
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Tucker: Men In America pt1 3/7/18
>Tucker: Men In America pt2 3/14/18
>Tucker: Men In America pt3 3/16/18

>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/others @Combating Opioids event in NH 3/19/18
>Pres Trump speaks @Safe Station in NH 3/19/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in NH 3/19/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart DC 3/19/18
>StateDep "Save the Children" summit (w/Heather) 3/19/18
>DoD Behind the Scenes with Marine Corps Infantry 3/19/18
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #30 (Dr Gina) 3/17/18
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #48 3/17/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady @St Patrick's Day Parade in GA 3/17/18
>This Week @State 3/16/18
>WH Video: Pres Trump welcomes Irish PM Varadkar to WH 3/16/18
>DepSoS Sullivan meets JPN FM Kono 3/16/18
>DepSoS Sullivan meets SoKo FM 3/16/18
>HHSSec Azar @Natl Assoc of Comm Health Centers 3/16/18
>StateDep Readout: Heather w/AssSoS Evanoff 3/16/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, Leg Affairs Dir Short 3/16/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday dear Iraq War

Happy Birthday to you

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Fourth for MAGAchu.

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How To Pay For The Wall

>Remittance Tax
>Import Tariff
>Cartel Seizures

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Hi eva


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>Tucker claims Rothschilds control the weather
>Does not expose Rothschilds for white genocide
>Has turned the entire anti-Rothschilds movement into a joke
>white genocide continues unopposed

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>Japan could be exempted from U.S. tariffs on steel, aluminum

>Japanese trade minister Hiroshige Seko said on Tuesday that there was a high possibility Japan would be exempted from U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum on per-item basis.
>Seko said he was aware Japanese steel makers and others were encouraging their U.S. clients to apply for exemptions. He added that Japanese steel and aluminum products contributed greatly to U.S. industry and that they were irreplaceable.


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i'm getting really sleepy. I think it's time we went to bed.

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He's like a life size Lego figure.

Oh look, it's another Jew on TV telling us how it is

Is to robodog functional or what

Ew. Watch the nasty old shit faggot explode like a rotting carcass.

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Yep, they can open doors and run.

>Moarphaggot still posting up a storm
Do you take shabbos off completely, or do you get a shabbos goy to run your account?

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Tr-Trump CAWk?!

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oh look... you forgot your argument.
come at me when you have some substance, boyo.

it's a low energy snoozement.

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You're still here, I see. Getting triggered by everything the real anons enjoyed. No way to spend an evening. What a miserable existence for you, spending hours on end here... spamming the same ineffective memes... getting insulted as you deserve to be. Why don't you just go back to r/politics? You can be as much as a stupid nigger as you want there and as long as you say fuck Drumpf they'll be nice to you.

You can't act like a little faggot kid on the internet and not expect to be called a faggot, faggot

such a fucking chad

Donald Trump on March 11-
>The Failing New York Times purposely wrote a false story stating that I am unhappy with my legal team on the Russia case and am going to add another lawyer to help out. Wrong. I am VERY happy with my lawyers, John Dowd, Ty Cobb and Jay Sekulow. They are doing a great job and.....

March 19-
>"Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova will be joining our legal team later this week,” said Jay Sekulow, counsel to the president

Really gives my noggin a joggin

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Those are Patriotic colors

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are you glad you don't live in Britain?

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>that smug mom grin on Mollie
I really want to rail that shortstack

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I'm content spreading the Truth about our Zionist overlords. ^_^

if the Iraq war was a girl, she'd be too old to groom at this point in bongland. Cheers to our debt boys

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Last sleep was lame, do better this time sleepyqt

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I love how Japan went from trade enemy #1 in the 80s to best friend now.

Prove that you're not a sycophant by saying one thing you don't like about Trump
>constant Israel pandering

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Arguing with Jews is a fruitless endeavor, if you took the time to read the shit you spam you'd know that, Moshe.

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You are here in this thread illegally! This is a high energy bread!

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You were gleefully spreading white genocide memes and everyone can see it, ya dummy.

Did Pompeo unfuck the CIA’s shit?

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>Tucker doesn't do something I like
Yeah go, befriend the based democrat and talk more about it.

Ready for snow.

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Is this from the Bible?

strange how it must always be through an anti trump lens
he is just one person
and you STILL cant explain why there are more zionists against him than there are for him

screw walking a real dog, walking a robodog about to get you so much pussy

And yet here you are responding.
Next time respond with an actual argument

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Anime got super popular since the 90's

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yeah. i expose white genocide like many other anons do. too bad Tucker refuses tho, huh?

