A $15 Minimum Wage Would Give Almost Half of American Workers a Raise

God America is a shit hole. Capitalism has literally failed.


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>a raise will give people a raise

And lower the other half's.

A high minimum wage is completely incompatible with globalization.
Funny how people who support a high minimum wages are those who will call you a racist if you oppose globalization. It's because they are fully aware of how things (do not) work.

>capitalism has failed

i beg to differ. you don't understand what the goal of capitalism is

>give everyone more money
>money is worth less
>folks making more than 15 now have lower worth

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>Capitalism has literally failed.
My fridge full of delicious, healthy food indicates otherwise.

If capitalism's goal is to force everyone into poverty besides a rich few, then it has wildly succeeded.

define poverty. hint: someone having more money than someone else doesn't make the first person responsible for the second person not having as much

Why stop at $15? If we can pass a law that everyone is rich why not do that?

Can't even get no tomato right on my burger. Demands $15.00 an hour. Yeah fuck off Commie.

We should help genetically inferior people to die off

>God America is a shit hole. Capitalism has literally failed.

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So you live in poverty?
How the fuck are you on the internet?

>people deliberately work for less than $15/hr full time
you're paid what you're worth, useless fucks

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>a $6,000,000 minimum wage would give ALL of American workers a raise
>everyones rich now!

Who ever said communists can't into economics?

>being this lacking in self-awareness
you need a helicopter ride

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This is my frustration here in Hawaii. I have faggy sjw activist types with whom I interact. They complain about property development and brag about how they help promote stopping the building of new houses and apartments. Then literally the next conversation they are complaining about the homeless population (which we have a serious problem with). The cognitive dissonance is so absolute when I break down how a shortage of housing drives prices up by drawing in foreign investors to buy up all the homes, which makes people unable to afford housing and fuels the homelessness problem.

a capitalist society in full recession is still more prosperous than a communist

Hello /r/le_Dolan

Stupid communist. $15 wage has resulted in even greater automation of minimum age jobs, especially fast food...where it began with the workers fight for $15. Communists have zero understanding of human nature and markets.

So I guess Haiti or El Salvador is so much better than Cub- oh shit

>not for the mentally retarded

Reported your underage ass, you have to be 18 to be here, kiddo.

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So are they fucked more or less with a high minimum wage. Or just as fucked?

reminder to sage all commie threads
p.s. die in a fire

The post that you're replying to fails to mention that the cost of living goes up as well. Think about that.

>muh gentrification
I fucking hates these retards. I live with a few people who bitch about it, but also bitched about it being a bad neighborhood before people invested money a few blocks away. seriously wish they'd kill themselves. they likely will because they're depressed faggots

>having so few skills that you can only make minimum wage
Welcome to the real world.


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or we could deport all non whites and raise the value of the white proletariats labor
>you don't understand what the goal of capitalism is
to ethnically displace us in our own countries while turning our culture into a sad degenerate parody of what it once was ?

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yes. so the system isn't failing. its just working against us

>only government currency is valuable the actual law

do you know what inflation is?

This. Capitalist society in full scale depression can at least bounce back. Communists don't even stand a chance.

The price of everything will just rise then. Here's a relative's idea. The solution is to create section 8 hoursing everywhere and low income housing everywhere so people can afford very low rents working fast food. Have all rent and utilities at a super low price. Also to have healthcare and dental care for the poor be only 10 percent of the cost to pay and have the cost of healthcare and dental care entirely based on income.

>wage number higher = good

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>muh communism

Don't talk about economy, commies aren't good with that kind of stuff, my country and lots of others are proof of this. Just go to a gulag and chill for a while, you'll soon forget about this.

economics 101

If you raise the minimum wage, businesses higher less people. The people they do hire are maximum qualified.

This does a few things

Increases unemployment
Severely impacts low skill workers and workers with low work experience.
The price of products goes up.

This occurs until inflation equalizes the minimum wage to where it was before the wage increase.

How would that help anything but the few that can get the jobs?

>Minimum wage increases slightly increased employment in 137 cases...

What what?!?!

>the commie is angry cause he can't pay off his student debt while working at burger king.
Minimum wage isn't for raising a family, its so that teens can have some weed and gas money without begging their parents.

why aren't you striking for higher farm worker wages, karl?

In theory. That's not how it works in reality.

Yes no shit paying people more will make them want to work more, its just whem you want to pay a kid you flips burgers the same as a guy who builds houses that there's a problem.

The economic history of the world is pretty much just a series of market failures. Before the age of global commerce the failures were less wide-spread, but still had more severe consequences on the affected parties. Nobody just gave a shit if the poor starved to death.

jesus christ another one of these shittier threads

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>minimum wage becomes $15
>all the people who work for $15 now, won't do their jobs for minimum wage
>have to give them a raise to $30
>money becomes worth about half as much
>niggers and millenials end up even worse than before
I kinda want it to happen just so I can laugh

>A $15 Minimum Wage Would Give Almost Half of American Workers a Raise
And half of American workers aren't even worth that much. What's the issue?

Do you know what I did when i worked minimum wage? I worked towards a better career and now I make more. Do you know what I didn't do? Have a family of 4.

If the minimum wage was raised to as much as a trade occupation, then the trade person would just quit and go work for Mc Donalds. To keep trade workers companies would have to raise their wages as well. And if raising the minimum wage brings everyone closer in income, then that is okay anyway. You conservatives love to brag about how you don't care about how much other people make when it comes to millionaires, but when it comes to raising the minimum wage you suddenly care?

