And you lot claim white people are smart...
And you lot claim white people are smart...
yellow fever can make a man do anything
Even bungle a getaway that badly? jesus
Yeah, it wasn't executed well. He was probably too focused on that tight teen ass when he should have made leaving the country his #1 priority. When you get out, then you can go balls deep in her holes.
Shit was so good he was smiling in handcuffs.
Most right wing whites in America are dumb inbreds
Asian whores will fuck anything as long as it's white huh?
They're even worse than coalburners
Also, does that even count? She is basically a rat anyway.
Has anyone explained how they booked airline tickets for the girl under her mother’s name, got past airport security with her mother’s passport including photo, entered Mexico on her mother’s passport, and nobody anywhere along the line checked the photo or questioned the date of birth? Seriously, this guy not only got her on an airplane under a false identity but across national borders. Some folks need to be fired over that.
>all rook arike
How can white woman even compete?
>roasties btfo
Typical US bureaucracy... thank Jesu Cristo for the based Federales who caught him
I'm 30 and already feel like I should be more humble and let younger people live their life to make this world more fun. Yet this dude in his 40s thinks he can get with a teenager to live up his own life. He's not humble enough. Fuck him in the ass!
How fucking retarded were that gook's parents? They knew this piece of shit was checking her out of school repeatedly.
Seriously they fucking suck, only welfare is a bigger waste of money
oh I'm sorry, did all the white tourists take most of the teen pussy?
honestly who would have thought a law enforcement body filled with manlets and alcoholics would foil the plan of a white ubermensch with an Asian girlfriend. their combined IQ should have been in the 400s.
What are you on about?
So why isn’t the MSM grilling the TSA on its failure to spot an obviously fake identity? Why isn’t Agent Anderson Cooper, CIA, asking the tough questions like whether this means Achmed’s terrorist daughter or some Russian novichok-weilding hackergurl could infiltrate our precious borders by the same means?
I'd like to think the Cartels coordinated to take him down, seeing as how they're the de-fact Law Enforcement Mexicano
Also Mexican bureaucracy: they run their own points of entry and customs on their side of the soon-to-be-built wall.
White people get a free pass when it comes to fraud in the United States.
No mention of a father, plus him helping her and her mother a lot over the years, seems to indicate yet another single mother household. She probably saw him as a father figure, and he took advantage of it.
He got more hot teen pussy than you ever will in your life.
Most of you fags don't understand.
If you had the chance to get together with a qt chink who is crazy for you you wouldnt think twice about it.
I am currently dating one who's only criteria is being a white straight male.
Come over here lads, pussy here is free for us no matter how ugly you are as long as you are white you can drill these hoes all day long. You can even side fuck and they wouldn't give a shit thats how obedient they are to us. For them we are gods.
>you're under arrestado
>get in el pinche barrel
>we're sending you back as a Plato de pozole
>just playing holmes but really you're in beeg trouble.
>all these girls love white men
>let's fuck and dump them like the white women that hate us
Get AIDS and die, faggot.
You're like this when you're under 30. As you get older, you stop thinking with your dick.
We understand but most of us are too poor to play life on easy mode.
They are superficial as fuck and only like us for our looks. They aint genuine dont be fooled you turbo mongrel. They are no better than the white bitches who seek black guys because they have a big dick. Fuck em and dump em the land is full of nice chink pussy. Dont ruin your life by playing nice.
>no better than the white bitches who seek niggers
>be a degenerate like me
I truly hope someone over there kills you.
>I am currently dating one who's only criteria is being a white straight male.
Kinda like the coalburners who sole criteria is black dick.
You're wasting your time on the asian equivalent of a coalburner. These women, white and asian, are mentally unstable whores with daddy issues. Your children will be autistic.
Guy's don't be salty with this man, he's only playing by the rules.
>Fuck em and dump em
that's flawed thinking. The time you are spent fucking and pumping non-white women means more and more white women unsatisfied and lonely.
Asian girl lives sort of near me. Normally would smash but she seems like one of those non-trad Asian thots.
how is it not smart to want to fuck prime asian tight pussy indefinitely in mexico?
read Hong Kong bros post. They're not ever trad, just discrete with the roasty behavior
pretty much this, asian women are the biggest race traitors if we look at statistics they date the most outside the race. its extremely sad and pathetic
>more and more white women unsatisfied and lonely.
they are like this because that's their choice. Its very simple. Also nothing wrong playing around in a country that opens their legs for you like a buffet.
Enjoy life. Marriage and making families is all bullshit.
When America doesn't send their best, Mexico deports them.
