ITT: Come up with the next big trainer based battle shonen.
ITT: Come up with the next big trainer based battle shonen
pocket monstergirls
Battle Bitches.
10 year old kid has a busty 20 year old fighter who responds only to his commands and fights against other young boys and girls who have older, sexier people fighting for them.
The shotas and lolis are the dominant ones.
A boy discovers one day that he can summon a ghost to fight bad people. Then his grandfather introduces him to other people that can summon ghosts, and they all have different powers. I call it Johnny and the Power Ghosts.
Last Action Hero: Japanese Toy Commercial Version
So Sekirei?
Trigger Nigger
so Jojo?
Something like Jojo combined with Fate Stay Night. Punch ghosts of historical figures and shit.
Narutaru but actually for kids
Are Mega Man or Medabots anime good?
Dunno about Medabots, but Megaman anime really is pretty good
In fact Battle Network overall is great, BN games, manga, anime.
Medabots was great and possibly the comfiest of all six shows in OP's. The comedy still holds up today.
Didn't watch Megaman, it's really up there with those classics?
Medabots was GOAT, but don't watch the second seasons, that was garbage.
But the OG series was 10/10 comfy anime, it was also really well animated.
Don't know about Megaman but Medabots is great.
It was animated by XEBEC
World is divided into six nations each with their own unique element and creatures:Water, Earth, Fire Air,Death(undead/horror creatures) and Life(plant based creatures). What makes it different is that the human "trainers" also take an active role in the fighting as well. Yeah it's basically Avatar except only the creatures have powers(the humans rely on their weapons).
The monsters are plants. They fight with plants.
Im aroused
Gash is way closer to something like Shaman King then any of those, though.
The "elements" are fruit, seed, vegetable, tree, weed, and aquatic. The trainers need to grow their monsters in the garden, to get kids interested in gardening.
This. Moemon made me able to play Pokemon again after fifteen years.
That Trigger Nigger one about people being able to summon historic black people is probably the best idea.
All women can enter a "harem pact" where they sell their soul to a "harem master" in order to grow more powerful. Pacts can be overwritten by stronger masters, although that's illegal.
MC is a lad who suddenly gains the power of the strongest Haremette. After a close call where she's almost stolen from him, he resolves to form an unbreakable bond with her; he cums inside, halving her power but making her immune to other masters.
He decides that he'll become the world's harem champion with just one woman, and will change the landscape of harems for decades to cum.
Man I miss when "mon" shows were popular. They were easy toy bait too. Why did they fall out of fashion?
Shaman King already exists.
>Why did they fall out of fashion?
Yo-Kai Watch is the new popular thing. And shows like Digimon and Beyblade are still running to this day.
>Kid finds talking guitar in grandpa's antique shop. Guitar transforms into super powered version of Elvis.
>All over the world ancient shit becomes Battle Grandpas
>final arc tournament with Seven Wonders of the world
>final villain is a Nuclear Bomb that transforms into literally Hitler.
A combination of Gash Ball, Dragon Ball and Digimon. Kids/Teens get chosen to summon "Brawlers" which are kooky demon looking humanoids. There are two gimmicks. The first is that they unlock new fighting moves using their Ki for their Brawler. The second is that the human partners can engage their opponent in combat as well to build up ki as well which allows their Brawler to evolve and get stronger.
MC is a spindly scared kid who just happens to have a fuckton of ki but it's dormant and uncontrolled so he needs to train with his Brawler to work it out and character develop/power of friendship his way to the top.
If anybody's seen Onmyo Taisenki, think of a non-furry version of that and with more physical combat
Once upon a time there was a kind king who liked hats. He had many sons, each a knight with a different hat.
One day, a demon possessed the king and turned him evil. His sons all decide to fight against the demonic power and ultimately have to kill their own father and destroy his castle.
Now, many centuries later, archeologists accidentally awaken the demon, who had sealed himself inside the king's crown to avoid being destroyed.
Sensing the demonic energy that once possessed their father rising again, the spirit of each of the king's sons awakens inside their respective hats, which were scattered all around the world.
The bravest of the king's sons lies inside a baseball cap, bought by a timid 10 year old boy who dreams of becoming brave himself. After explaining the situation to the boy, they decide to travel the world in search for the other hats to try and defeat the evil demon before he rises again.
Each hat has unique powers, which they can channel through those who wear them, if their connection and individual spirit is strong enough. Not all hat are good, however, as some of them instead want to take the demonic power for themselves.
Those who wear a hat are called hat knights. The protagonist, using a baseball bat to channel the power of the blade his hat once wielded, must fight against other hat knights in order to convince them to join his cause, while at the same time defeating evil hats.
