>smoking tobacco
Smoking tobacco
Then watching porn
That isn't a quote
Oy vey be a good boy
>living past 80
>killing yourself with cancer at 28
>fucking your teeth and skin up
Pretty hard to get cancer at 28 desu senpai.
You're right
Just as I am right when I say that niggers are on average niggers.
Because I know a grill who died of lung cancer at 18 ans never smoked, my grand father still smokes and he is like 80
Or that logistics are worth more than individual experiences, but lefty fags never care about this
>believing the NHS jew
Smoking is for men, it's why T levels are dropping (fewer smokers)
>It's a conspiracy! *gasses out after saying those words* I'm healthy!
I want to MARRY Kaguya!
And then steal the Hourai elixr so that we can kill each other lots of times!
I've always wanted to grown my own organic tobbaco free of harmful chemicals and smoke the eqivalent of maybe 1 ciggarette a day and see how that goes. I smoked for maybe 3 months in the past and it was just awful. I noticed immediate beneficial changes once I stopped. Although it does increas T-levels and can add mental stimulation and focus like caffiene.
>Not understanding basic calculus enough to notice that your brainlet meme is wrong
Why does everyone keep posting this with the wrong limit?
>posts an incorrect graph for that limit
Tobacco, alcohol, and weed are all apex brainlet behaviors
Cigarettes are vile but grape & mint flavoured tobacco from a shishah pipe is kind of nice in moderation on a summer evening.
My pipe keeps me alive.
>doesnt know what greentexting means
Nicotine is neuroprotective. Why do you think (((they))) don't want you to smoke?
Who are you quoting?
As x approaches infinity, the limit becomes 0. What it should say is, the limit as x approaches zero, because that limit is negative infinity. Goddamn brainlet.
t. low sq