Judge Napolitano literally exists to be a shill for the GOP and even he's going "Trump probably just fucked himself"
Judge Napolitano literally exists to be a shill for the GOP and even he's going "Trump probably just fucked himself"
who cares. it makes absolutely no logical sense for it to be "obstruction" since McCabe wasn't even working at the time of his firing. He was at home on vacation counting down the days until he could collect retirement benefits. Not only that, he was apparently withholding evidence from the Special Counsel in an attempt to curry favor with Trump to avoid the aforesaid firing.
Did he actually say this? Napolitano just went full retard then. McCabe is a hillary flunky who lied under oath and leaked to the media. He should have been gone months ago.
>hillary flunky
>is republican
>being this bluepilled
>wife supported by the Clintons financially during her run for senate
>not a Hill shill
>corrupt as shit
>"muh obstruction of justice"
good, Deep State "justice" has consisted of putting criminals in charge of the DoJ. Christ, Holder got away with running guns to druglords and he even got a lofty, pretentious position after Obama's administration for it. In the gungrabbiest state, hilariously enough, fucking libtards.
Judge Napolitano leans right got but has an independent streak.
But the FBI recommended his firing what now senpai?
Nice link faggot
>who cares. it makes absolutely no logical sense for it to be "obstruction" since McCabe wasn't even working at the time of his firing
Thing is, obstruction doesn't have to be effective or smart in order to be a charge. It's the intent that matters in this situation.
Whether or not you agree, Donald is fucking himself up with potential process crimes. If the investigation is and was always bullshit, he should have let Mueller and the FBI hang themselves. Now, even if it is TOTAL bullshit, they have real chances due to this and other actions by the president to go after him for shit like obstruction.
He GAVE this to them.
He's been saying it's over for Trump for a while now.
>you think nobody here saw the part where the news sources like CNN and MSNBC had to report that THE FBI RECOMMENDED MCCABE BE FIRED AND TRUMP HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT
What the fuck does McCabe have to do with Mueller? It's nonsense, he's not even his boss.
Judge Nap is a "libertarian", in other words he is a cuck
FBI wanted him fired
Except it wasn't his call to fire him
>not knowing Napolitano is a slithering snake by now
You're familiar with the fact that the FBI is playing a role in this, correct? And you ARE familiar with the fact that McCabe was still acting director of the FBI when he was fired, correct?
The guy hadn't quit or retired, he basically said he was taking a 'leave'. If you're in the FBI and your boss takes a 'leave', he's still your boss and he can still affect how you do your job.
Rosenstein is in charge of Mueller. Mueller is leading the special counsel probe. McCabe has no decision making powers in that process.
Only a shill would say this. Nice try.
I understand what you're saying. It is correct that McCabe isn't in charge of the special counsel. McCabe was in charge of the FBI, which was part of the investigation.
Imagine if you're being investigated by some prosecutor. Then imagine if you were to pull some strings to affect the police department which was gathering evidence for them. Do you see the problem?
Wasn't he going to retire in a day? Clearly 24 hours is the difference in obstruction or not.
This is an extreme stretch at best. Wray was already planned to head the FBI and one would have to prove some sort of coercion/force. It's nothing but hot air.
There is no difference between a neocon and a neolib.
Lurk moar
It's really not a stretch at all, it's very straightforward. Wray was PLANNED to head the FBI at the time. He wasn't actually doing it. And all it would take to prove intent would be one email, one recorded phonecall/conversation, etc.
I understand that you don't want to believe that things like this can put Donald in jeopardy, but they seriously can and this seriously is. He has excellent lawyers, so he should just listen to them and work on protecting himself from whatever bullshit Mueller comes up with instead of exposing himself to this shit.
I didn't suggest libertarians a cucks, I suggested that Judge Nap says he is a libertarian but is in fact a cuck who will simply sit on the fence on most issues.
>hillary flunky
>is republican
Holy shit do you retards unironically believe this deep down or are you trolling for the sake of being "edgy" and contrarian?
>Judge Napolitano literally exists to be a shill for the GOP and even he's going "Trump probably just fucked himself"
Who cares? The Media is Jewish and anti-White. The Government is Jewish and anti-White.
Yes, that includes Republicans and Conservatives.
We CANT let Donald get the nuclear codes
Trump didn’t fire him
Ask your waifu pillow how it feels to be a loser.
>firing a guy not involved that was 2 days from retirement is obstruction