Political WEBM thread
Political WEBM thread
Its pretty self explanatory... Russain show
Any story on this?
>Any story on this?
Well thats a new one.
WHAT THE FUCK... It that something natural or 'cancer'?
looks like and eggplant
Video proof of not enough hate crimes.
The eternal kraut... You know, Germans are singularly notorious for their scat fetishes.
Any story on this?
>Any story on this?
this isn't 20 questions, faggot
that show is so fucking pozzed, they ruined every character
That's really cute. Shame that little boy died of rabies two weeks later.
she was antagonizing him/everyone for hours afaik
it's a contest to touch the car the longest, and you win the car.
i like his computer case, anyone know what it is?
Whitebois were made for black dick.
That made me more uncomfortable than any gore on here I've yet seen
That means he lost then. Could have smacked her with one hand
That IS new
Public schooling and its constant ineptitude
more soy
That's one bloody egg
Damn. Most bitches just embarrass themselves trying to dance, this roastie blew out her ACL.
Kek never seen that technique work before
she twerked the wrong joint
Hahahaha little nigger
you fucking son of a bitch
Please just end it all
I believe its an inwin. Inwin makes tons of cases with those materials and aesthetic
>you fucking son of a bitch
Fuck my sideways, this dumb nigger stuck an eggplant up his asshole didn't he/she?
Your tax dollars hard at work
Modern art
White culture
black genius
I have one better...
What movie
Based turkroach
Fucking decked bitch. It was self defense too.
fake and gay
Yeah, a guy got an eggplant stuck in his ass. Pretty self explanatory.
So was that other antifa propaganda vid of some "nazi" riding the monorail on Seattle wearing a swastika armband getting knocked out. All they can do is fake shit.
I'm literally in love with Ana Foxx
>Fucking decked bitch.
I just use the yellow squash
>except this is a sandnigger in the Netherlands
Notice that the white boy didn't continue to hit him while he was down?
You really have to enjoy titty fucking to buy one of those. I love milkers more than most but i cant say id make this purchase even for $75.. but if they were around $50 i might be degenerate and pathetic enough to.
>be game show host
>female contestant gets tossed ragged and punched in the face by male contestant
>crouch down next to woman who was just man handled
>"ma'am i know you just got your shit kicked but the judges wanted me to uh tell you that uh.. you just loss and you wont be getting that car. Yeah bummer. No no the guy who hit is your Igor, hes my cousin so hes gonna win."
kneecap dislocated, been there, hurts like hell, weeks to recover, requires surgery for an extra ligament sometimes.
AHAHA! omg I was so scarred holy shit.
fake as fuck
Women are objects so they are automatically disqualified anyway
I know it's the UK and PoC are protected. But will he get off because the guy did threaten to kill him and lunged at him?
fucking lmfao
You need you some Aisha Tyler in her prime.
Where is this from?
I would just use them as a pillow and suck on them while I fell asleep to see if it gave me interesting dreams.
That cat is now my fucking hero.
ha gas
what's Russian for "no homo"?
made me sad
holy fucking shit, I knew it was bad but god-damn. just buy a dress, I mean shit, even furfags aren't this delusional. I need another surgery to cleanse my mind from this one:
Thats not even the strongest redpill on the transgender bullshit.
fucking lol
Looks staged honestly. The black guy pauses in that position to be hit.
I am fucking impressed
damn sucka
...go on.
What the fuck...
dude the fucking balls on that leopard to not only grab that fucker but then to drag it back into the water where the alligator has the edge
You do not want to know.
Folks, just remember, this is why your medical premiums are so high. Faggots shoving eggplants up their AIDS infected asses.
This one has fake subtitles.
>You know I was doing my groceries, and I usually bring condoms to package my vegetables to keep them nice and fresh right... so I packaged this eggplant you know and then I slipped and... okay fuck it, I shoved it in my ass, please take it out.
brother, you can have that one.
Raspberries, man... Shit's fuckin scary to walk in on without prior knowledge.
No more webms on that just the facts that studies in two cities found that 80%+ of young people decide to stop being transgender so its just a phase and people are pushing their kids onto hormones etc fucking their life up for pc points. But the biggest is that the founder of psychological transgenderism was a fucking monster who mutilated a buy to make him be raised as a girl, that kid was lived as a boy as soon as he was allowed to and later killes himself because that evil fucking jewish mengele cut off his dick to serve a subversive agenda.