You Have To Admit, He Has A Point

You Have To Admit, He Has A Point

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Other urls found in this thread:

this again?

Would you like to talk about skull differences or can we go straight to the IQ and crime statistics?

One has significantly higher average to die by rejecting the chicken human relationship

Can you go ahead and post crime stats for me? I believe I have skull differences somewhere.

You're an egg?

>Asian master race
>kill all whites

Attached: 1451422544568.png (1715x1091, 204K)

>african cannibalism is still prevalent in this day and age
But, yes we are all the same and all cultures are beautiful

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>Rage comics in 2018
Unironically kill yourself.

Attached: 1455489188171.png (2406x1936, 1.17M)

Now let's compare the IQs and crime rates of the two eggs.

dump everything

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>humans are egg yolk

Like woah dude

This is bullshit. If I find human remains in my backyard and have them tested, we would be able to determine not only their race, but also their age and gender.

God, people are stupid.

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Amazingly, the "pro-science" people know nothing about biology, or willfully disregard it.

Blacks got the dicks & athleticism
Whites got the brains & civil behavior

Attached: (848x729, 126K)

we are humans
> sub species
and actual niggers and coons
> i feel sorry for being cursed with shity dna
i think we should take africa keep them wild and in the play pen
let the whites and asain do are thing gassing the kikes and muslims

Attached: kangz1.jpg (480x479, 55K)

>Make shows informing people that science can determine age, race, gender, diseases, life history, etc from bones and tissue fiber, and is accepted in a court of law
>But everyone is equal on the inside
No one is buying it. The jews let the goyim know too much about science and shit, and everyone knows people aren't equal

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i miss troll science. that shit was gold


Its a metaphor idiot. By seeing that eggs are different outside but the same inside, it logically implies that humans, although looking differently, are the same.

The only color that matters is green.


This shit looks like something off of 9gag or reddit, but I can see some retard make this kind of "argument".
>Same internal organs therefore we are all the same
>Ignore basic genetic differences
>Ignore the crime rate of the brown egg
>Ignore the fact that the brown egg never built anything of value
>We Wuz Eggs and shiiit

Attached: stock-photo-white-egg-with-crown-d-illustration-123980164.jpg (1113x1600, 188K)

>it logically implies that humans, although looking differently, are the same.

But that isn't true. If you look at a skeleton, it just looks like a skeleton, but we can determine their race, age, and gender through various means of testing and, if we're lucky, how they died.

Race is more than skin deep, it's the same as gender or age, you can't change it and we can tell what you are or were, whether alive or dead. Men and women aren't the same, adults and children aren't the same, and likewise, different races aren't the same.

A person's ethnicity can be determined just by their bones, so this "metaphor" doesn't work.

>People are eggs
If people were just dumb capsules only good for eating, then this guy would have a point. But even then, the eggs grow different breeds of chickens and there is a physical biological difference if you were to "crack open" different races of humans and look at their guts and flesh and bone.

You could make the argument in OP pic for cannibalistic reasons, for why it does not matter if your victim is black or white because they will taste the same and look the same more or less as far as you are concerned for just eating them.

>Bro, I don't like black people. White people are better
>Bro, that's racism and it's not good.
>Why bro?
>Look at these heads, one white one dark
>Yes bro.
>Now we remove their skin and see what they actua...
>Oh fuck the skulls are completely different and this comic is shit

>Bro, I don't like white people
>AYY NIGGA DAS RITE *smacks lips negriously*

>bones = eggshells


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No shit. But you can't compare eggs to humans because after you crack the open, there's no telling what color the shell was, but after you crack a human open, you can tell exactly what color the person was.

Those are all the shell.

Is he saying we should start cracking people open? I hope he doesn't live in bongistan, otherwise that could be interpreted as incitement to violence.

If that's what you want to live by I'm fine with your decision. As a white person I welcome to opportunity to destroy you gooks

Nigs have different genes to whites

>humans are eggs

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>implying the brown egg isn't much healthier and tastier
fucking kek (((they))) can't even get this shit right

>hello fellow eggs

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Thanks for that one

The first statement is an opinion. And while the opinion may be an ignorant racist one. There is absolutly why his opinion is wrong or bad. So what if he does not like a certain group of people?
Let him hate whoever or whatever he wants, just so long as he does not take negative physical action against them, no one should get upset.
Why are the left such fascists?

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>Would you like 19th Century pseudoscience, or should jump straight to early 20th Century pseudoscience?

>If you skin people and turn the inside out it's hard to tell what race they are
Actually, no. Race is much deeper than skin color. You can tell a Pearson's race from their bone density, the volume of brain matter, their ratio of fast-twitch to slow-twitch muscles, their skeletal structures, etc etc

That's not even counting what happens when you perform a genetic test on any one of the trillion cells before you

This is fucking gay

>1 post by this ID

Underage and gay ass hell

>I don't have a rebuttal so i'm gonna call it fake.

>1 post
Another circle jerk science denial thread


Jesus fucking Christ. Are you even trying to straw man here?

