South Hate Thread

>High rates of poverty and obesity
>Religious zealots for Jebus
>3rd world-tier HDI (Most Southern States have a lower HDI than Mexico)
>Obsession with shit-tier sports/organizations like NASCAR, UFC, College Football, WWE, and Monster Truck Rallies
>Drink Mountain Dew
>Poorly dressed people who redundantly wear Camo apparel
>Niggers, white trash, and rednecks everywhere
>Country "music"
>Terrible infrastructure
>Beaners (Texas)
>90% of the population drives pick-up trucks
>Widespread inbreeding
>Awful education system and uneducated retards everywhere
>Cities are all shitholes infested with niggers or just cultureless vapid cesspools
>Low life expectancy

Fuck the South. Come ITT and hate on these worthless shithole states.

Attached: Cesspool.png (566x365, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Booty-bothered coastie detected

Really the worst part of the south is the sheer amount of niggers in hyperdrive because it’s hot year round, at least us northerners get the winter off from that shit

Being a cuck-servative fucking retard who blindly votes (((GOP))) everytime doesn't make you redpilled.

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we should learn from sweden

southerners need to be changed by force even though they hate it. It can't be that people live like they do in 2018.

the south is a disgrace for america

% of the population drives pick-up trucks

Yeah pretty much this

>tfw comfy no nigger northwestern Arkansas
Truly the greatest feel, I mean we're still ""technically"" southern but what are ya gonna do.

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I too hate niggers

Yeah but instead of niggers you have uncultured trailer trash (white niggers) everywhere.

Arkansas is literally Trailer Trash: The State.

That's why I said northwest Arkansas fampai. I'm not talking about wiggers living in the delta swamps, talking about us mountain men :^)

Try taking only Southern whites into account. The problem is that it's full of low agency blacks who didn't move to IL or NY.

all negative statistics about the south are because of the high concentration of niggers

Wait, WV DE and ML are apart of the south? What the fuck?

>living in florida
>tfw just landed a 70K tech job in wyoming right by the mountains
>start there in three weeks
>money is worth double up there, I can make a huge down payment on a house right away
>finally get to leave the nigger-infested swamp I've called home for the past 24 years

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What an amazing discovery OP.

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Living next to trailer trash is still better than living next to niggers with money

widespread inbreeding is a myth
nice try though
funny how they "seem" unintelligent due to hollywood propaganda, but they have more common sense than your average city cuck democrat
you guys proved that book smarts don't mean shit, and you losers waste your money getting educations that don't actually make you any smarter

Okay I seriously would like the source on this

>Southern Whites

Southern States that don't even significant African-American populations (e.g. West Virginia, Kentucky, Oklahoma et al.) are still among some of the poorest and least developed states in all of America.

West Virginia and Kentucky are Southern States and among the whitest states in America and both places are still shitholes of epic proportion, especially West Virginia.

Niggers may exacerbate statistics in some states but another major reason the South is shit is because Southern Culture is backwards and anti-intellectual.

'Dem naggers and yankees responsibles for all my problems' is a typical White Southern banal and trite excuse that doesn't go hand-in-hand with the facts, pal.

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>hating on southern belles
literally the best type of girl in the country, and i've been up and down the east coast
>muh midwest
giant dykes
>my west coast
you're kdding

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What do you mean by source? I've lived here my whole life and it really makes sense.
>Blacks in surplus in South AR due to slavery
>Swamps everywhere
>Capable white people move North to get out of flooding
>Niggers can't do shit so they stay in swamp shithole
I love it, it's like natural segregation.

Yeah don’t come to the south, it sucks.

watching him blow his brains out isn't that bad, it's his mother coming in afterwards howling

every day i believe the meme more and more

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Why don't you suck on these nuts you yankee fuck

Saged and reported. Another pointless d&c thread by some commie maggot from new england or Cali, both cuck capitals with no future. Kill yourself nigger.


t. fat inbred trailer trash

Oh wait, you mean the vid, don't you? Lol it was some user that shot himself on stream.

Sage goes in all fields

Neck yourself you cock sucking faggot

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The South is actually where Republicans perform the worst in the states they win, Trump did way better in the rust belt and Midwest than the South for example. A lot of moderate Democrats have been getting elected in the South recently too.