>while shilling for american liberal kikes

fuck off,jew

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now this is how a PR campaign is done

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>Driving home from a long day of hard work
>can't wait to get home and kiss my wife and hug my children
>huh? Oh man what the heck I'm being pulled over??
>Show him my liscenes and reg
>askes me to step out
>searches me I agree
>searches my car, tell him no its private property, he'll need a warrant
>he violates my rights and shatters the window because the doors are locked and beings searching and finds a small half-filled dime bag of weed
>He shows it to me says to take a seat and wait a minute
>He leaves and comes back 5 minutes later
>Come over here sir
>he brings me to a shallow ditch on the offside of the road and tells me to kneel facing away from and put my hands up
>I do it
>I don't remember the rest of this story, because in Trumps america I was executed by the officer for posession at this point

Don't let this become the America we know and love! Say NO to Trump, say NO to the death penalty.



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Name a better river. Protip: there isn't. Roosya's Volga River can't compete. The Ganges is too dirty like its home country. The Danube is gayer than all of Western Europe. The Yangtze and Nile are dirty streams. Assad's precious Tigris and Euphrates couldn't even handle the bull sharks that swim in the Mississippi. Tdr: suck my river's dick non-Americans.

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>there are more zionists against him than there are for him
i dont believe you can back up that claim.

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You aren't fooling anyone. It's so obvious what you're doing. Just stop.

He hasn't forced you and your tribe to take a shower yet.

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I've been impressed with the way he's done things.

Damn 60 minutes just deepthroated him

Why can't the Kikels just die allready? they're so annoying

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>Chinese government funding democrats
>Democrats pushing for war with Russia

Guys.. this is really making me think

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A Japanese steel ceo also resigned under financial fraud for messing with steel exports numbers the same day Trump launch tariffs and had talks with Japan.

Die, nigger

I'm rekting the Zionist narrative. It should be very obvious.

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as a blonde man, if I were to have kids with a red head, would our kids most likely have blonde hair?

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I don’t think you can refute it Eva???

Welcome to Sup Forums

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Context matters user. The new york times was talking about clintons impeachment lawyer

Dont worry though, its the internet, no one will remember your a retard next thread

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She looks like the sister on Mike & Molly.

>having kids and smoking weed
absolutely degenerate

>Crazy like a fox, Trump bests them all

>It began with a predictable gambit: “Little Rocket Man” Kim Jong-un took advantage of the winter Olympics to initiate a full-court charm offensive, complete with cheerleaders exuding cheeriness so phony it would embarrass Spongebob. His objective? To create some space between South Korea and the United States, that North Korea could do mischief to this important strategic partnership. Perhaps he was counting, like many of President Trump’s opponents, on his opponent being an idiot. He must be scratching his head – or shooting his advisors – over the situation in which he now finds himself.
>Let’s stipulate that Kim and Trump meet for five minutes before the conversation dissolves into chaos. What has Kim gained? The imponderable gravitas of meeting with the President of the United States. Will that lift sanctions? No. Secure the Kim regime? No. Alter the strategic balance in North Asia? No. But it will allow Donald Trump to tell the world some variation of “I thought it was worth a try, but all we heard was deranged threats. This guy is really loopy and he’s a menace to the world…”
>And call for a redoubled sanctions regime. Kim could do the same, but… who’s violating UN sanctions, working a forbidden nuclear program, lobbing missiles toward his neighbors and killing his kinfolk with nerve agents in foreign airports, again?

>All of which is probably why we haven’t heard anything more from North Korea about direct talks: now that their bluff has been called, they don’t know how to escape the trap they so confidently stepped into, thinking the man with whom they were dealing was a fool.
>Gentlemen, welcome to the ranks of those bested by the buffoon from Brooklyn. You won’t be the last.


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interesting response
everyone take note that the zionist was threatened and completely ignored the other part of the post

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>Name a better river.
I can't. I don't appreciate it enough tbqh.


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sure. it's real easy. wanna see. ok here we go..

please backup your claim with sources or stay defeated

what's up?

You deserve it for smoking weed, asshole.

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get raped nigger faggot

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>trump threads always created by a non-american

really activates the almonds

All better after surgery.

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Great work! Good to see you

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those jewish donors are the diaspora.
the diaspora is mostly anti-israel.

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someone needs to do a virgin/chad meme with MBS as the Chad and that billionaire Saudi who sparred with Trump on Twitter as the virgin

fuck you and your blog

Nah you win dude. Look at this here it’s oblah

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>not legally binding
Just stop. Go read a Bible.

Red heads seem to prefer swarthy men

On the one hand yes, since Monarchy and the Parliamentary system are degenerate. On the other hand, had we been closer in the 1920s-40s, we could've prevented the dissolution of the British Empire and had an Anglosphere world order with Poos, Arabs, and Niggers contained in their homelands instead of leading them to white countries.

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ew hes yelling this is serious businesses, my dad use to pull this 5 times a day.