads over 2016

This should really be enough to convince people that those in power do not want the apple cart tipped over. Rock the boat and they will pull out every weapon, every lie, they can to destroy you.

>Obongo's campaign manager admits Faceberg gave them all of their users data

gay yourself

Attached: Obama Salutes Che.jpg (664x441, 73K)

muh whataboutism

>pizzagate is a crazy conspiracy
The Russians helped Trump blackmail the entire goverment and then gave him money through the NRA, #truefacts #staywoke

Sage faggot with no proof and no ability to win

There's no response besides, "no"

The only response is
>that's a good point

>it wuz the Russians I tells ya!

Or maybe Clinton was a shit candidate

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>I saw 0 political ads over 2016
You didn't have to.

No they're mad they did all that and more with exponentially more money and still lost

They're throwing a tantrum because not everyone was brainwashed.

Nah, I'd probably gaslight all their public polls even harder. I'm glad it was successful.

Sigh, and we move the goal post again. There are hundreds of third party data brokers in the world, every candidate has done this. Its not illegal, and this is just a sign that the russian hack of the dnc, russian influence of social media (most ads were ran after the election), collusion, and other bullshit narratives havent stuck.

The grasping for straws is both obvious and a waste of time. So no, he is indeed wrong.

>Or maybe Clinton was a shit candidate
That would imply Trump wasn't though? Bush would have beaten Hillary quite easily.

Nothing says pay for play like the Clinton Global Initiative shutting down two months after the election

Attached: clinton global initiative.jpg (720x480, 58K)

Trump's a real gangsta nigga and i like that shit so I'm voting for him and y'all niggaz ain't gunna do nuthin bout it

Attached: Clinton CGI closed.png (807x743, 422K)

How come liberals only care about russians and never the illegal mexicans who come here and mess with our politics by protesting deportations constantly?


Massive marketing campaign victims.

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Trump was a good candidate. I am contending that I voted for Trump and not merely against hillary.


Do they ever accuse with proof?

They couldn't buy their way out of how they got mindfucked.
They could've spent $1.5 trillion on her campaign and she still would have lost. Their weapons were turned against them, using vectors they never anticipated (and still don't)

This is some serious Alinsky rule projection "always accuse your opponent of what you are doing"

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Nobody voted for Trump, there was no reason to. Hillary was utter shit. Trump was just obnoxious shit who ran every decent candidate out of the election.

Fuck off. All I really wanted from Trump was lower taxes and an end to the ACA mandate, things that were costing me my fucking livelihood. I'm absolutely amazed he did it. Fuck clinton, I would have never voted for her, ever.

If you're just going to assert I have no agency no matter what I say then what is supposed to be my motivation to engage with you?

Wait so secret video is only believable when the left produce it, shit, and people wonder why we voted someone who wanted to get rid of the swamp and called out the mass media bias. Also unlike the CNN, and other secret footage videos this one amounts to nothing let alone showing anything more then a possible company hired may have done something sketchy without a customers knowledge shit that happens in massive corporations and companies everyday in the world.

>Why do liberals only care about people who have and use power and not fucking gardeners and dishwashers?

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My instinct was to come to this thread and defend Trump, but then I remembered he hasn't done a fucking thing to save the white race and now i've taken the acceleration pill and will vote Democrat for the first time ever in November. It all can burn.

Trump's scorecard (((in the current year))):

Be white male:

>Try and go to college, get false rape charges and expelled.
>Try and carry a gun. Go to prison for defending yourself from feral blacks.
>Try and get a job. Nope. H1B Poo's and spics have all the jobs.
>Try and go to Texas. No white people there because no fucking wall.
>Try and get a loan for a house/car. 2000% interest from Mr. Shekelberg.
>Get terrible service job. Pay 50% taxes for Boomer's healthcare and GIBS.
>Try an rent an apartment. $2800 a month because Chinese immigrants everywhere.
>Try to immigrate to Europe. Nope. They dont allow white people there and Trump won't start a trade war to get these cunt countries in line.
>Try and work for gov't. Nope. Not Jewish and gay enough. Or black.
>Tax cut for billionaires. Not a billionaire.

Fuck this orange retard and fuck his entire family. This presidency has been a god damned disaster.