>newfriends are now a daily thing.
>shill threads always attracts tons of facts and redpills
>shill threads also contain the enemy

Shill threads are a net gain for us.
The more counters we hit them with, the more newfriends we redpill

And the more obvious their tactics become.

If we do not respond to them. They will do their job and shill it on the board for hours. Newfriends then become exposed to the purely controlled narrative that we must stamp out.

Please, someone refute me.

It doesnt take too long to pop in and put these shit fucks in their place, and stop this decline into degeneracy.

Unless of course, if you have any reason that my observation is wrong. Lets discuss it.

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The word "pseudoscience" is the rebuttal. If you believe in Phrenology you shouldn't be taken seriously

This is what the perfect body looks like.

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>humans and eggs are the same thing

Attached: Race genetics.jpg (572x532, 51K)

Attached: Race and intelligence.png (962x2179, 976K)

not talking about phenology you fucking idiot

exactly, by you calling it "pseudoscience" you are implying the fact is a myth. in other words calling it fake. but you do not explain how it is pseudo or give a source explaining so.

Why don't you attempt to explain to me the data in that figure. What is PC1? What is PC2?

>using memes that originated on Sup Forums
It's pretty pathetic that the left only steals memes from Sup Forums because they can't create their own

and their is scientific evidence that different races are built differently. if we were not, you could take a nigger, color him white and he would look like an average white guy. this is not the case tho, people can look at an albino nigger and see he is in fact not "white"

ha ha ha what is this really does this person think people are eggs ha ha is this a joke I can't even tell anymore bro

what is pc1 and pc2? What is this graph showing?

Wow well argued, my dingo.

>You Have To Admit, He Has A Point

Actually, he doesn't. One can determine race simply by observing skeletal remains. Yes, the biological differences are 'THAT' substantial. Those two egg yokes were biologically and phenotypically similar. Human being of different races are neither.

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Nothing posted in that picture is true. Everything listed as "fact" in those pictures are not actually found in the sources. They are incorrect interpretations of the sources. What's more is that it is one big ad hoc. None of those papers are about race None of them mention race and intelligence. That picture is meant to fool the reader into thinking a bunch of incorrect interpretations add up to one big assumption.

the white egg has 15 more IQ points on average though

>anthropology is phrenology
The absolute state of leftists. Why are you nigger communists always lysenkoists eh?

Relevant quote:
>We then performed a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based on the pairwise allele-sharing distances among all pairs of individuals (Fig. 3B). The majority of the genetic variation is found between African and non-African populations, as the first principal component (PC1) accounts for 78.7% of total variance. PC2 reflects genetic variation in Eurasia, and populations from Central and West Asia occupy the space between East Asia and Europe to form a relatively continuous distribution. The two Polynesian populations (Tongan and Samoan) show a close relationship to Southeast Asian populations (Fig. 3B). PC3 distinguishes New World populations (Bolivian and Totonac) from other populations (Supp. Fig. S4A).

A layman really has to read through the whole thing to understand it. I have the PDF saved on my PC.

i see idiot women make this argument all the time

Wanton Genocide of the human populace when

Why do all modern geneticists say there is no such thing as race, then? I'll wait.

>In before "science is a conspiracy"

Why do reddit actually reply to these threads, like it needs a refutation

>brown eggs and white eggs are equal
>brown egg yolks look the same as white egg yolks

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i just.....
just literally cant understand this....
ive been here for almost a month now and how do you people do it?
always being racist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, and hating women
is it satire?
or are you "people" literally this ignorant and jaded....

This. How else will newfags see the strength of our arguments if they don't witness us defeat every argument the establishment can throw at us?


This paper seems to be able how precisely we can measure population diversity.

Nowhere in the paper is race even mentioned.

Nowhere in that paper does it say that any populations are significantly different from one another.

The people responsible for making this propaganda have taken a picture which they do no understand, but believes supports their idea, and have touted it as evidence for their political beliefs.

>crime statistics
>the shell

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Need Photoshop of zoom in on the egg to a genetic level and revealing that they came from different types of birds.

What percent of blacks are murderers?

Less than 1%

rhesus value.

- mothers need shots to have more than one kid with a +.

and the beauty

That's because they use the words "ethnicity" and "ethnic groups" instead of "race", which is the correct use in the context of the study.
As for your other post, saying "not this isn't true" isn't a rebuttal. Either argue the facts, or gtfo. And yes, the pictures are taken from the sources, and yes the sources absolutely mention "white", "black", "hispanic" etc. How daft are you?
Nice Reddit spacing by the way.

>not including actual statistics in the picture which are honestly even more damning

Attached: US crime rate by race.jpg (2032x3528, 1.07M)

>what is abortion

Never seen this linked to the picture, thanks

I am arguing facts. Nowhere in that paper does it say populations (or ethnicities) are significantly different from one another.

The paper also supports AoA theory, which is largely denied by "race realists."


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>we are eggs.
Great, another thing to add to my pronoun list along with nazi and russian bot.
Now seriously fuck off.

>current year
>le rage comixs
Gas yourself

>87 replies