What did Sup Forums think about this ?

what did Sup Forums think about this ?

no math no life

Owari s2 is AOTY
MiA was aotyer tho.

snail best girl

Masterpiece and very enjoyable to watch with memorable characters. But it's also confusing and difficult to find the correct order.

All girls are top tier except cat and that bitch on the top of your pic.

spooky ougi > made in piss

same as it ever was

what was the point of killing ragi and bringing him to life ? why'd gaien-san do that ? also 2nd episode was literally pointless

spoopy Ougi

Pretty good, but not as visually interesting as the other seasons.

best season since bake
doubt they're gonna top owari s2 any time soon

Had to pause it after I got cancer.

Pretty good, hope they will continue animating the rest of Monogatari, I don't want this ride to ever end.

If she slipped, the pole would pierce her vagina and probably go halfway through her, and she would die a horrible, bloody, screaming death. Happened to a girl at my school who was masturbating with a broomstick in the cleaning closet. She fell off the shelf and it punched right through her vagina, it took like an hour for her to die and she was screaming for most of it.

This, math was only mentioned twice in the whole thing when it was supposed to be the conclusion of the series at some point. But I can wait for the next seasons to fix that.


It seems math has good luck.

She needed someone to be a god that protects the city, she wanted shinobu at first, because she already had experience with being a god, but when rrgi pulled hachikuji with her she took the opportunity and made hachikuji a god, meaning shinobu and rrgi could restore their bond yet again.

Ougi is the best

wasn't very much of a finale beyond confronting himself.

still alright though. certainly not the worst in the series

Owari I was much better if you ignore the last arc.

Owari II just didn't have any impact for me because of Hana. Even the Gahara date didn't interest me. Also, it's the ugliest season (see: cross eyed Nobu) except for some choice shots (Ougi on the bike)

Sup Forums isn't very intelligent so they don't really like monogatari. It isn't a show for simpletons.

This but unironically.

Sup gorespammer

so gaien-san the person who knows everything couldn't think of bringing mayoi from the hell and make her a god instead she killed ragi and brought him back to life so the bound between him and shinobu break !!

Is it wrong that I always imagine the characters themselves making these posts?

I didn't watch any so far.
Does this only have 3 episodes?

It has 3 arcs, with 2, 2 and 3 episodes respectively.

cheers m8, these available torrents make a lot more sense now.

She already said she can't predict rrgis actions, which messes her plans up quite a bit, so she just went with it went rrgi got snail back from hell. Also it's Gaen.

My favorite of this year, spooky a best.
Spin-off about the Occult Research Club fucking when?
Yozuru-doujins fucking where?

AOTY, and more so than usual.

Perfect "final" arc.
It's a shame that Shaft outsourced it.


> Owarimono s2 v1 adds 1063 BDs, total 17,637.
Sales are not so good though.

Bringing mayoi back was a mistake. She was better off being reincarnated. Gaen's plan was superior. Araragi was a scum for destroying Gaen's plan of giving him a chance to live a normal life as a human and at the same time, making sure that Shinobu/Kissshot would never be hunted again.

Was there anything in the latest season that requires waiting for BD's? Fanservice, gore, etc? Araragi is becoming a vamp again right? So that means he can get all fucked up again.

> Was there anything in the latest season that requires waiting for BD's?
Absolutely nothing.

how did hanekawa find oshino ?

>Tsubasa Sleeping
Everything is there in details.

Getting rid of the epilepsy filter on Terminal Terminal is a decent bonus.

She can smell him miles away like a wild beast.

The Rick and Morty of anime.

>Hanekawa will always know

The War and Peace of anime

So...there is...?

"Logic" that Oshino was exactly where she wouldn't expect him to be, and thus the north or south pole, and a lucky guess. So, being a mary sue as usual.

>tfw no more monkey

She still gets a short arc in oroka.

Flustered Crab is cute!

Very cute!BACK

I think its pretty good. I dislike the plot but the narrative and the visuals are amazing.
The dialogs can go both way, some of it is long and boring semi-monologs about amature philosophy. But some of it is captivating and hipnotical.
A 8/10 show for me.

I am talking about all of the gatari series not just owari. But owari is probably my favorite, so i would give it a 9/10, its better than the series average.

>Suruga finds the left rainy devil arm that should have been gone. She and Ougi Oshino investigate.

ok this sounds like it could be fun, im excited

I liked it a lot; it's the best of the... gataris. Ougi's great. Very satisfying how they wrap up some character arcs. A little less slower paced than the previous chapters.