You. Are. FUCKED.
You. Are. FUCKED
I don't use facebook, lol.
YOU are fucked
4 Russia financial connections coming in this.
We got double Russia'd
Nope. When the IG report comes out this week. It's over for all of (((you)))
Wait, I thought it was the russians?
kek. these retards and their crooked stories.
>Channel 4
we should buy this
>no russia collusion
I bet some jew made that meme, and now it went all viral amongst the goyim.
How come so many SJW-memes are going viral now and nobody suspects fake news?
Journalism matters.
>Views do not represent my workplace
Maybe being a toxic individual spreading lies could cause you to lose your employment if people complain enough
Low information voters. Give them time but dont get invested.
They got us.
is this (((their))) latest strategy?
The only ones fucked are dickheads with facefuck..........
Look at the boomer trying to talk himself into the importance of his 3 year old story about Facebook analytics that single-handedly revealed the secret truth to Trump that he'd win if he didn't act like a lying politician.
Aw, libtards have their own little project veritas going on? Dont they already know nobody gives a shit at this point? (((journalists))) hang first
What if CA is the group who supplied the Russians with damaging info on Hillary?
That would be WILD
>Channel 4 showing that a internet company "won" the elections for Trump is THE BIG DEAL!!!!!! IMPEACH NAOOOOO
>Journalist showing how the dems takes buses with non citizens to vote for Hillary IS NOTHING, PARANOID RIGHT WING!
eat shit nigger, i dont give a fuck about nothing anyway.
>Car crash airs live on 4news
>Yfw it's you're car
>Neighbor borrowed car not 10 minutes ago
>You glance out window
>Yup it's gone
>"You." Are. FUCKED"
>This marketing company is using a current scandal to market themselves to potential customers
>quick burn the constitution
I don't think OP is intelligent enough to understand the layers in your post.
Where's the documentary on Fusion GPS? This is hilarious. Democrats grasping at straws, exposing normal political practices used by all politicians.
>Company does legal thing and brags about it
who /earlyadopter/ and /earlydenier/ here?
i was on facebook for maybe a year. then i realized how gay it was.
>like once, in college
Veritas exposes crimes, censorship and bias inside alleged unbiased organizations. All this documentary is is an expose of how political parties hire firms to target and influence potential voters.
>"This will end Drumpf" said the snivelling journalist for the 43rd time
Really loving how this is a blatant turf war after their "fake news" crying flopped.
we can just do what the libs did with veritas and deny it as fake no matter how obviously real it is
>company doing its job is somehow illegal
I don't see what the big deal is about this. Channel 4 did not need to go undercover. That company is pretty open about what it does, and has been doing it for a while. They're just trying to put a "OMG exclusive hidden camera footage" spin on it, as if it's breaking journalism.
The goyim will it eat all up.
If a person can be convinced by clickbait articles made from facebook data to change their vote they shouldn't be allowed to vote in the first place.
>drumpf is finished!
it's Analytics. What do you think they do?
What do you think IBM's Watson is.
What do you think Facebook, google youtube and Amazon do. They target adds.
How is this a surprise to you?
It's like you think that "Analytics" ,"Statistical Analysis" and Algorithms" are Black magic voodoo or something.
This is ridiculous.
Like nobody had figured out how to game big data for Obama in 2008 and 2012?
Liberals ignore project veritas when it incriminates them. Then make huge deals about their own versions of it... Ok...
Fuck inpeaching! OUTPEACH DRUYMPTTFFRFF NOW!! Weee got heeem this time! Amirite!!?
Sup Forums also claims to be the ones to bring the election to Trump.
This is all BS. Trump got elected by winning votes in most counties. period.
Anyone can claim anything. It's irrelevant.
>Russia owns clinton lock stock and barrel
> paid them millions
> liberals believe they DIDNT want her to be president
>uhhh ok. Sure.
>Analytics is the same as political entrapment
wew lad
>British IO is already requesting a warrant
This is gonna get spicy.
The symbol of the resistance.
The Cambridge what..?
I have no idea what any of this means or is.
That's 99% of Sup Forums though. Everyone here eats up every conspiracy theory that is posted without any question as long as it comes with a made up infographic or picture collage that looks like it was put effort into.
oh boy
breaking news
everything is fucking rigged
wow OP
you sure analblasted us now
Ith ofer thrumthatrds. Thithnith fathithm.
I forgot the gif damnit.
it was a common criticism of mitt romney that his campaign ran terrible information analytics. Now trump uses facebook and he gets spiked for it.
Really all this is the continued, ratcheting, "death by a thousand cuts" of the republican party. Democrats hit them for everything, even things that are perfectly above board, even things that they do, if they think they can sway a single vote to their side in the process. And the republicans don't fight back.
It's the same on the micro scale. Dems are out protesting/marching/throwing eggs and breaking windows 24/7. Republicans don't because they've got better things to do. They have a family to feed. They've got work to go to or a worthwhile degree to earn. Unless someone teaches them how to go on the offensive every once in a while they just lose in a war of attrition.
Though, they also have all the guns. So if I was a democrat I'd think long and hard about how far is too far.
