Emilia is really considerated an useless?
Or it's just a fucking slander from the toxic remfags
Emilia is really considerated an useless?
Anyone with half a brain would know Emilia isn't useless.
yes, Emilia sucks and is a waste of screentime
I love Emilia
>did literally nothing in arc 2
>did literally nothing in arc 3
>not useless
>Rem is built to have sex with Subaru
That makes Remfags look like cucks honestly.
Better question is why does she introduce herself as Stella? Literally makes no sense after we learn more about her.
Emilia, Ram, and Rem all suck. The superior Re:Zero is pic related.
Can Pandora resurrect her? I would love to see her again.
I have no idea. All I know is it didn't take much screentime for her to make it clear she is best girl.
Not really.
My nigga, you really are a patrician
because Subaru was a liability and she wanted to scare him off but it didn't work as he's completely unaware of what Satella was supposed to be
>choosing the third biggest chest instead of Minerva or Priscilla
I would say you have shit taste, but third place isn't that bad. Your taste is better then average, but it's not good.
Total slander. Emilia is easily the best girl, remfags just salty cause she got cucked in probably the most brutal way possible.
>Emiliafags this dumb
never change
She does several things it's just that her actions and achievements are not as upfront and visible as Subaru's or Rem's which makes them move into the background where they do unnoticed for some people.
>posted Regulus, who chose Emilia over Rem as his wife
Jeez, talk about shit taste...
Our Emilia is far from useless. On the contrary, she's well liked by all with a functional brain.
Like for example? Save the cursed kids? Wait, that were Subaru, Rem and Ram. Save Subaru several times from the cult? Wait, that was Rem. Kill the white whale? That was Subaru and Rem + Crusch camp. Stop Subaru from being a pussy? That was Rem again. Help with killing the bishop? Subaru+ Crusch camp again.
The worst part of her character is not that she's useless but that she even gets rewarded for that.
Pretty much this, generic twitter instagram waifubait getting cucked is probably the best part of the show.
>Save Subaru several times from the cult?
Wait, has this ever happened?
Rem's heart is already taken and Emilia is basically made for purity fags. I mean even her haircolor is as bland and empty as her personality.
She did not lift a finger to help any of the villagers in arc 3, she died running away everytime. In arc 4 she spends most of the arc crying, Roswaal and Subaru basically called her useless until they made a bet.
It's painful to hear all these secondaries talk like they know something.
>generic twitter instagram waifubait
but that's Emilia
>Rem being confessed to first
Ironic since ESL-kun always bragged about how popular Emilia is on twitter.
Ep 14, 15 and 17. He then ran into death anyways but Rem did as much as possible.
She died before everyone else. She didn't rescue anyone or do shit.
She stops being usless near the end of arc 4, and becomes more likeable
Satella >> Emilia >> dog shit >> Rem
Emilia didn't even try and died like a bitch in the escape tunnels
You call that a confession? Remfags try to salvage anything, Subaru clearly went with the second best choice in desperation cause he felt hopeless in saving the actual best girl.
I was talking about Rem, not Emilia.
She at least tried to do something instead of sit in the mansion and die running away.
I laughed IRL
>doesn't know that Subaru confessed to Rem just one day after "rejecting" her
Good taste, Satella pick meta
>"Hey, I want to fuck you too. Is that okay?"
[Rem: Say “I love you”…]
Rem spilled these words out with a faint, frail voice while looking up at Subaru.
In her vision which had become blurred by the swell of tears that gushed up, she saw Subaru shake his head. After that, Subaru brought his face close to her and said,
[Subaru: I love you(suki da)]
[Subaru: I love you(daisuki da). Isn’t that obvious…If you aren’t with me, I can’t live on…]
It was his true feelings. If you were to say that this was when he spilled everything out, that wouldn’t be an exaggeration and would be an accurate statement. If it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t come this far. If she were to disappear, he would not be able to live on.
[Rem: Ahhh…I’m happy…]
Accepting Subaru’s confession, Rem felt a tear alongside her closed eyes. Taking in Subaru’s words happily, her face quickly blushed. Soon after, it now really did seem that all power within her body had departed.
