Kim dotcom filed affidavit
>Press release on why I’m asking the High Court for an urgent order to allow examination of >@BarackObama while he’s in the New Zealand jurisdiction.
>My affidavit as filed with evidence:
Kim dotcom filed affidavit
>Press release on why I’m asking the High Court for an urgent order to allow examination of >@BarackObama while he’s in the New Zealand jurisdiction.
>My affidavit as filed with evidence:
Other urls found in this thread:
Bold move, Kim.
Just saying...
1) I was stupid enough to click on your link.
2) Your link can only be used by you.
Link no work
Welp. Obama had a good run, but this is curtains.
Obama will be impeached by dawn tomorrow.
251 pages. The evidence listed IMO is irrefutable
Ok stand by
Big lads hunt big game
Based move, Kim.
Oh fuck, you mean Kim has again pulled some bullshit instead of RELEASING EVIDENCE?
Big shocker there.
>t co/9FHaRgpOnP
We can't let a nog get the nuke codes.
He literally released the evidence
Attention user's archive everything offline
Attention Anons archive everything offline.
Check. Done.
All of it is on his twitter if you still have problems with getting it.
>no sources
fuck off i ain't clicking your scribd
give source
hey larp, larp it all larpline. its larppening and we need larp if it larps.
Need a quick rundown from someone asap
bump for interest
Obama is being arrested in NZ for the many civil and criminal violations he authorized against Kim
>Kim dotcom
someone said its a 250page pdf.. post some screencaps of the juicy sections.. Lets get this thread up to the top and get a bunch of user's eyes on it
Kim Dotcom filed to New Zealand court to force Obama to testify etc against the evidence Kim presented while Obama’s in New Zealand
On it brb
Pic related 1
attention seeking fat fuck
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How many times are you going to let kimdotcom bait you?
He stood us up time after time during the election, he has no credibility.
>Kim dotcom
He's like kim jong un, he never delivers happenings
Digits confirm
>>No one should listen to Kim until he actually fucking releases something of gets his fat ass out of a chair
Kim is skyking general
>greentexting a link
the newfaggotry never ends
Pic related 3
lol, let us know when barack is in kiwi cuffs
I’m not new retard. I green texted it so anons could see it. Anhero
Thank you user. I think that's enough...
Seems like a load of speculative bullshit that isn't going to go anywhere. I thought he had hardcore insider information and had something beyond lose traces of information gathered from a fucking website. This guy manages to disappoint every fucking time.
Pic related 5
Pic related 6
Yw. I’ll keep looking. It’s very early in the document
sweet jesus this is boring af. might as well post photos of the dictionary retarded OP
>Obama is being arrested in NZ for the many civil and criminal violations he authorized against Kim
mate Kim got has a deportation order against him, he won't last
It's starting to make sense now Obama was purposely trying to control and censor the internet. Hollywood actors were getting pissed that they weren't making money from piracy. They then funded the money to the democratic party to control the internet and shape it the way they wanted it to be. #IBOR
>Kim Dotcom
>not famewhoring
tell me it's finally happening
Pic related 8
This one is pretty straightforward
>New Zealand jurisdiction.
that'll show him
Pic related 9
That's what they're mad about Cambridge Anaytics for. Cambridge got a huge government grant (something like $120 million) that you know would "normally" or otherwise if Clinton had won gone to MMFA, SPLC, ADL, ACLU, etc
You mean documents all written by Kim and his lawyers?
Is there anything in those pages that he and his team didn't write themselves? Any original documents pertaining to the things he's talking about?
That’s exactly what NN is! It gives the POTUS the power to shut down any website he’s opposed to. Pic related
Thanks. It's good. Hilarious that NZ was so pumped to get on the good side of the US that they gave him permanent residency.
Nothing is going to come of it. If something does New Zealand will get off my shithole list.
Shoop da woops my fellow 4channers :DDD
Fuck off reddit
Don't bother. It's a nothing burger. Literally strung together factoids from a chain of websites/events centered around his site. I mean, of course this is the valid connection.. Everyone commented on this very thing years ago but hardly the type of shit that is going to drag a former president into a court room to testify over. Fucking clown pulling yet another publicity stunt that has no teeth.
>gave him permanent residency.
Yep, corruption across the world's continents...
Thing is.. everyone knows this shit to be the case/truth but everyone knows this garbage will never see the light of day w/ the current corrupt system. In this way, is pissing in the wind
Only shills use the term "nothingburger". Hello zshill
Your days are numbered kiwifag.
You soft cunts can barely handle low iq powder monkeys in the desert. How will you deal with white guerillas in the mountain ranges they've been hunting in since their early teens. We will litter the southern alps with American corpses as your ZOG induced morale slowly breaks and your men lose hope after getting STIs from our disgusting slags. FEAR THE HOT PIE BLEH~
Remember when Trump said "400lb hacker" that's him.
>"among the largest criminal copyright cases ever..."
Welp it certainly explains why this CA bullshit agenda was shilled so hard today, seemingly out of nowhere, doesn’t it?
JFC the parallels are fucking insane; I mean, so insane that you’d have to be retarded not to connect these dots.
>onigger is in new zeland
>all the elites are going to go to newzeland when shit is about to hit the fan
u-u-u-u-uh guys
>happening thread
>OP has no idea what the document says or the supposed 'happening' is
cool thread bro
You guys are really going to let this fat fuck get you hyped up again?
Take everything said about CA as pure distilled projection. They're even using the term "blackmail firm" pre emptively as that is really the description of only one business in the news - Fusion GPS - who served as Obama's SS and was armed with the tools of state to conduct database inquiries against political opponents
Not then. Not now.
too bad kim's heart isnt doing so well. i heard hes been extremely depressed too...
also pedogate autists need to look into this captcha
good point. that should be the op of a thread instead of this faggoty op about a known larper
I read a few pages and it seemed to point out how secret communist obama is actually a double secret capitalist who just protects the (((ultracapitalist))) elites. Here represented as Hollywood.
why would a cuck globalist country arrest a modenr day globalist hero who destroyed america and europe?
Is this source worth a shit?
Seems to be legit
k keep me posted
Kim . Com ? More like Kim . Kong.... if you smell what I'm steppin in
Do you think CNBC knows the kid they interviewed today about making 500,000$ a month playing video games was playing with Kimdotcom while 600,000 viewers were watching last wednesday?