Fuck this fucking cunt.
Fuck this fucking cunt
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Can't fuck a ghost
You can if you believe
Don't mind if I do.
If Okonogi walked in on them having sex, would she only see him humping the air?
I love Yuuko
Are you presenting an offer? Because I would.
I want to look exactly like Yuuko.
go away kyrie
>living life with the benefits of an 12/10 girl
Yeah, me too.
Looking like her wouldn't be a bad consolation prize either. Good genes in that family, makes me sad I can never add mine into the mix.
She's so sexy! SEXY!
Says who?
>Those collar bones
literally me
How do you hold up in the cold?
Let's go to heaven together!
putting my meat suit
Theres a doujin of this
Imagine getting to plow this every day.
What the fuck, dude.
damn teiichi you lucky bastard
So in the eyes of his parents and classmates, Teiichi pretty much grows up, never gets married, never has children and lives a solitary lifestyle. He dies alone.
At least I like to imagine that's how they see it. A Ghost gf is worth that though.
I can't see it playing out any other way unless they split or Yuuko is somehow made tangible to others or brought back to life. Her being dead for decades is the only downside here.
She's so perfect I can't watch/read this without falling into despair.
Would you nurse her back to health?
She's dead so it's a bit too late for that buddy.
whatever, they'd be happy as barely anyone would ever be
I'd call her out on wanting to be spoiled, because being sick doesn't mean anything for her. Then I'd do it anyway.
Just because she won't die from it doesn't mean it would hurt
Besides what if it's a ghost disease where if you die from it you double die
He would become old and ugly and she would still be pretty so she would dump him. It only works for a time. Or he could kil himself so they can be together lel.
What's gotten into you?
that's ridiculous and feels like the sort of thing Yuuko would make up to get Teichi to nurse her for a little
You think she would've learned her lesson after having her legs broken and left to rot in some basement but apparently not!
Best girl.
Holy shit, the one shot totally spoils the sacrifice. In the anime, it was revealed as if it were supposed to be a surprise
Not with that attitude
This was one of my favorite adaptations ever. Silverlink was very interesting in its use manga emulation, without going full SHAFT.
Shame most of their other stuff isn't as interesting
I think the better question is what he has that hasn't gotten into Yuuko.
If Yuuko's manko gets wet and stuff, she must have other ghostly biological functions. Could she get ghost pregnant?
The real question is what she'd be able to smell
I know what you mean
Anything is possible with enough semen
very bad anime
very bad post
very quality production anime but plot is low quality. sorry, it's just my opinion, i don't want to insult anyone. to each his own
The story really should've let her rest in peace after she moved on. Kirie was right about there being no happy way for the relationship to end but that was the cleanest it could've gotten. Then Teiichi could've had an awkward marriage with Kirie where she'd always know she's just his silver medal, and he could accidentally call her Yuuko sometimes.
Or he could have promised to save himself for Yuuko in the next life, be it afterlife or reincarnation or whatever. Point is, Teiichi will probably be hit by a Japanese truck while conveniently distracted by a semi-nude Yuuko.
I think Kirie would be fine with being the consolation prize, though.
She'd even grow her hair out to look more like Yuuko
I love this fucking cunt so much.
>I think Kirie would be fine with being the consolation prize, though.
Until Yuuko finds a way to communicate from beyond. You just know she'd be kibitzing every time Kirie got it on with Teiichi.
Yuuko is the perfect girl. Not just because of her amazing looks and softness, but because she's so openly loving towards the ones she loves.
of course you can't fuck a ghost
The original Houki.
I like Kirie more to be quite honest...
Is the anime worth watching? I have read the manga twice now.
I agree felt it was a bit of a cop out
Absolutely. There's an anime-original ending too since the manga wasn't finished by the time the anime aired. The ending itself is pretty good though, just not as definitive as the manga's final line from Yuuko.
The cutest.
Nice backstory as well.
God, I fucking love hime cuts. They frame the face so well.
I couldn't agree more. Hime cuts are a miracle of the universe.
>Yuuko will never haunt you forever
I'm just glad the manga had a happy ending
Honestly, my ideal ending would have been the open-ended "final" chapter of the manga before the epilogue chapters.
So did the mangaka of this ever go back to doing doujinshi and what ever happened to him after this? I haven't heard a thing since it wrapped up and it's such a shame to never get another one of those sweet vanilla doujinshi.
He's been doing other inferior manga.
Really? I'll go give them a gander right now, it feels like a decade since I read Tasogare and at the time it wrapped up, i wished him the best. Maybe "feels" like a good person from how his stories are somber but hopeful and optimistic. What's the best online manga website? All the ones I used visit went under.
His other stuff is so disappointing.
It feels like a different author.
>tfw you'll never have a ghost gf fall asleep inside of you
>tfw she always insists that's where she wants to sleep because it's always so warm
He should take the characters from the manga and then go back.
Can she make babies with Teiichi? What kind of creature would she give birth to?
>The real question is what she'd be able to smell
rotten eggs and pennies
Whoever, the fuck did the insert song, props to them. So damn fitting.
Very pretty half-ghosts maybe.
Half-ghosts? Uhhh.
I want her to sit on my face
They're only semi-tangible. If you're not focusing on them, you'll start to phase through them, like your hand is sinking into something with just a slight amount of give. You know that very unique repelling feeling you get when you push two like ends of two magnets together? It's a little bit like that.
The less you focus on them, the more easily your gaze can pass over them without you ever consciously realising they're there. But hold a thought of them in your mind, and you'll be able to pick them out of a crowd like anyone else, with maybe a little extra difficulty.
I can tell you never tried.
The softest.