How do we fix this shithole? It's becoming a serious problem
How do we fix this shithole? It's becoming a serious problem
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Let the fires burn it all away.
Our last chance was Kim nuking it but I think Trump might have ruined that
Do as God did and nuke Sodom and Gomorrah.
This. San Francisco could've been wiped clean by now.
>how to fix socialism
You mean the mind disease that we can solve all our problems by robbing and bullying the scapegoats? In every time throughout history either an external force has removed it or the people themselves begin to acknowledge its futility and the system collapses, I guess that's almost what Marx meant by the state withering away, what he didn't realise is it'd instead be replaced by something proven to work.
Easy. Go to California, kill Californians. Know a Californian? Kill them. Are Californian? Kill yourself.
You know in your hearts that this is the only way to fix things.
deport spics. kill communist
Actually let them secede (Jefferson is ok though) and then watch it all burn when they pull a South Africa and run out of water
Let it fail.
California isn’t socialist. They don’t even have good welfare programs. They’re just shit and terribly mismanaged.
Lex Luthor was literally the good guy
this mentality is retarded. The land is extremely valuable and the weather doesn't suck giant cock.
Here is an idea:
Kill the politicians and then deport all the mexicans.
Mexicans are still the small minority in Commiefornia. What's your plan about all the cucked honkies?
>The land is extremely valuable and the weather doesn't suck giant cock.
Therefore, kill the people and reclaim that valuable land and pleasant weather.
i doubt whatever census they have for demographics of california is accurate with all the fucking illegal beaners. its a lot higher. Other than thousands oaks , i hardly ever see white people. I am the only white guy in a sea of brown. Asian chicks flock to me though. 3 different asian girls have already swallowed my cum today.
Think again polakbro, they're over 50%
With cleansing flame
>drill hole in yellowstone
>put big bomb inside
>explode bomb
Sure there'll probably be a lot of unnecessary casualties but oh well
Kamela Harris and along with Jerry Brown should be executed for crimes against the state.
California will be going through the same shit as South Africa in less than 20 years. Only it'll be La Raza spics instead of jungle bunnies doing it.
Give it time friends. They're violating laws already by threatening to arrest people who report illegals and appointing illegals to office. The eventual crackdown is coming, within this year. Even the femicunts are slowly turning against ANTIFA and Marxist college professors due to their habits of sexually harassing female members and students for years. Niggers are growing restless too, as some areas have nothing left to loot. The real estate market is at an all-time low. The drought is killing produce.
After the inevitable civil war/failed Calexit ends and we're all carving out our fiefdoms from the smoking craters, I call dibs on the Pismo Beach/San Luis Obispo county region. The Kekistani retards can have Watsonville.
1. Stop federal funding
2. Bar banks from lending to California
3. ???
4. Profit!
I love california but, there needs to be a violent revolution and 99% of the policians need to be removed from office for the state to get better. Also, there must be mass deportation.
right wing death squads preferably
We win the 2018 senate race in the state and watch the talking heads implode
Jerry Brown is a traitor
You can kill him legally
Just decide to kill him and do it
The courts will decide that he is a traitor who was lawfully killed during an insurrection.
I repeat, this is a lawful execution, and the execution is intended to put down the rebellion in California and restore order.
The Jerry Brown cult of personality is just a cult, a cult that has a leader, and that leader is a clear and present danger to national security. Jerry Brown is an internal enemy of the United States of America.
Jerry Brown for the electric chair.
activating my almonds
posted this and it was immediately defaced. I live in one of the wealthiest cities in the state too.
nuke it from orbit
I had the same experience. Latina chicks age like milk and have annoying personalities. The only Asians I find even remotely attractive are Japanese and they mostly stick to their own race. Dating in CA was dreadful.
Eat my suntanned balls. I just bought a house down here.
Most of the rural/farm areas will probably be safe when the big happening comes. The city gangbangers consider them the Mexican equivalent of retarded hillbillies and avoid those areas like the plague unless they need to hide out. All of the small-town wannabe thugs fantasize about being in places like LA, Frisco, San Jose where the real action is. If they think there's an "uprising" or race war, that's exactly where they'll go. Even shitholes like Salinas don't really have much to offer these people except family/gang ties.
Gas them all.
shoot up more schools
blame it on guns.
>shoot up more schools
fuck off beaner.
get kim on the line
the Chinese are buying up tons of property coming in with all cash offers above asking price. Most people don't want to sell to them but when they offer cash 10k over the asking price what can you do. I really wish Trump would go after Jerry. I love this place so much. It's my home, but there are so many problems. It's going downhill fast and I hate to think about what it will be in 10-15 years.
You don't.
Let it burn. Let it eat its self. Let it die. Then you go in and rebuild.
You have to obliterate it.
it has been taken over by a hostile foreign entity. The military needs to move in and retake it by force.
My neighborhood became all chinese in less than 5 years. I once helped this old chinese grandma who lived on my street break into her house because her piece of shit kids forgot about her and locked her out. The communist government of china takes away their money if they don't spend it.
One day, some chink pulls up in a lambo parked it across the street from my home. Bought the house, and it remained empty for about a year.
Fuck the chinese.
Why is Hollywood retarded? Why can't they simulate a nuclear detonation correctly? Staring directly at the detonation that close would have not only blinded them, but instantly set them on fire before the shockwave kills them.