I don't think you know what entrapment means
I read the Channel 4 article and another from another source (can't remember) yesterday. Let me lay out for (((you))) how the false narrative will go:
>Trump hired Cambridge Analytics (CA)
>CA was hired by a Russian Oil company
>CA was involved with with political blackmail of a sexual nature
>These are all separate projects, but guilt by association
>Checkmate Drumpf
What's sad is that the sexual blackmail is right in-line with the pizzagate conspiracy. No one will mention it though.
Also, pic related seems related.
>project veritas releases videos showing DNC corruption
Sup Forums creams its jeans and freaks the fuck out
>Trump campaign caught red handed using immoral, disgusting tactics to rig election
Nope, nothing to see here
Sup Forums logic. Not even once.
So now we get Mike "lick a dick, fry on a stick" Pence in office? I could live with that
Just like the memo. And every Cernovich tweet for 18 months. And every True Pundit story for 18 months. And every happening thread for 18 months.
Nothing will come of the IG report. Not a god damn thing.
So are you then, do you not understand?
You out us, we OUT you. Blood will run in the streets.
>Nothing will come of the IG report. Not a god damn thing.
Yeah, I'm sure nothing is gonna come of it.
The left is so easily distracted.
analytics = >immoral, disgusting tactics to rig election
Guys, give it to me straight.
Is Trump finished?
>we made facebook ads so that's why Trump won
jesus, these people...
>rig the election
BUT I thought that was impossible
Next week they're going to tell us the Americans influenced the election.
>james o’keefe is a bad man that edits undercover footage
>check out our edited undercover footage
Yep, you got me.
I'm the Russian agent who made Trump win the 2016 election. Come at me Mueller, I fucking dare you. This'll be yet another waste of tax dollars on the DNC's behalf. And I will you destroy you in the press.
I liked defcon the next year, where dozens of sploits on machines were shown.
>Everyone and their mum has access to the same APIs that Cambridge Analytica had
>Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit were all working with the DNC, Democrat Superpacs, and the HRC Campaign directly and their moderation teams were literally employed by Democrat superpacs
>Trump supporters would be shadowbanned for their politics
>Twitter would censor pro-Trump hashtags
>voicing support of Trump in public could and still can get you fired
>Former founder and CEO of Google Eric Schmidt personally created his own data analytics company to do the same with even deeper data from google as well as Facebook for Hillary Clinton (email was in wikileaks)
But oh some British faget makes what amounts to a 3rd year systems design engineering student's term project with publicly available APIs and its akin to rigging an election?
this all seem very convenient
I meant that we should crowd source the funds and PURHASE (buy) Channel 4 and create our own news network, with live /sg/ and nigger hate threads. I don't really give a shit about the story in question.
This is why
can be dangerous
>when collusion with russia narrative breaks they start going after textbook election campaign companies
yes it is fucking retarded
also lots of people have claimed to "win" the election for trump, Sup Forums fucking claims it too doesn't mean its true
Good old nige, first brexit, then visits trump and gives him america.
>that icon
I wish these people would make up their minds on which conspiracy theory they want support as the main narrative.
You know what? I think marrying Meghan actually is a strategic move on Harry's part. Here's why:
-By intermarrying with an American, you share our military which means you guys are back up top with the US as a superpower, which means you guys get your navy and colonies back from the US.
-All citizens and goods free to travel between Britain and the US, meaning Brexit ain't nothing but a thang.
-You get to share your superior culture with our superior technology, coming together to form the birth of an Ameri-Anglo masterrace.
I don't understand why you guys have to be so butthurt about this. This marriage literally fulfills everything Britain has been striving for over the last 15 years.
>By intermarrying with an American, you share our military
Thank you, are you a Brahman btw? I wouldn't want to reply to an untouchable.. thanks.
Why do posters on Sup Forums act like they are not Sup Forums when they use Sup Forums? I don't understand this, why don't they leave if they hate this place and want it to die?
Fake infographics tend to get debunked pretty fast here in my experience and eventually they stop getting posted. This board is an unadulterated marketplace of ideas, lies can spread fast here, but they don't last as long as truth.
>wtf i love veritas videos now
Remember when these retards were shitting on O'Keefe for doing the same thing?
Uh oh guys, the footage is heavily edited, it's not real!
Fuck leftists, I will never believe their lies ever again.
The protesting increases turnout among Republicans and less effect on Democratic turnout.
To be fair, we inhabit a world of mental illness, real life conspitacy theories, anonymous contributions etc.
The appropriate attitude is to consider all plausible theories that make relatively distinct predictions, then compare reality to the theories. For example, if drumpf ends up dropping the indictment bomb and jail/hanging the satanic kikes, that proves one theory, if christ returns that proves another. At this point im willing to keep an open mind. Let the hive mind do its work. Itll filter the chaff eventually.
funny thing is we warned pol in /ibs/ earlier, we have something on the trump teams working here too. should be an unforgettable few days
GTFO of my board reddit ass shill to your left ass stupid world. Venezuela tier shit country...
Using technology to win
>dupsss of truth
You do know this isn't 1562 and that we have no royalty and that this isn't a marriage of alliance right?
It's going to be something innocuous like "they provided demographic data and political ideologies of the people who's info they had which allowed Trump to hold rallies and target key areas"
I would be lying if I didn't admit to falsely using this expression a few times since the inauguration, but this, this seems legit
Trump is finished
hasta la vista
chenga su madre
vaya con dios
it's ovah
>accuse your enemy of what you're doing
Anyone on this board who isn't a retarded normie from The Donald doesn't have Facebook