A gay man will bring down Trump

A gay man will bring down Trump.

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>This is what the jews actually think.

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Nothing will bring down Trump at the rate which libtards are hurling false attacks left and right, it's going to immunize him against whatever he may actually do worthy of impeachment. People have already tuned out after more than a year of the 'OMG ROSSIYA' shit nonstop.

Just go shove a dick in your ass and call it a day, faggot. Before you inadvertently bring about Trump's second term with your retardation.

Fucking d

what a trainwreck

hes finished

this is a nothingburger story
everyone uses data

That fag will die from aids before he does anything

Dumb liberals have effectively ended the data exploitation cloud era and indeed a colored hair nigger is the tail of the ouroboros event.
> Facebook gathers, exploits, and sells people's data for profit
News at 11
Funny how one's fishing expedition resulted in them hooking themselves

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When will you start the process, OP?

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Read Facebook's 10K report. They tell you exactly how they make money. Facebook sells access to your personal data to allow companies to sell you shit, learn your behavior, preferences, and likely decisions under certain conditions.

*A faggot will bring down Zuckerberg campaign

>only liberals can steal and exploit personal data!

The playing field is even now. Fuck the Deep State Dems and fuck Hillary Clinton

Yes surely this will be the thing that brings down Trump, this is the one, he's finished this time for sure.

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I am dying on this one. Will be a nothingburger about campaigns using the same data they were gloating about in 2012, but now the zuck is going to get cucced

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You mean a leaf.

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Stop pimping your Hogg-tier leaf faggot, Carole.

These god damn liberal narratives are so non-sequitur its ridiculous.

Meanwhile our narrative has been linear and cohesive the whole god damn time.

Wow. You seriously cant get any jewier than that.

why does the left think its owns lgbt?
you dumb leftiest have TERF'S

even our most homophobic aint even that bad.
Just a reminder that the cause of death for most of the queers is by another lefty,

I'm right wing and striaght male Not once in my life have i ever liked a dickand i'm fucking sick of chases calling them self striaght

You ain't on my boat, now fuck off closeted homo OP.

A colored haired nose piercing faggot liberal serves as the undoing of kikebook..

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>Trump and his far right-wing militants used a device that can be instructed to carry out arbitrary sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. These devices have become known as "computers." The ability of computers to follow generalized sets of operations, called programs, enables them to perform an extremely wide range of tasks. It was very unfair to use this in the election which is the foundation of our democracy.

>Not only did the Trump campaign use these devices, but they created dangerous, hidden connections between these computers - the devices were colluding with other devices thus multiplying their power each connection. This collection of connections is referred to by right-wingers as "the internet." The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide.

>We have also has evidence that The Russians also have access to these devices connected to each other and contributed to Trump winning the 2016 election.

Gotta love this timeline. Stupid fucks undoing themselves unironically all while thinking it will undermine others.

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Data not breached illegally means no story, but a gay kike can dream, can't he?

All this did was rob Noseberg of about 2 billion dollars today. Fucking pottery.

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For some reason I want slide in real slow and nibble his ears as I start pouding him and telling him I voted trump then jizz little trump voters all in him slap his ass and push over his bookshelf as I leave.

This man with his forced lisp. What an insult to people who take years of speech therapy to get rid of a lisp.

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Can you explain what law was broken?

What are you sliding, shill?

I remember when I had my first beer.

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every gay man's fantasy. to drag down the normal, adjusted, happy, successful family man to the degenerate, lazy, neurotic depths of the cock sucking faggot.

>mfw Mueller is trying to indict Trump over Facebook Ads that he has know idea how it works.
Anyone can make Ad Technology sound nefarious/shady by describing it, because the whole concept is kind of immoral to begin with. But that's what Facebook is selling in the first place: user data.
If Mueller tries to indict over this, he's going to embarrass himself. He's obviously never used an ad platform before. This libtard obviously has no idea what he's talking about either, probably a data operator or something (someone who just copy and pastes numbers onto Excel spreadsheets).

This. It's laughable how the media hypes this. If Facebook ads worked as well as they claim I'd be a trillionaire

discord gg/Wd95Hx

add a .

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With what a roofie and some knees pads... that is so gay.