What's the worst place to live in Texas?
What's the worst place to live in Texas?
Laredo comes and goes. Prolly Youston ironically-not-ironically
Pasadena. Unless you like smog. Maybe El Paso? Austin is always an option as well.
You're a faggot.
>75% white
>lots of traditional families
>surrounded by farmland
>plenty of shopping areas an infrastructure
>excellent schools
The entire state is the "worst place to live in Texas".
It's literally infested with beaners and rednecks everywhere.
Literally anywhere in Texas is the worst place in Texas. Shit people. Shit weather. Shit roads. Shit schools. Nothing to do except indefinitely repair fencing on your 100+ acre property which has desert biome vegetation and heat, but somehow has subtropical biome levels of humidity. Or you could drive 20 minutes to the nearest strip mall and go do one of maybe five recreational activities that are offered in a 100 mile radius like indoor rock climbing because it's literally impossible to have fun outside in the whole state for more than 10 minutes before you get heat stroke. Oh and then you'll nearly get hit by a drunk driving illegal immigrant on your way back home.
t. Texan counting the days before he can move out and never come back
It's fine to complain about the niggers and beaners, but bitching about the weather is just weak.
Fuck up fag. Its not so bad.I take a community of spics any day than a community of Niggers (South houston, North Houston, Bellair)
I've heard Austin is really nice at the moment
I don’t know user, maybe the one with IEDs everywhere
>moving to Austin
Half of them are from California and the other half are from Seattle.
Enjoy repairing fencing in 90 degree weather and 100% humidity. I'm moving to Utah.
i hate dallas
This is so fucking accurate
God's Country Texas
>90 degree weather
I laugh at you.
It's all shit now because it's all full of Mestizos.
Texas is Mexico now aka total shithole. You might as well live in Haiti
Lucifer Stars
Probably Laredo on the border. Across the border from it is Nuevo Laredo, where the Los Zetas cartel is based. Basically anything within a few miles of the border is sketchy.
Lol, this Beaumont faggot is still so upset.
You can't compare Arizona's heat and Texas's heat. One is zero humidity the other is 100% humidity.
Humidity is like windchill. 110 F with 0% humidity sucks just like 90 F at 80% humidity sucks.
El Paso. Beaners in San Antonio, Houston, and the Rio Grande Valley at least consider themselves Texan, but not in El Paso. You're trapped in a city full of beaners with nothing else for hundreds of miles.
I can walk on asphalt in humid heat and blow a fan on my face to stay cool. Try baking cookies in your car with humid heat.
Disney wants to build a theme park in Texas and asks you to pick where it will go. Where would you put it? We are assuming that you would want to put it in the BEST location for this exercise, not a trolling location.
I honestly prefer humidity over no humidity. I've been in dry climates for vacations and stuff and it's always messed with me. I feel thirsty all the time.
t. mad WHITE pc liberal from California.
>Texans bitching about humidity
I spent the last year living around the 380 corridor, near Denton.
Weather sucks, hope you like 90++ for at least 9 months of the year. Windy in the winter.
Trees won't grow, nothing much grows except for weeds.
Two parent families still need grandparents or sitters to raise their kids so they can both work 90 hours a week, in order that...
They live in a $500,000 shitter house built by beaners that will fall apart before it is paid off.
You literally have to drive 90 mph on 380 every morning if you have a kid that goes to school, and
Kids are afraid to drive.
Hope you like autistic kids, because half these little fuckers are screeching spergs and autists.
Sports is an important way of life, if you have a kid and they haven't had two knee replacements by graduation, they aren't good enough for their school...
Everything below line three describes all of Suburban America, not just the ones in Texas.
Y'all ungrateful Texans need to learn to love your weather. 90°F is pleasant and if you disagree then I dare you to come fuck some cacti long dick style in 120°F heat with me out in Arizona. You'll change your tune real quick-a-like.
Have you heard of the news?