For these states being so worthless you fucking Northerners sure are moving into them in high numbers.

Florida and Texas are some of the best places to live in the U.S. Amazing laws, no state tax, etc.

Unless your a fucking retard and move to Miami or something.



Southerners are an embarrassment to white people

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Fucking Kia soul, 2012ish models fucking everywhere.

South Arkansan here.

It really is like the orcish scenes from LoTR down here. If I didn't have a big patch of family land in the middle of nowhere that's been in our family for centuries I'd pack it up and leave.

you don't want to fuck ur sister?

>technically "southern"
>only have 2 of these
pic related

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Northerner here, staying in Texas for work at the moment.
It's nothing great but it's not terrible either. I do hate beaners though.

what is "education index" a measure of?

IT's also where most of the niggers live.

or beaners
t. calfag

Honestly I agree but leave Texas out of it. Too many mexicans I'll give you that.

The South sucks.

So sad to see this monotonous shill thread copy/posted every day.

Why dont you go give Hillary's dried apricot snatch a tongue bath? Certainly that would pay better than this gig.


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On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner, O long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country, should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation.
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the Heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust.'
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

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Kentucky and West Virginia both fought for the union you idiot. We don't claim them

Delaware isn’t the South OP is a faggot with a shit pic

Giant weather bitch blob is heading straight for center of downtown Atlanta right now
Gotta love this weather
Bring it on tornado bastard

Daily reminder Oklahoma isn't the south.

the south is comfy. middle class is autistic af but otherwise no one gives a shit about them anyway

with the widespread poverty a lot of middle class fucks act like they're rich. stupid as hell, specially the blacks that move down here from the north and act like they're hot shit because housing is so cheap

Holy shit this. The middle class are such uppity fucks. All my friends are rich or poor since they are the only ones with a personality or goals in life.

it's because there's no weather like snow. they splurge more with more expensive cars or clothes because they won't get ratty. they're the idiots that take their mercedes to pepboys for oil changes or get the cheapest tires

every time it rains they'll hydroplane and wreck their leased cars, it's funny as hell

Even if they were they lost the Rose Bowl so they're out.

Southern AR here
>mfw i'm surrounded by a bunch of mumbling niggers and meth head white trash
Just fuck my shit up senpai

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Spoken like someone who has never spoken to a redneck.

Reminder that Southern society was riddled with Jews

>The first Jewish governor was David Emanuel in 1801 in Georgia. The first Jewish senator was David Levy Yulee in 1845 in Florida. The second was Judah P. Benjamin in 1853 in Louisiana. Benjamin later filled three top cabinet posts in the Confederacy (Secretary of War, Secretary of State, and Attorney General). Lehman Brothers, the Wall Street firm whose bankruptcy in September 2008 set off the Great Financial Crisis, started in the 1850s as a cotton broker in Montgomery, Alabama.

>In general, Jews were more welcomed in the South than in the North because Southern WASP elites saw themselves as an agrarian aristocracy and thus viewed Jews as valued mercantile complements. For example, Birmingham, Alabama had both a German Jewish country club and a Russian Jewish country club.

>Thus, overwhelmingly, almost unanimously, some with fear and trepidation, others with courage and enthusiasm, some with reservations, others with a firm unflinching resolve, Southern Jewry cast its lot with the Confederate States of America. Many, like “Ike” Hermann, had found the land of Canaan. Others, like Gustavus Poznanski, had found their Jerusalem, their Palestine. Still others, like Marcus Baum, Jacob Samuels, Adolph Proskauer, and Herschell Kempner, had finally found their fatherland.

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Reminder that the Confederates had the support of the Rothschilds

>“I therefore entreat you to use all your influence to get the Southern Confederacy recognized as soon as possible. I speak in this way with the greatest impartiality, for I do not permit myself to be influences by any other consideration than that of humanity and that of good sense; and if my former ideas have been modified a little, it is because circumstances have changed. Events have moved forward, and personally, and by my own efforts, I have been able to convince myself of everything that I propose.”
-Salomon de Rothschild, New Orleans, 1861

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Worthless kike shit, exactly as you'd expect.

