Why build a wall when we should just dig a canal? No bridges. The Panama canal is outdated anyway. The desert is simple digging. Any trespassers would face harsh prison sentences along with high fines and lawsuits for slowing traffic.
Trump is wrong
this is a pretty good idea actually; could do simultaneous solar/hydroelectric/wind power generation while keeping the border safe
Mate I think lifting a bit of prefab concrete into place is a fair bit easier than digging a giant fuck off big moat..
great idea but you cannot get past environmentalists for shit. They wont even let the water level of dams increase to help with the Cali water problem.
Uh, will wetbacks be thwarted by the canal? Cuz they have no problem with the river.
Do you realize the Panama canal was chosen in that specific location not just because of the distance, but because of the elevation? Do you realize that digging a canal along the US - Mexican border would literally cost TRILLIONS have probably have thousands of locks just to get the ships going up and down all the different topography? You do know that there's a massive mountain range that goes all the way from Canada down into central America right?
This would literally be the most expensive engineering project in the history of the world, no one has the resources to build a canal over that retarded distance. Besides, much of the border already has the Rio Grande which people regularly cross.
It pays for itself and saves the US money. Imagine the cut in transit time from the gulf of Mexico to commieland.
The wall will have value for sure to the US citizen but this is a way to make money also.
The mountains in southern MN would not be a big problem for the most but there is already the Rio grande down there and you are missing the fact that a waterway will not stop them since grease does float.
how well has keystone worked for the tree huggers.
Beaners will have to face the military protection that must be provided for international shipments. Good luck swimming the locks.
Why build anything if he can saw off mexico from North america and let ot float away?
by my calculations we just need to do about 540 miles to connect the colorado and the rio grande, and no need for locks we'll cut it all at sea level. I can do it for $778 million.
And, the greasy bastards are not impeded by water.
The fence or military grade motion sensor lasers are the only way.
Just build the wall in Panama and annex the rest
You would flood several towns along the boarder
Have fun digging in sand...it's not fun shoring that shit up.
>I can do it for $778 million.
You can't rent a single excavation tool & crew for $778 million for the time it would take to do pic related. Let alone the hundreds of teams you'd need to turn that dream into reality.
Sup Forums can always find a non bureaucratic common sense solution.
We would have splatter the cartels. I do say that most uneducated beaners are far better people than educated niggers in Chicago.
Bet they are mostly beaner and dirty natives.
We will loan out our military equipment. We provide plenty of non combat equipment to our military.
What is cutting the international shipping transit times own worth in trillions per year?
Can we please just do this to Florida? The water mexicans can just have it.
Labor is only about $350,000 of this plan. It will be provided mostly by convicts and Irish. As history proves, canals like this bring an economic boom to the region.
especially since you would have to carve out solid rock whereas with a wall you can use this mountainous terrain as a natural barrier.
If you havent figured this out yet I will tell you. The US has more explosive materials than we know what to do with, and we like watching shit blow up.
Every beaner caught at the boarder is just another volunteer. Every nigger that robs a store just volunteered. Death penalty for drug dealers? nope they are the canary.
Why are people not realizing that we can lease areas to private companies who will maintain it and will generate tax revenue
Canals are pretty much the most difficult things humans have ever attempted to create. The Panama Canal is considered a wonder of the modern world, and when the French attempted building it they failed. In fact the whole project was fraught with failure at every step. Even though the area of construction was literally the shortest distance between the Atlantic and Pacific and had natural lakes assisting in construction. It was a monumental undertaking.
Building a canal along the southern border is frankly impossible.
So is going to mars or the moon.
OP is a fucking moron (probably a shill suckering low IQ in here), possibly dumbest post today.
Not only will the North Atlantic Canal be the first of its kind, but the US economy would flourish as the world pumps materials and revenue into the project which essentially cuts the Globe in half.
I got you in here didnt I?
why not just have armed predator drones wtih thermal and night vision patrolling 24/7 with orders to use lethal force on anyone crossing illegally? seems pretty cheap and after the first few massacres they will stop trying to sneak in
I love ways to make money as I solve problems too.
let the private sector take care of that. Sup Forums will start gofundme bounties for drone operators, people here will gladly donate to rack up some kill counts
besides a canal will just be used by the cartel for drug smuggling the way they use the rio grande. what about rows of wind turbines with metal blades to chop anyone that walks through? what if we allow any american citizen to hunt down illegal crossers and build observation towers with telescopes and start charging people admission to view the bloodsport? or what if we just dont build a wall, but turn border patrol into a kidnapping ring where we let the illegals cross, but they 'disappear' and we have labor camps in the heartland of america where we magically have factories that run on free labor all of a sudden?
a canal has vastly higher upkeep costs, as well as much a lot more expenses related to actually building the thing in the first place. A wall by comparison is very very simple, and doesn't need to worry about expanding for the sole purpose of boats getting larger as time passes. Another thing that this idea of a canal neglects is that for such a large distance, there would need to be two canals built in order for traffic through it to not be severely limited. or you could build a single canal so to speak but the problem with that would be that you would need periodic man made lakes of pull off points to allow for passing to take place.
Why not both?