[Subaru: Wait…]
[Rem: I love you(aishiteimasu), Subaru-kun]
[Subaru:Don’t fuck with me, stay by my side. You’re going to leave me with regrets again!?]
Subaru could not bear to live in a near future where Rem would cease to exist. Along with knowing this fact since long ago, her existence still has become sooo much more important to him, compared to long ago. So,
[Subaru: In the future where I talk while smiling, I need you…I don’t want this]
[Rem: In that future, is it okay if I stay by your side?]
[Subaru: ….Isn’t the answer obvious? I won’t let you go to anyone else’s side.]
Wiping off her tears that were suspended on her eyelids, Subaru looked straight at Rem and said:
[Subaru: You are mine. I won’t let anyone have you.]
Emiliafags BTFO
Does anyone have discount user’s current link/patron?
Remfags always go to the rem if chapters as if they have relevance to the actual web novel. Just accept rem will always been number two in Subaru's heart.
It sounds so out of place. No wonder the anime director removed it.
Rem was literally made as waifu bait and you cant argue with that
>it's from the actual WN
secondaries should go
Her design alone is enough to contradict that.
Ummm sweety, that’s from the LN and the WN.
Yeah it’s out of place because they cut/changed almost all of Rem’s Scenes. The anime is shit because you can’t see best boy’s thoughts anyway.
Crusch is the true best girl
>Can fight
>Likes people who are competent
Waifubait as in you cannot help but become a Remfag if you have proper reading comprehension skills? Sure.
I thought many people here always bragged about how beautiful she looks?
puck has some huge fuckin balls
That’s Emilia, Rem was designed as a background.
No? Literally every 2nd line about Emilia is how 'beautiful' she is. People like Rem for her scenes and selfless personality while being badass. People like Emilia for her looks.
All LN girls are waifubait user. Don't use that as an insult.
I'm pretty sure that I've seen a lot of "Rem is objectively the best looking girl" posts in many threads back. I remember it due to how obnoxious those posts are.
she becomes not useless when she loses puck and regains her magic powers
but she's still worst girl
Rem was one of the characters who seemed to have a personality from the 11 or so anime episodes I lasted.
I don't know, maybe those guys just like short haired maids. But Emilia definitely has more of a main heroine design, which is supposedly exactly what drew Subaru to her.
Ram looks the same and she's not 1/10th of Rem's popularity. Of course there're people who like Rem's design more but that obviously wasn't the author's intention.
I mean guess what the most popular haircolor is? And what do you think is more popular: short hair or long hair?
It's pretty obvious who was supposed to appeal to the audience more. Even the anime directors said that they gave Emilia extra outfits to make her more appealing and stand out more.
>ESLshitter is also an EMTfag
As expected.
>Even the anime directors said that they gave Emilia extra outfits to make her more appealing and stand out more.
god damn they were trying to sell her like a doll.
>but that obviously wasn't the author's intention.
No. The author did want the maids to look good. That's why he told the artist to change their designs again and again until they look as good as or better than Emilia. He also repeatedly praised their looks in his story.
that is actually one of the extra outfits people who call Rem waifubait just want to distract from the actual waifubait that is Emilia
>Rem is a waifubait
>not Emilia
Only one of them has the story blatantly begging the reader to like her
This. Pic is also accurate.
Why isn't Chad's mouse plugged in?
he doesn't need it
Rem definitely gives off many waifubait-esque vibes. It doesn't help that the author keeps making new stories to show how perfect as waifu material she is. He doesn't do it with Emilia.
It's accurate to a lot of series.
7-8 times out of 10 the main girl is usually the worst one, but the author instead of just making the character likeable just ruins their own stories.
The author manages to ruin the whole story by being biased. It's like preferring one child over another.
Dude she's been in a coma for over 3 years. Some chapters about her don't make her waifubait. And one chapter per year is really not much.
He wrote the Rem If novel just to literally showcase how perfect as a waifu she is.
>Rem gets one chapter every year on her birthday
>Emilia is getting shoved down our throats non stop in the main story
your point again? Btw just go to his twitter and see for yourself how much he tries to sell Emilia
She is also Ferri's wife.