Hey, My part of West Virginia is not the South. Morgantown the Northern Panhandle and maybe Fairmont are the North. We have industry here, Universities and Nasa

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yank fag

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Yeah, cause like affirmative action exists

Great. Stay away. We're full.

You're right about the blacks and the utter hostility to education, though.

The only bad thing about the south is that its overrun with niggers and spics.

But we can basically kill ours without consequence.

How would you want to change us? Be specific.

Protip: We have more guns than you.

Anyway reminder that the South was spoiled rotten before the war and their seceding was basically a giant temper tantrum because they didn't get their way this one time

>Compromise of 1790 puts DC in the south
>3/5 Compromise makes niggers only 3/5 of a person to give the South a population boost
>Missouri Compromise- maintains slave state/free state ratio for southerners
>Nashville Convention- Southern politicians met to discuss what to do if slavery was banned, basically sedition, no action was taken against them
>Nullification Crisis- the South sperged out and decided a tariff designed to protect American industries was unconstitutional. They used a definition of nullification so outstandingly retarded that even James Madison, champion of nullification, stepped in and said they were fucking morons. Andrew Jackson still compromised with a less stringent tariff.
>Compromise of 1850- mostly benefited the south
>Fugitive Slave Act- forced northern states to help catch slaves when they wanted to ship them off to africa
>Caning of Charles Sumner- southern congressman Preston Brooks literally beats a northern politician on the floor of congress, he got a $300 fine slap on the wrist
>Kansas-Nebraska Act/Bleeding Kansas- Southerners try to rig the election on whether Kansas will be a free state or slave state and cause a mini-civil war
>Corwin Amendment- would have enshrined slavery in the constitution, got President Buchanan’s official endorsement

Confederates can get fucked. They are petulant children.

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Why is this bad?

The North is a lot worse, and I've been all over the country. You're probably just a shithead ninny yourself, OP.

ITT: a bunch of gunlet yankees

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Delaware does not deserve to be a part of the South. It's a yankee """"state"""".

>Kentucky and West Virginia both fought for the union


West Virginia counter-seceded from Virginia so they could get back into the Union lmao

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dat ID, WY, MT bastion

>A lot of moderate Democrats have been getting elected in the South recently too.
concerning trend

There were Kentucky Confederate regiments, Stonewall Jackson was from what is now West Virginia, and every southern state except South Carolina provided at least one (white) regiment to the Union Army. I wouldn't exactly call that the best measurement for what is or isn't southern.

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this video is anti-white

The average southern cunt...

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Made a similar move. The absence of nogs is priceless.

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Mississippi fag here.
The south is a joke. It's overrun by jobless niggers and bible thumping troglodytes.
I absolutely loathe it.



Southern AR here
I feel you.

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I actually find ours more tolerable. Niggers in the South are better at knowing their place, it's northern ones that go full KANGZ

t. Californian

There is a lot of truth to this. I'm a southerner through and through. The biggest mistake was killing Lincoln. Fucked things up.for the South in a million different ways. You.couldnt have prevented the slave trade. The only way to get people to work on the farms in the deep.south was.slave labor. No free workers that shit. And once you had slaves in certain areas they were bound to end up on farms that free laborers would work. War seemed inevitable also. South fired the first shot but the North backed them into a corner. It was a shot fired in self defense.

But killing Lincoln...fuck that was not a.good idea.

tfw yellow blows its fucking top right as you arrive and most of the european race living in europe is turned to ash in a day.

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You west coast spice yuppie liberal niggers loving kikes are so smug though you are literally shit tier welfare niggers who offer nothing good, valuable, or decent to America or Americans. The Jew York side is literally SJW heaven with faggoty city people who think others should be required by law to be nice and politically correct. I love the South. Beer drinking prettiest women in the country. We call them Southern Belles. All your women look like fucking scarfaced collagen clowns. Yeah we like racing. So what. Im sorry you've never been above 60m.p.h. you fucking pussy. We got good food down here too. Enjoy your sushi and salted Dick skins you faggoty ass trendy bitches.