If college being free for everyone would make a college education useless, then you are batantly admitting a college education exists solely to be a class gateway.
If college being free for everyone would make a college education useless...
How old are? You have to be 18 or older to post here. Of course it's a class gateway.
Well, it's clear you haven't even graduated from high school....
Actually, it makes it MORE valuable
It becomes a requirement and ensure that we have a smarter, more productive, and highly intelligent population that can easily see through fake news and other political lies...
...which is why cucked traitors like the GOP are completely against it. They don't want a smart population that can clearly see through conservashit lies.....
Kind of but not really, for example the knowledge a brain surgeon learns at college is fundamental to their job, the knowledge is invaluable
But yes college has become stupid expensive, hell I tell every high schooler I meet to take a good long look at trade schools
>Yes goy GOOD GOY, strap yourself with $20,000-$100,000+ in debt from the get go so you can compete with 50,000 Pajeets for an entry level position, it’ll help your credit and build character goyim!
Fucking ridiculous
pol btfo xddddddd
Side note because it just occurred to me, how are 18 year olds eligible to sign up for tens of thousands in loans when they can’t even drink
well... yeah.
College being free for everyone is retarded. If you don't want to pay, do a better job in school so you can get into a good school for a reduced cost (financial aid) Colby college is Maine will give you free tuition if your family makes under 60k, but you gotta WORK to get in there.
what an idiotic post, education should be limited but only for the smart people, not rich people
learn the difference between the rule and an exception to the rule. you pointing out an exception to the rule doesn't mean the rule isn't true or is "kind of true." it's just true.
What are you referring to in my post?
skills are never useless
you can DO things with skills, without them, you can't do things
if everyone had an engineering degree, imagine the cool stuff we could all make, we'd be on the moon and mars in 2 years
however this does not mean going to college is the only way to gain skills, or that it's the best way to gain skills
youtube is inexpensive and often superior to many of the lecturers I had
also bear in mind, anything that isn't STEM is worthless
only science, technology, engineering and math have improved the lives of humans, everything else is a hobby
>If college being free for everyone would make a college education useless, then you are batantly admitting a college education exists solely to be a class gateway.
its true though. college is a scam
wtf are those eyebrows
He's right though. For all of the engineering fields, you'll outright kill people if you don't have training (I'm not saying 4 years is the magic number though). That said, that's also not true about many non-engineering fields.
because you watched stefan molymeme
and he's right about this, it's quite absurd
I myself did not realise how the whole loan system worked, but luckily I chose a useful degree and the loan system in my country is treated as an national investment rather than a debt
cute girl
I was literally raised to think that college was just something you do so you can make more money and when I brought it up in class my freshman year my professor and whole class lost their shit i was so confused
>stefan molymeme
Haven’t heard of him until today, I don’t do pol that often desu
If college is no longer a differentiator, it will cease to differentiate. CRAZY!
>What college is meant to be (and what people still pretend it is)
A place to train young people to be good citizens and to prepare some of them for advanced and specialized studies.
>what it is
An expensive, but legal, replacement credential for the job aptitude testing that the government banned as racist
>what “free” college would be
Worthless daycare for late adolescents
Academic rigor and demonstrated proficiency are racist and counterproductive to the mission of modern universities. The Ivy League can only perpetuate class advantage when it can reject 19/20 applicants. The point of “free” college is to send everyone to college so they can earn the college-premium wages. The lifetime earnings advantage that college graduates have is largely a function of their having the sort of habits that get you to graduation more than anything they’ve been taught. The only thing “free” college will change is increased employment for college professors and increased demand for Masters and PhD students who’ll become the lowest level of employable workers.
Just get a scholarship if you're that smart
college/university should be free ONLY FOR STEM COURSES and only if you pass the entrance exams to show you can cope with the course material
any country would massively benefit from a surplus of STEM workers
everything else is a hobby/service that can be learnt easily from a book
you can't give a degree to everyone, not everyone is college material, the dumbshits will hold everyone back just like they did in high school
Value comes from scarcity, kiddo.
alright, then we should grow less food, cause then it'll be more valuable rather than more useful, right?
no shit ese
What if Math/Biology/Chemistry/Physics institutions are free but only stuff like Women's studies ( requires money )?
you are blatantly admitting you are a communist and your opinion is now invalid
Why is it important that food be kept for the few wealthy who can afford it? They already do that with actually-good, high quality food.
That's almost as stupid as your meme flag.
>It's another dumb poor Sup Forums reduce the chances of their offspring existing and having an education episode.
Depends on the education. Alpha education (history, language, culture) tends to be the more popular choice, while Beta education (mathematics, physics, engineering, chemistry, etc) actually makes you money.