Some hat knights include a magician with a top hat, a gunslinger with a cowboy hat and a mob boss with a fedora.
medabots, except the medabot is used as an exosuit during battles
Yeah but it used to feel like a new one of these shows were coming out much more frequently or at least feel more high profile than these days
Been thinking about a mon series. One was essentially Digimon world but rather than being trainers players entered as if you were playing an mmo(you choose a class and develop your skills and stats)and the mons were mobs that you kill with the plot being that a few players realize the mobs are actually living creatures enslaved by the game itself for the purposes of making money for a corporation. It turns into a semi war between the mons and the players with the mons fighting Invaders and the players blissfully unaware they are genociding them.
The other I haven't quite finished conceptualized but was an attempt to merge the human and Mon as much as possible. It's mostly based on spirituality and the concept of Spirit guides which are essentially extensions of yourself and they give you powers. Your ego and it being you as your higher self play the roles of human(ego) and mon(spirit guide). Digimon and Shaman King are some of my favorite all time series so that's where the inspiration for those comes from.
Fate but good
Sounds like a ripoff of Diesel.
Digimon Frontier?
First one sounds like "Digimon 02 Arc 1: The MMO" and the second one sounds like "Digimon's Bizzare Adventure."
I always wanted a reverse one where the kid is selected by aliens to fight other aliens pets.
Something like Angelic Layer
Takes place in a future where technology is more advanced.
Small figurine-sized battle robots go on sale that people can transfer their consciousnesses into.
Each bot has a different ability and there are huge tournaments that are held year by year.
MC is a boy who just got his bot and is unusually adept at syncing with it.
Eventually a number of people are trapped within their bots. They learn that they must search the city and battle with one another in order to return to their bodies. Only the last one standing can return.
It's basically like that other series with the tiny robots that was on Cartoon Network early morning.
right until the world tournament ends
Watch Digimon Frontier
It already exist
Another Bakugan 2.0?
>MC is a boy who just got his bot and is unusually adept at syncing with it.
Fourteen year old female protagonist is unambitious and drifting throughout her existence. And then, one day she receive a letter from her older brother to join a after school club, at first relucant she romp herself up with motivation to join.
Upon entering she find the club leader who aspire to become a scientist, she produced a makeshift device that can make the wearer enter people dreams/nightmares and battle the monsters inside the users subconscious.
Here my edgyness:
Our MC is a young guy who has a trauma: he was raped as a child. Some day he receives a letter that says: "do you want to forget or do you want to heal?" with a deadline of 7 days and an adress. At the 7th day the MC goes to the adress scared as fuck. There is a weird woman who tells him that she knows what happened to him and that she can help him: their dark magical underworld is currently being invaded by strange monsters that can't be countered by them, but somehow humans that travel to the underworld can summon their strongest phobias with a spell, and the stronger the phobia is the greater the projections are, and this phobias can harm the monsters that are invading the underworld, so that's why they need humans, and why would humans help? Why they would want to see their phobias? Because the strongest underworld magician can use a one time spell that can erase a moment in the life of a human and therefore healing him, and in addition they will grant you a small wish to fix another aspect of your current life (make you taller, killing someon, earning a few of millions, etc) so those are the prices. But those are only for the one who beats the lord of this fuckers.
But obviously the first steo for the MC is accept that he will see his phobia projected, and it's like a weird slender masochist with a bloody horn on his dick, the second step is not breaking down to it and beat him with a weird weapon, the third step is learning to summon and taming him, and then he will go to stop the invasion. But there also are a lot of other humans on this, and there are some that want the two wishes so bad that they will even eliminate other humans that are on the way, like children in the middle of war, drug whores and shit, so in the end he will fight against everyone but one or two friends.
It's titled Faggot: my ass hurts.
It will only work if it's a cross media thing so has to be anime, game and possibly manga too
Why tho? I know most examples of OP's pic did this but why would this be a rule?
Because that's what makes them big.
>double peace sign
Made for abuse.
Toys, easily. Say you got his Ultra Hand that you can magically transform into an associated being that has it directly attached onto it. So it's a robot with an Ultra Hand for an arm. It's got a special ability. Say Jimmy has a baseball pitcher and he throws a ball. Use Ultra Hand robot to grope that shit harder than an old man in a doujin and use it's special ability to catapult it straight back at the pitcher.
It's a starting point for an idea, I guess.
Similar only instead of using devices it's internal power and instead of the spirits kind of just being mute avatars they are have more personality. I haven't really thought it out past humans and mons being as close as one being as possible.
If 02 was actually like this I might have enjoyed it. Also like the idea of an A.I trying to kill you in a system it has control over, similar to dothack or the matrix.
Make a Xenoblade 2 anime
>people are finally noting mega man battlenetwork series
Hell yeah. I honestly didn't watch/play the games until high school but was still blow away how good all of it was. TV show was rather sure all considering. Games were challenging for the most part. Narative was great and the designs were just updated robot masters from OG mega man
If you haven't played watched mega man do it.
>raped as a child.