>$500,000 for a home in Texas
What are you doing? Don't buy some overpriced garbage in the city. Move to a comfy suburb. They are still affordable around here.
Houston > Horrible infrastructure, 'melting pot' of shit attitudes, mcmansions everywhere.
Austin > Cucked to an extreme, feminist and soyboy cancer everywhere
Dallas > All white people behave like boomers here, entitled, mcmansion capital of Texas,
So where are the good places in Texas?
arizona has fuck all humidity
Californian here what's a humidity?
But why would you fuck the cacti? I don’t understand. They’re prickly.
Dry heat is worser.
Dark red is shit, dark green is good
I was born in Texas but raised in California, my mom moved back to Texas 3 years ago. I should have gone with her
Buy some cheap land in West Texas away from it all.
East texas is generally the shittier region but really any large city in TX is garbage. Just like an large city in the entire nation. They're all garbage.
The rural parts are comfy asf though.
It's our state past time.
The whole state is over run by beaners and the whites there are kike loving Christ cucks who just let the beaners in
You have to travel through Dallas to get fucking anywhere which is fucking terrible because Dallas has way too many fucking people in it
The drivers are the worst in the god damn country
Oh and they all have shit taste in food
shit, got my colors mixed up.
Apparently grass is greener. I'm from Illinois and moved to texas, high to lower humidity. 70% humidity at 80 degrees was so much worse than 100% at 40% humidity.
really dry extremely hot weather is much worse to me than warm humid weather
getting dehydrated every hour and having your lips chapped every day is a brutal experience
t. nevadan
Shit turns me on.
It was...I just left last year.
It was cool, until the soyboys and trannies
Depends how much money you have to spend on a house or rent. I would prefer to live in a nice part in one of those cities than most places. I wouldn't take his words too seriously
Texas is lie 40% white, so anywhere nibba. akap jorbanali.
It is 53% at least.
Not Deweyville
galveston and lubbock.
lol you really hate fences, you fence slave
Can humidity do THIS?
I live in Sam Antonio. Rather than retreating into the comfiness I feel it is our duty to take back what is ours. This should not be Mexican country. If they can't integrate into our society we need to force them out.
You goddamn Yuppie
El Paso has always been isolated with her own culture, so I don't blame them. People there never travel past the city limits, unless they join the military
Stay away from dallas and the area around it. just horrible
RGV has its own culture too
North Dallas is the whitest concentration of large people in Texas.
the correct answer is dallas
Austin has always had trannies
Unless of you mind flooding
As a person from the Valley, I wholeheartedly agree with this.
Fucking tell me about it.
nothing beats swamp hell in august.
What was it like? Where do you go to school?
You dumb nigger, Alpine is comfy af, space telescopes and all
>crackheads and debutantes
El Paso. Youre in a whole different time zone! Its like youre not even part of TX anymore.
>El Paso
>Second safest city in the entire country
>Only like 3 murders last year
Yea sure
and half of 'em play for the cowboys
I wish more of texas had mountains and forest like Arizona. I guess hill country is second best.
Anywhere along the border where it's 75% mexican and 50% illegals.
Perhaps Brownsville.
Provably Austin right now
Dallas or Houston
Anywhere but Highland Park Dallas.
Seguin and Marion are badass.
>has never been outside of urban Texas
It's the best thing to happen in that city in a long time.
The answer to OP's question is Austin and it's been that way for quite awhile and likely won't be changing anytime super soon. Unless of course people like how San Francisco(super "shocking" I know) is turning out.
And half the population is on food stamps too.
ReadIt might be boring and the street layout is literally a grid, but its no fucking Dallas, Austin, or Houston.
The most diverse city in the United States.
>Cntrl + f
>No Odessa
Have any of you faggots even been to Texas? The whole state is a spic and nigged filled but Odessa really takes the cake.
Socalfag here, San Diego can get decently humid during the summer due to the city being built around an inlet. This results from more rain and cleaner air, but not as perfect weather compared to LA.
This guy gets it