I really think that there needs to be a civil war in california for it to be saved. Demographics are fucked.
You know what is even more scary? California is the canary in the mine. The "border" states will just spread until all of fucking america is mexican and chinese.
You mean Charlie right
Soon, brother, soon.
yes user, lets destroy trillions of dollars of some of the worlds best real estate and plunge the rest of the country into economic depression.
What movie is this?
Here's the alternative.
It's the only way.
happened in my neighborhood too. I went back recently and it also is filled with fucking poo in loos due to amgen h1b hires. the poos aren't as bad but the entire town is now shit. there is no more sense of community. Just gooks and poos.
>best real estate
Enjoy you $2 million shed
JFC if they weren’t such candy ass faggotry they’d have actually followed through on this empty threat.
At this point I think adding an expansion to the wall to include California as part of Mexico would be the best option.
There are millions of them. The 56% meme is a direct result of CA. I live in Sacramento and it's chink and beaner paradise.
Too many small states from it. I'd rather have this.
And your cucked whites let them in, friend. Always shoot a traitor before an enemy.
>born in california
>lived in california all my life
>Sup Forums hates me
Why? What have I done to you guys? No seriously, what have I done that's ever effected any of you?
you're a fucking idiot.
>taking san jose
Literally why, that part of this map always makes zero sense to me. Same with grabbing Antioch.
Never doubt Lex, he'd save us and cleanse that shithole
But New California got its ass kicked by a bunch of gay Roman wannabes
if you are a legal, law abiding citizen (unfortunately that is not the case with a good bit of you) no one has a problem with you
You let in Tyrone and Pedro
yeah if i could change it, just give the liberals los angeles and san francisco and take everything else. Honestly those 2 cities are the problem. San Diego is more conservative from what I have seen.
we wall it off and airdrop the degenerates from other states too
Let nature take its course: wildfires, earthquakes, or flooding will do it in within 50 years.
We ship all illegals from all other states to California and build wall around the entire state.
You know exactly why.
Except they do. Fucking hell people in these threads constantly say we should just murder all californians.
I didn't. They were already here when I was a kid and I have never wanted them here. I think illegal immigration is immoral and that people should stick to legal channels. The fact that our fucking state harbors known criminals is insane.
Let them secede, invade them to take it back and stomp the Liberals who are now foreign nationals occupying American soil a new mudhole.
also fucking dumb. Why would we concede the beaners the only part of the country with decent weather?
San Diego is a liberal leaning city, the fuck are you talking about?
Nuke it or wall it off. At this point I'd rather have wetbacks coming to my state than native Californians. Cockroachfornians should be executed.
youre probably a northern Californian. no harm to you
Hope you're packing heat:
Hope you don't smoke:
no need to fix it. California literally has the most race based hate groups in the nation. Race based gangs of niggers, la raza spicks and tons of spick race gangs, and white power gangs. California is a powder keg, that is why when anything happens in USA there is a riot in San francisco and LA. (if not other cities as well). California will be the spark that ignites the race war and there are unironically thousands of whites in this state that are ready and willing to fight, because we have lived as a hated minority.
You faggots in the rest of the USA are lucky. It is fucking bad being a white minority in your own country.
I lived in the valley most of my life and now live in San Jose due to my profession.
>Why would we concede the beaners the only part of the country with decent weather?
Because they become fish in a barrel. Clearly Trump nor any Dem/Rep are willing to straight deport all illegals so might as well use them to destroy California.
If California resist we can just call them racist for not wanting millions of more illegals.
in comparison to the other cities, in my opinion it is the least liberal, not saying it isnt. Hardly any city is conservative in california.
It’s because it’s a 1 party system with no checks and balances.
I live in CA. It's filled with beautiful real estate and liberals EVERYWHERE. It's hard to have a political conversation in this Nazi state lest you be branded racist/sexist/blah blah blah.
They sold our rightful heritage to the Mexican.So We have to deport the illegal Aliens.
You liberal fucks are an infestation.
Sick of fuckers from commiefornia coming here and trying to turn it into a shithole.
Easy, vote republican. I moved here with intention of flipping the state. It'll be a lot easier than you think.
but its just a shithole in the cities. The rural counties are conservative. I agree with your cockamanian idea only if we build a wall around san francisco and los angeles and turn it into blade runner 2049.
PS ~ But if all you say comes true, I'll join you as a neighbor. It is bee-utiful.
we need to meme them into succeeding.
Come at me bro. I'd be glad to pry your guns and ammo from your cold dead hands
A lot easier than you think. I would immediately start an insurgency against the rebel government and then turn this state red.
new california hehe xd
ready and willing to make weapons to kill the anti-federalist
This fag gets it. I literally have a dozen Mexicans who want to vote trump in 2020 because the taxes suck here. We're only steps away from flipping this state!
We'll probably need to call in Snake:
Escape from L.A. (1996) Official Trailer #1
im here reassuring you we are going to kill all jews illegals shitskin commies and transplant poser alt kike faggots
You make the rest of the country just as shitty so nobody notices.
too bad none of these fags listened to us
but hey, the evangicux got their fucking tax cuts and tejas is crying about californians...
it’s like they all still don’t get the immigration issue is devouring the continent ...
fuck all of them
Temporarily transfer all of ICE to California (10K).
Temporarily transfer half of all Federal LEOs 60K) to California and have them deputized as ICE agents.
Start deporting until they cry uncle.