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i don't know.
go ask a lefty, m8ee.
trump has been barking loud all weekend.
someone throw him a bone.
maybe mueller.

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What's funny is that they act exactly the same way watching the season finale of The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones.

You lost, get over it loser!

Nixon was right though, it was a witch hunt. Woodward and Bernstein are a couple of kikes who subverted the lawfully elected government.

Diversionary blame.
(((They))) are literally like toddlers throwing petulant tantrums because MUH FEELINGS.

No he didn't, bullshit, and fuck you.

30 million a billionaire.....literally pennies in the bucket

So, the same shit Foval was doing, but without violence?

Fun fact: only 20% of Americans believe the muh Russia nonsense.

No, I'd be getting drunk that entire week and making bets with every single democrat to rip them off their money

>Their weapons were turned against them, using vectors they never anticipated (and still don't)
That's a complicated way of saying Trump ran against a candidate who used such non-human generated speech as "a basket of deplorables", which could only be coined by a machine or extraterrestrial. For all the talk of "autism" around here, it's amazing the supposed Assburgers couldn't recognize one of their own in that pantsuit.

Their response would be it was done to the Clinton foundation which theoretically doesn't fund election campaigns.

All a crock of shit

That's fine. How many believed muh Kenya?

> Russians have power
They couldn’t even get a hold on Chechnya, a shitty Muslim Terrorist region, until 2002

Or maybe both

Are you saying that illegals aren't constantly convincing liberals to stop the USA from deporting illegals?

Is that not power in its own way?

You're wrong. I wanted to vote for Trump. And I simply don't care about his persona. I dont care if he grabs piss. I dint care if he payed Russian hookers to per on a bed. I don't care if Russia hacked the end. I voted for Trump because Trump represents values and a mindset I want in my president.

You underestimate how much Streisand Effect was used against them. How they became his platform, paradoxically by trying not to be.

They sure commit a lot of murders for people with no power

this is about trump not the hilldawg.
she ain't barking and keeping the neighborhood up all night.

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She’s now number 1 on Pornhub. Everything Trump touches wins!

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They've had full control over Brighton Beach since at least 1993.

There is evidence alright, but we can't see it cause the agency now belongs to the potus.

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I cant believe you clinton supporters are still around

isn't america struggling with Iraq and Afghanistan, also two shitty muslim terrorist regions? Even China has issues in West China.

Wait, so are liberals literally calling Facebook a Criminal Enterprise now that profits from exploiting people's data?
*Breathes in... Ouroboros

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>election consultant

>Is that not power in its own way?
Of a retarded sort. I'd rather have the power to shoot and poison gas people and attack American troops without the Puppet President raising an objection.

damn (You) know your history real goodly.
want to teach a class on Watergate?


Illegals shoot people and get away with it all the time.

>muh illegal murderers
a rounding error
>muh russian murderers
literally carving new countries out of blood.

>cause the agency now belongs to the potus.
And don't you forget it.

what are the odds she gets him before mueller?

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wasnt Hillary actually abusing thousand of children ?

Yeah but then they create MSNBC off-hours documentaries about meme gangs of Hondralvadoramalan murderers ready to tear out the hearts of old white grannies and feed them as tacos to their grandchildren. And the "Fake News" president eats it up with a spoon and beclowns himself on TV preaching against them.

>"Trump blackmailed congress! they have videos of congress members taking bribes, fucking hookers, and promising concessions for donations! we have to stop trump!"
only a jew would defend a criminal because they think the proof is unfair

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Far less than the odds that she's just a meme doing this for popularity, and he agreed to it because he bet someone he could make the media literally talk about his dick for a month.

As being pointed out in other areas of internet right now... Facebook gave the data to Obama and Hillary for free, and the campaigns never reported the in kind campaign donations. So your efforts to torpedo Trump have again backfired and put Hillary and Obama in more legal jeopardy than they already are...

Zero. Even the Jesus Freaks dont' care what Trump fucks, live boys or dead girls.

If I were a murderer I'd much rather there be an impersonal documentary tangentionally about my crimes than go to jail.


>the left has become actual conspiracy theorists
take off that tinfoil hat faggot

It's a very good argument for draining the swamp

>only a jew would defend a criminal because they think the proof is unfair
Who the fuck is defending Congress, besides Trump and his voters who put this Congress in?