Stopped there. No way Japan will let a kids series feature a raped kid
>kids show
Still not half bad
your standard tournament battle royale with people from another world except with card games being the primary means of attack.
two creatures fight and use cards to use spells, special attacks, summon allies, heal, evolve to a higher state
basically, that just means one card is selected before the game to be your main guy so you can pick your favorite as a player and in the show so you always have the main guy and no luck of the draw.
it's an actual fight and the cards are just there to give each combatant an advantage. either a fighter has a human run around them with cards fighting for them knowing the rules of the card game, or they can fight on their own. that's the story stuff, the details are unimportant compared to the game which would decide how big it could get.
this idea originally existed as an idea for a late night anime where it would have a kid with a tittymon saber clone for marketability but as a children's property it can be some lil monster or something those are cool and i'm quite fond of them
>1 one of the pictures look pasted on like after thought.
>we will never get medabots ammibos
it hurts anons.
I'm downloading the series now, honestly not surprised I can't find a good torrent for the series man nyaa and piratebay getting hit hurts
This is cool, but the card game should be themed after something.
that just sounds horrible and boring cause only someone like hercules will always win. and I doubt there's much of them.
I have to finish my dracula book first user.
>historical figures
really activates my almonds
you didn't say real historical figure and you said FSN which hercules is in.
but to be fair I find it hard to not believe some mthologies to be real or I can't tell the difference unless it's over the top like zeus and his brothers.
the yugioh card game flavor text where all those hundreds of various genres of character exist in one setting was supposed to be the idea for the late night tittymon concept, where you would have a card game kid mc teaming up with this eroge-like warrior heroine to go up against typical card game stuff like goblins, monsters, robots, superheroes, basically whatever.
it's difficult to come up with a theme for this as a kids show that doesnt step on the toes of anything else, there is no theme that 'pops' and is appropriate without going into fantasy which is very played out no matter if you make them robots or animals or based off of some esoteric ancient culture.
>one day a mysterious storm appears all over the world
>bolts of lightning descend from the sky striking random personal electronics
>these electronics come to life
>they gain the ability to morph into small robots
>each has a power set based on their initial device
>main character is given his Not Gameboy
>useless girl has a small laptop
>smart commenting glasses boy has his calculator
>fat side character has a toaster
>edgy rival has a console controller
>2 years after the event and devices are regulated
>given the name "Robuddy"
>a tournament is held
>OP by Jam Project
I'm not the same user who came up with the idea and I don't care about Fate.
Either fantasy-historical figures aren't allowed or they are, and in both situations Hercules wouldn't be the strongest (he either doesn't exist or is overshadowed by stronger fantasy-historical figures).
Also it doesn't sound horrible or boring at all, you're just uncreative.
actually you know what I was being uncreative since I took that user's words "punch ghost" too literal and forgot what jojo actually does
Toriga Niga
Again, Shaman King already exists
You fucks are all just remaking Shaman King!
Dubs confirm Shaman King is coming back and it's gonna be the next big thing.
this but a manga
Okay, okay, so
Kid is a dumb 12 year old little shit in the world of GUNWARZ
>trainer based
V-tamer exists and it was great.
Gaben pls
>Harem anime without a harem
Is this a subversion?
"Masters" collects various monkeys with names in ebonics. They are not so much his friends like in every generic show but more like battle-servants. Battles are to death and weapons are allowed, also you can get challenged 24/7 and can't reject them unless you have [golden banana] item.
Is fate stay night a trainer based anime?
It's a deconstruction.
The beliefs of the people influence the world. As time passes, what we remember of history, how we believe history happened, changes.
Primary protagonists are a group of middle aged historians working for a library. They travel through time kicking the asses of significant historical figures that have been changed by the perception of those hundreds or thousands of years down the road so hard it changes them back to normal.
After kicking the ass of magical girl Julie Caesar so hard she morphs back to Julius, they head back to their original time, their actions unthanked and unknown.
>Tfw Arena seemed perfect for an anime but didn't get one
Shit, I forgot the trainer part. They collect those misguided historical figures and use them to fight others. Like, say, genghis-tan against king slut (king tut). It has everything. Battle shounen, Christmas cakes, and historically inaccurate waifus.
loved the end, and it sounds good, not for a kids show of course, did this user copied this from somewhere else?
conjuring familiars?
Battle Offspring.
Parents train and selectively breed their children in order for them to train and teach their children to survive in a battle riddled society.
>Medabots was GOAT, but don't watch the second seasons, that was garbage.
What do you mean? Medabot Spirit of the second season of the original series?
Season 2 of the OG Medabots was pretty curious. First they aired the 13 filler episodes which they skipped earlier and after that they gave us the 13 episodes that take place after the season 1 finale.
a group of young children are summoned to another world to be paired of with monsters from various tribes.
the kids fight and the monsters provide the power ups and dictate strategy,the children are essentially slaves since they cant leave until the battle is over.
its a dark and gritty look at battle partner manga.
fuck it i'd watch it
>what is that fat slob thinking, pitting his pathetic Toaster against my Calculator? How illogical!
>he's thinkin' with his stomach! go get him!
>OK Toaster, time to burn this know-it-all...
>black screen, ED hits