I don't understand where they're going with her

I don't understand where they're going with her.

Is she gonna be Deku's daughter? Little sister? Love interest? Random fangirl? Arch nemesis?

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she's gonna have some impact later im sure. Overhaul still being around implies that heavily.

Plot device

all of the above

and then placed in child protective services

>Love interest.

They will 100% pull a Chibiusa and have her be Deku`s daughter from the future. Screencap this.

She needs to die or the series will go to complete shit

She will die in the same fight as Overhaul. Having a GER type ability would make every fight extremely boring.

>she wants the d

None of these things. She's just a damsel-of-the-week. She'll disappear, never to be heard from again.

inspired to become a hero by deku and mirio and future recovery girl

Reminder that Shouji will be the first Nomufied character after a heartfelt character arc and getting quirkraped to shit.

2 stronk for that.

Most likely.

Or just, you know, die.

This is Jump we're talking about. No way are they going to let one of the good guys die in a hero manga.

Most parts of JoJo kill a large amount of their good guys so I can't see why BNHA wouldn't be allowed to kill one character

What do you mean? course they did! They got rid oooooooooooooooooooooffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.................................................................................................................................................................. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................

hi shitposter-kun


*Cock device.

she's going to be protected for now until AfO finds out about her quirk, breaks out of prison to use her to restore himself to his prime and then become the main antagonist again.

Ochako is already Deku's love interest though

Ochako exists to be cuckolded.

night eyes sex slave while dicku's watching him raping her

Not sure if he still has his prostate.

The only way I can accept Nighteye continue to live.


Relevant poll.

I want imouto or love interest because it's so cute, and seeing Ochako jealous is fun.

her purpose is to shill paedophilia and hebephilia to wholesome young lads and distort their sexual development

Shouji best bro, don't bully

hell yeah thats hot

Not going to happen. AfO isn't stupid enough to let someone who could kill him right next to him.

you meant Toga, right?

Toga belongs to Twice. Although Toga is a way better love interest than Ochako will ever be.

>Toga belongs to Twice
she got wet by just looking at deku's kick. twice is nothing to her.

>Shouji can generate body parts in from his tentacles
>grows a copy of his brain inside one of them while the original gets Nomufied
>later grows the rest of his body to erupt out of one of the Nomus tentacles
>orders the other 3 to start generating cancer before he leaves, the Nomu is too much of a brainlet to fine tune control the quirk on that level so it dies
>new Shouji has his original quirk + the physical mutation ones that AFO gave his body so he looks even more of monstrous
>story arcs where he has to come to terms with his body and being a clone of the dead original

as if I'd ever stick my dick in that silly-putty sociopath
My love is as a fever, longing still
for that which longer nurseth the disease.
Feeding on that which doth preserve the ill,
th’ uncertain sickly appetite to please.

That's decently sexualized. Kind odd for Hori to do this.

well yeah, she's a damsel in distress, literally a plot device, a Macguffin

I’m always amused when people make up some important plot line for their favorite side character. There are so many kids I’m interested in, it’s a shame they won’t all get major focus.

So Setsuna’s quirk is just a way shittier version of Shouji’s?

Can I pick both sidekick and romantic? Their powers are made for each other, Deku is literally the only person Eri can use her power on in a positive way, and not just any OfA user but Deku's untrained version that hurts himself. As Eri learns control so will Deku.

Hori sexualizes his characters all the time

True heroes never die

>Eri never shows up again is winning

>we've reached the point where snk has better discussion of their manga than bnha despite having jumped the shark years ago

Another reason why this should be a monthly.

My hand slipped.

My little loli.

I swear if we don't an arc focused on him after this Yakuza fuckery I'll be pissed. Fuck you Hori.

That's right. Just like Kouta.

None of the above
Much like Overhaul and the Yakuza, she exists to create conflict and facilitate a rescue arc. Maybe she'll come into play later, but it's entirely possible that they just put her under government protection and then she just disappears from the rest of the story. It wouldn't be the first time this happens

She's gonna move into the 1-A dorm and have 20 new onii-chans and onee-sans and it's gonna be WHOLESOME.

She's too cute to get rid of.

..this is wrong

Kouta didn't have an orgasm on Deku's back.

>That's decently sexualized. Kind odd for Hori to do this.