Did you read it? It has very little moments about how good Rem is as a wife. Subaru and Rem are married and have children, it's only natural for them to flirt and do couple things but there's extremely little focus on this
>Did you read it?
Yes. The novel is full of waifu faggotry. Of course it has some plots and huge references to the main story as well. But most of the novel is basically waifu showcase. The author spends a lot of time showing how good as a mom she is and how other characters compliment her for being a good wife and mom and so on.
>The author spends a lot of time showing how good as a mom she is and how other characters compliment her for being a good wife and mom and so on.
That's not in the novel, they don't have a kid in novel.
Tia is basically Rem's adopted daughter.
She's shit and even more she is only liked by secondaries and ledditors so there's no reason to like her
You're kinda proving my point. Like I said the things she do are not as visible and in your face as what Subaru & Rem do and that's all you listed just now. The things she does are in comparison mostly effective in the long run or rather calm.
>the LN shows how Subaru and Rem try to be good parents and partners
>somehow it's a bad thing
Dude you're just hating for the sake of it. They are literally married and have children. The author can't sell her if she's 100% taken.
name 1(one) thing emilia did herself, and not with the help of subaru
I don't even care about the main girls, just kill yourself.
be useless and die
Like what for example?
someone post the best girl power ranking to let the newfags know who is /ourgirl/
Had to look through the archives for this.
1. REM ;_;
1.2 THERESIA ;________;
5. RAM
12. ELSA
999999999999999999999999. EMILIA
She's just not some good parent. She's literally perfect. Even the author usually brags about how marrying her will make the happiest family in the world. It's pure escapism. I hate it because I can't relate to that shit.
Let me guess, you posted pic related.
Ferri is not brain damaged, and he doesn't think that he is a girl. Crusch-sama is above absolutely god tier.
>emiliatards dont understand human emotion or how interpersonal relationships work
>She's literally perfect.
>the last chapter has literally a line that says that Subaru and Rem and not perfect
Dude they have a normal life. They are not rich or famous. They have normal jobs and a normal family. Of course they are happy with that since there lifes were shit until that point.
>I hate it because I can't relate to that shit.
But Subaru being a two timer who saves his designated main heroine by dying 100 times for her and then make her queen and save the world is relatable? Are you fucking serious?
>normalfags responding to easily identifiable bait
This photo is the epitome of how many newfags were attracted to this show, and is even more evident with the non-anime related reaction images.
It's a shame how much potential this series had.
The beginning showed glimpses of something special, and even though it got bumpy midway - it still managed to hold its own in an industry saturated with uninspiring and generic Isekai anime.
They made a gritty and complex character in Subaru, along with actual well done allusions to the Seven Deadly Sins, the constellations, and much more. Tappei was very delicate with them, and intertwined it with his own language to weave a complex and non-pretentious narrative. The setting had a rich and captivating lore, along with a few mysteries that would make Tolkien jealous. Finally, they made a well developed villain-turned-heroine that serves as both a stabilizer and a foil to Subaru. Of course, the storytelling was stellar as well.
But unfortunately in typical Japanese otaku wish-fulfilling fashion, the writer takes a big fat shit on any semblance that would make a great story, and turns it into the soulless cash-grabbing garbage that is isekai. All the great characterization and mystery has turned into a generic adventure story. He sold out his world in favor of a waifu-war which admittedly has been successful by pandering to both fanbases.
A damn shame, really.
>But Subaru being a two timer
It's okay for Subaru to get tempted to have an affair. I get it. But Emilia will help him grow out of that shit.
>who saves his designated main heroine by dying 100 times for her
He had a breakdown and decided to give up on saving her at some point. I thought that was realistic and relatable because any relationship has its up and down. Subaru and Emilia also had some fights and disagreements but again it was realistic, just like in real life. Meanwhile, Subaru and Rem have a literally perfect relationship. It's the epitome of escapism. It's just too fake and no longer enjoyable.
Listen to yourself. You think being in an isekai world with the ability to return by death to save your damsel in distress is more realistic than being in a loving relationship?
Holy shit emilafags are seriously jaded.