If you want actual data on what happens when you socialize education to the max, look at Greece. They have the highest college enrollment per capita and lowest graduation rate. Unemployed youth flock to free college, fuck up and do nothing in class, fail, and drop out.
College is not the class gateway: admissions is. The upper class is the class that a priori has the ability to pass college-level courses. Keeping out the riff-raff just makes the college focus its resources on the ones who have a chance.
user, are you retarded by any chance? This should be common sense.
giving college away for free is operating under the assumption that everyone can benefit from going to college and everyone should go to college.
it's only great if it's true. in reality, college should be an option because it's up to the individual to take responsibility in their pursuit for knowledge, which the individual then uses the said knowledge to apply to his work and become productive.
hence there is no guarantee that anyone that goes to college is going to come out smart, especially if you don't try.
that's basically saying "look, people who drink milk have strong bones, let's force everyone to drink milk, even the ones who are lactose intolerant"
problem is the price of milk is so expensive, they're just going to pile that debt on you without you agreeing to it, and you end up spending the rest of your life paying for that debt that you might have refused in the first place knowing that college may not be your thing.
college is not for everyone, and it's BAD if you force it on everyone because of the cost
If college were free for everyone then whatever you have to pay for would be the class gateway.
First even if college was free it would not be useless. Unless it became the new high school.....
Also a large part of college is useless right now (looking at you humanities) even when it is not free.
College is a class gateway in that smart dedicated people can go there early in life to show there worth and enable society to take advantage of there intelligence. It is a expensive short cut to success if you pick your education right. As reality shows though college education is not the only way up the social latter. Many college drop outs make it big. If you miss high school though your ****ed.
you misspelled tradeschool
all college teaches is how to be a faggot commie
>giving college away for free is operating under the assumption that everyone can benefit from going to college and everyone should go to college.
How so? People still need to invest time in it and therefore it's still beneficial for some people to not get a college degree. Education has so much positive externalities that you can't expect a market based solution to produce the optimal result. Of course free degrees probably won't give the optimal result either, but are still probably much closer to the optimum than the prices you have at the moment.
>what is class mobility?
>education = intelligence
t. uneducated person
See here’s how the real world works kiddo, take notes.
So you want free college? Cool.
1) we’re not paying tuition for everyone, so if you want to go, you’ll apply & a gubment panel will decide who gets to go AND what you’ll be majoring in. You think everyone gets to go so Chad and Becky can practice keg stands? Uh no.
2) your cumulative GPA better not drop below 3.4. If it does, you’re footing the bill plus interest.
3) feel like your skin color should dictate whether you get accepted? Heh. Get in line shmuck. Politicians kids and celebrities kids are getting degrees first. Then after that, if there’s still room, you’re going to need to be top tier and a quality student.
4) cool you graduated!! Good luck finding a job that pays decent where your taxable rate isn’t through the fucking roof. Because here’s the what for; NOTHING IN LIFE IS FREE. Someone is paying your way, fucktard. You’re now working 60+ hours a week to support a family on a wage that’s barely livable. Because instead of a decent tax rate, you’re now paying 45% of your wages for the next class of fucktards to go to college for free.
Chrissakes kid, pay attention in civics class.
>if an entire book was highlighted with a pen, none of it would be highlighted.
A class gateway? In some ways, yes. Not everyone can afford the $66,445 it takes to go to Yale. There are State Unis which are cheaper, but the basic idea is yeah, it's the imbalance that makes it valuable.
What an ugly whore.
>a class gateway.
An intellectual class gate. Anyone who has learned that life is not peachy will understand that perhaps a university education is quite relevant for one's future (unless it's lesbian dance theory) and will invest their time in studying and working to get through university.
I realize that in the US, a degree costs a shitton of money, along with the 4 years of your life which you give away but in the end, if you have some wit, it pays off.
On the other hand, spoiled manchildren who want everything handed to them, will whine that college ought to be free since they don't wanna work and earn their keep
no, chinafag
how many VPNs did you have to use to get onto Sup Forums?
All of the truly elite schools are need-blind and all the shit ones are super cheap. It's the mediocre mid-tier, but still super expensive schools, that people should be avoiding.
Sup Forums is not banned in China. Google's captcha doesn't work, so one needs a pass to post here (VPNs are blocked by Sup Forums)
MIT opencourseware is free and provides lectures for you Good Will Hunting types
Wait, why'd everyone lose their shit?
>lost their shit
well where’d they put it??
Only allow students with a certain test score and a minimum standard of grade
No cost. No racial or gender or anykind of quota
Fuck off