How to keep the Trump legacy going after 2024

The only way to keep america great after trumps departure in 2024 is to elect the next great supreme leader Mel Gibson. Not only does he hate jews, he also hates jews.

Attached: Mel_Gibson_Cannes_2016_3.jpg (504x735, 221K)

Other urls found in this thread:>164626592

Unless we start serious deporting of all aliens or have a race war, we're done.

The only correct choice.

I think he's great and everything, but we need someone better.

Trump was a businessman, not just some actor, we need someone who can actually manage people.

He's a director and the greatest film maker of all time he is constantly dealing with people and he hates the jews.

yall should be more worried about getting through 2018 than 2024.
if managing people is part of the criteria, why was trump your guy? If his fictitious business acumen makes you think hes managing the executive branch currently then Ive got a bridge and some rope to sell you

Trump won't be re-elected, better look at more viable republican candidates

yall think you memed the harbinger of the ethnostate into the white house when russians actually placed a pee loving sociopath born choking on a silverspoon in there instead
(tears emoji) (one hundred emoji) (flex emoji)

pol tards arent interested in REKEKLICANS bro. ethnostate or death

Hating Jews is a no-go for public office

It would not be wise to go beyond that for trump. Country will be on the verge of a new change. etc etc etc

spotted the jew

Even Jared Taylor is against anti-semetism, very counter-productive

is he even a natural-born citizen? wasn't he born in australia?

He's got my vote. He's the only one who can beat George Clooney who will be running.

Attached: GeorgeClooneyNecktie.jpg (190x288, 16K)

Gibson was born in Peekskill, New York. He moved with his parents to Sydney, Australia, when he was 12 years old, and studied acting at the National Institute of Dramatic Art.

this is a common myth that has been spread by the jews.

Race war it is then

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Didn't stop Obongo.

but even if Obama had been born in Kenya, he still came out of a white American woman's vagina.

that means he's still a natural-born citizen

>Not only does he hate jews, he also hates jews.
Got me for a kek

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You need to read our laws kiddo. Obama was a bastard child born overseas. Does not count.

if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck well golly it's probably a duck. Mel Gibson is jewish. Doesn't mean he can't also be based and call them out on their bullshit.

make it so

Attached: melourguy.png (1920x994, 1.18M)>164626592

mel is 100% our guy

Attached: basedgibson.jpg (737x679, 195K)

proof that he was a bastard child?


>he also hates jews

Attached: trumpshekelstein.jpg (1060x600, 59K)

God, doesn't he just look like the leader /we/ need? If he didn't exist we'd have to meme him into existence

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that hair