Build the wall and make America pay for it.
You are literally talking like a nigger
>shiet tyrone whyte womyn luv us we gotta go to europe to fuk dem
not a bad way to live user
but honestly when i was 16 I wasnt a fucking child. Why are americans so fucking retarded? , in most countries around the world age of consent is below 17 , and can choose who the fuck you want to fuck without having big brother governement trying to stop it
a 16 year old is fully aware of their actions this is fucking retarded when u think 16 year olds also get trialed as adults when they kill or rape someone
>I am currently dating one who's only criteria is being a white straight male.
wait until you have kids
i don't even mean since they'll be ugly
i mean that she'll make them into homicidal/suicidal kids
They date white men.
>102 IQ average white man with job and wealth and 105 IQ average Asian homemaker
White women fuck niggers.
>102 IQ average rich white bitch and 84 IQ average nigger with no job and no wealth
No comparison. The tradcucks, natsocs, and all other white worshiping incels will always lose in these threads.
>your race goes extinct because no kids and hedonism
Pretty much. Asians, whites and latinos are all god's children. Dirty nigger apes are animals.
Only 5% of white women like niggers.
Why was Ed Rollins with this girl?
This family and Elliott Rogers is exactly why I've disqualified Asian women from my breeding pool
I said fuck, white knight incel.
Are you jewish?
lmao holy shit Ive probably seen this girl walking around. I used to live in Allentown right near the highschool around 18th street described in the article until recently. Probably a walk away from this girls home.
>spending time and effort on that infographic
first off white IQ isnt that high in USA, second your kids will have identity issues and hate you for creating their consciousness into a world where your own chink son cant get laid because asian whores like your wife dont want to fuck him and your daughter being a cock sleeve for white chads.
Mexican men + white women is the best combo. White grills like macho men, kids look white so plus in USA, but they arent cucked like the rest of their white classmates. and they are bilingual.
>literally lying on the internet
>Iranians are white now
and yet you didn't make a move...
No sir, but I just can't take that risk.
>white IQ isnt that high in USA
Nice source.
>why did you provide so many sources in that image??
Because of idiots like you.
If white women don't like niggers, then why do they fucked niggers? Don't even make sense. Most white women avoid niggers like a plague. Plus, most of sluts like to fuck white men, not niggers. Only lowest of trash white women do.
>white knight incel
Don't even make sense. I didn't blindly defend women. I only point out that only 5% of white women like nigger. Moron.
>literally from r/hapas
>hate hapas
>wants to have them
he still looks like he's smiling in his mug shot.
>he literally couldnt even argue against my points, because he knows the downsides are an elliot rodger and cock sleeve stacy in the family
where the fuck is your source?
Make a move in what? This insectoid chink? LMAO
The dude in the OP pic looks chill and got one less chink in this world, I say props to him, we should be celebrating his legacy
>could have any chink woman he wants
>goes for some lost 16 year old girl with family problems who he knew for years and treated him like a father figure due to her lack of one
so which board did this autistic faggot browse?
hope dude enjoy's prison
what a redpilled couple, they surely will lead to strong aryan children
Hapas are white/asian. You're a jew.
Hard to understand you with that cock in your throat.
Waiting for the source on white IQ.
I guess you better kys then....
Into the trash it goes
>asian/white is one of the most common interracial pairings
>still can't find more than 5 notable examples of strong hapa males
>Wh*te rice farmer pedophile
Like pottery
Confirmed from r/hapas.
>5 males
How many years have you spammed this, Tenda? First it was 5 hapas, now it's male hapas.
muh iq
fine faggot all whites in the world have a 102 iq, now can we get to the topic at hand that your a pathetic beta faggot who is going to create sentient beings with miserable lives because he fetishizes yellow cunts?
I did some reading about why people smile when they're embarrassed, he probably had a high opinion of himself but he's in a situation that makes him look bad.
>in the world
No. Just America. Europe is dumber on average.
this, really
>still can't find 5
even i know 5 that are somewhat respectable in what they do
you can't even find 1
Tenda, do you still message Persephone?
>roastie can't even come up with 1 good example
White american women are mostly whores and I don't want to date asian women. Should I go to the southern part of Brazil and get a sexy girl there?
Cool, so I guess thats your argument then, have fun with ur cucked family then
Maybe you can fish one out of Venezuela or Columbia
You're such a loser.
Nah, too dangerous.
if these retards aren't soyboys already they will be soon enough.
And you don't have beautiful women Nguyen.
Brazil isn't any better you dingus. Have fun in the favela.
Dang that was rude.
White or bust you defeatist