They are saying a 10% increase in minimum wage can still allow for an increase in employment. While a 37% increase in minimum wage increased unemployment.

You're talking about 50-100% increase.

Here's a novel idea. The market should decide the price of labor so equilibrium can occur.

Fucking this. I'm making quadruple the minimum wage where I live and I'm still conservative with my money. Meanwhile welfare queens are popping out babies every year crying for wage increases. The rest of good society should not be held responsible for these people, considering we can't get rid of them ourselves

Im about to move across the entire continent for a 20$ an hour job.
Fuck the USA, I hate this country anymore.


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So your going to give literally everyone in the us a raise and deflate the economy?
I thought people were joking when they said commies didn't understand economics

And you hear people bitching about the Tesla Effect, idiots.

Agreed. This country is not what it used to be.

Pyramid of power.

All power on Earth has been centralized.

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Then leave it or stop bitching.

>Raise wages
>Inflate currency
>Repeat until communism

In other words

>money =/= wealth
>currency =/= value

Failure to understand this makes you a literal drooling retard. Fucking commies.

No, everything raises with a raise of the minimum wage.

Global elite economic model.

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And the family of 4 is doing better than I am. I got coworkers making the same wage as me and then bringing 10k from earned income credit on their income tax. Brings their yearly salary to about 40k.

Of course they've blown that within a month on buying new TVs and shit while my single ass has to manage my money and hear them whine about our shit pay at the warehouse.

The US economy cannot support that increase. It would cause a massive layoff

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Ffs. This again.

Financial system in it's basic general function.

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You should have atleast $15 minimum. I would aim much higher with todays inflation.

Trickle down is a meme from neo-cons. Do not for a second think that the commies have anything right in the economic field.

Higher minimum wage will create more economic prosperity than trickle down horseshit could ever create.

>muh globalised economy
This point only goes so far. The elites in question want you to beg for trickle down piss.

I'm far too contempt to argue the points of organized capitalism here.

And make everything else more expensive, or they'd simply be out of a job due to automation, which is already happening in Seattle where they instituted their m*rxist garbage.
Pic related.

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>i should make the same amount of money as someone who spends every waking moment of his existence trying to improve himself and his company.
Do you know what elon musk is doing right now? He's probably on the phone making money. Do you know what he did all day today? Improved the wealth of his company.
Do you know what your doing right now? Posting shitting infographs pointing to how its not fair you don't make a million dollars.

THINK about this for a good couple seconds.

I like you, Canada user. I hope you stay safe and your country finally prospers.

Thanks frien :^)

Has a higher class then any socialist or wannabe communist society. It's pathetic that people still genuinely believe in communism.

If you are over 22 and make less than $15 an hour, you have failed at life. Honestly, if you can't contribute more to society than being a cashier, you deserve to be genocided.

Global elite's version of communism/socialism/left

In other words debt slavery.

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Literally a bot

Why stop at just $15/hr?

Exactly, lets just inflate the economy 100 fold so that i can say i have 100$ to my name.

>raise minimum wage
>"huh i guess people can spend more on my wares so ill raise the prices!" - happy merchant
>noting changed for people the currency just became cheaper


It'll never end at just 15 an hour. Because then what happens to those making 15 an hour? They'll demand more. Do people really think their money will be worth the same when they make double of it? Haven't they seen Seattle?

Thread should have ended here.

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>hur dur

The bottom rung will always be the bottom rung. It does not matter what number it is assigned, the market will adjust to represent value.

Commies need to be lined up against the wall and shot.

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I don't like extremes. You're on the other end of this spectrum and equally stupid.

We can't have everybody working the dream jobs or jobs that are worth more than minimum wage. Life and society doesn't work that way kiddo. Everybody has their place. That doesn't mean everyone deserves more money nor does it mean everyone making that shit money is stupid or not worth living. Some people are more content with less. Or don't aspire to more or desire more money.

If you are a burger flipper demanding more money, you're shit. If you are a content toilet cleaner making shit pay, I respect you.

Show some respect, faggot.

>working for minimum wage

Race also plays a big part in it, an intelligent race will just reform a system if it doesn't work, like China and all Communist countries have done.

Or what the failure of a country looks like.

Burkina Faso tried to reform when they became communist back in the 1980s.

They're still at the bottom, but they drag the middle down slightly.

>Niggers who flip burgers go from $8/hr to $15/hr
>McDonald's needs to make money
>McDonald's fires 1/2 of niggers and now uses robots
Economics iz real hard guyz

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>Not knowing basic economics
Please stop being a worthless

So why does everything magically stay the same price when everyone makes more?

>opposing minimum wage on the basis that it accelerates automatisation
Nice economics you got there.

I'm so sick of explaining this

Look pretend you are about to open up a factory, where you put it is a big concern. In simple terms, even if my product is meant for consumption in the US, if I can save millions by building the factory in china and paying shipping to and back... You are going to.

Now why the hell would it be cheaper to ship something basically all the way around the fucking world? Well minimum wage is a big reason.

You raise the minimum wage, you outright are shipping jobs away.

>having more than half the population on welfare is better

I remember when Sloppy Steve Bannon accused the american elite of "Economic Hate Crimes", a week later it was "Bye, Goy" thats when I knew the real US president had been deposed

it will only slightly raise. nothing ground breaking as the companies say. but, nonetheless, they'll use it as an excuse to fire workers and replace them with machines. they love blaming the government for their shit business model that can't maintain profit.