She will be discarded at the end of this arc, never to heard from again now that she is in protective services. At best she will become a plot device where she needs to be protected at all costs constantly from the Shiggy.

As mentioned her power was made for Deku.

Eri is not for lewd

Ochako pls.

Its made for Deku taking the easy way out, which is why she's gone.

She's going to the hospital. Villains will abduct her there and force her to rewind AfO.

Doesn't kind of go against the entire theme of training and bettering yourself to be a hero if Deku just gets someone who can constantly heal him and let him operate at All Might levels all the time

That's why she nearly killed Deku after the fight was over, so she's established as a last resort, at least until she learns more control.

Kouta came as soon as he saw Muscular's magnificent cock.

How stupid are you?
Why do you think the Villain's Friends Alliance is kidnapping overhole right now?

Post your predictions for next chapter and why everyone will hate it because it doesn't conform to their autistic reading preferences.

My bet is Arch Nemesis. She and Deku will enter a weird father/child relationship until the inevitable betrayal due to some dark powah bullshit.

Gran Torino and Kurogiri appear.

She will probably be her little sister, and even train with deku and jobzawa to learn how to control her quirk, that would be cute.

That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read.

If I recall correctly this is supposed to be a secret mission that the other 1-A students aren’t supposed to know about. I doubt they’ll keep it a secret for too long so I guess I’d like to see the other students’ reactions

Nope , that should be bnha in general.

That's not how you spell Tsuyu

Tsuyu visits Aizawa in the hospital and rapes him with her giant futa cock.

Y vists X in the hospital but it wasn't who people wanted to vist X.

GER didn't deserve the death that the author gave him

In what world would child protective services just let an abused child live with a complete stranger who happened to be on the rescue team

Future sidekick

He can't steal her quirk like he did with the rest of them ?

How slow can you people be? Eri will be fucking gone from the story, she'll fuck off never to be heard from again, unless Hori is trying to shill pedophilia. She's too strong of a plot device. Her whole existence would kill any and all tension from conflicts. Every time something bad happens we'd ask ourselves "Why don't they just have Eri touch x character for a few seconds and then let Aizawa look at her?"

That's not sexual. that's childish and stupid. Plus fuckign Grape is in it.

If Eri requests it it's not impossible. I'm pretty sure Deku's mom wouldn't think twice about adopting her since she and Deku already have a bond.

It's an anime.
Now ask how Aizawa hasn't been fired yet.

>hurr durr why don't hero adults bring a little girl into dangerous situations to solve all their problems
>sure she can't control her quirk but it's okay because le shounen rules will make things better XD

Back to Sup Forumsmblr with you

Haven't been around for very long, eh?

>Implying this fucking revolutionary powerhouse would be seen as just a little girl
>Aizawa looks at her

Stop being disingenuous. If a little girl had a chance to stop WW3 do you think adults wouldn't use her because she's a little girl?

I want Kendou and Yui to team up and rape me

The VA let Overhaul go and he goes and kills Nighteye and Deku and then escapes, making everything that happened in his fight completely pointless. Week after that some deus ex machina shit will bring back Deku.

Does this universe have militaries?

she is the new, advanced healer of the school.

>Now ask how Aizawa hasn't been fired yet.

He will when the rumors of him having an affair with a student start popping up

>I-I just need a band-aid, nurse Eri-
>"Now you'll never need a band-aid again!"
>fetus squeeks on floor

>touching his hand
Frog confirmed for slut

I don't think so
I don't think Hori intends to make this a fleshed out world.

I mean, we only had glimpses of other countries heroes in a fucking spin-off

Not to mention we have no word of other schools outside of japan.

If there is no world-cup arc in BnH I will be so disappointed, such wasted potential

She could just carry Aizawa's eyes in a jar of formaldehyde.

user posts in the wrong website and someone notices.

I wonder, are deku's arms healed completely?

Tsuyu wanting some Aizawa dick is almost canon.

If this shitty arc doesn't have any interesting ramifications for Aizawa's character I'm going to eat Hirokoshi's lungs.

>get burned during training by some asshole who can't control his quirk
>go see school nurse
>there's just a bunch of fetus's lying around

Eri has more villain potential than literally all characters introduce thus far including AfO. Way to fuck up Hori.