This thread is for the discussion of cultural and societal degeneracy.
Degeneracy Thread
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Sup Forums is pretty degenerate itself.
So much complaining but no action.
It's like you don't see yourself as the hypocrites.
I'm a terrorist so there is action.
Bump. Also, how is simply “complaining” degenerate. I agree, Sup Forums should be more proactive in real life politics, but nothing seems degenerate about it
Only closet homos hate porn.
A little tip for you, shill: if you want to open a discussion about something here, try to start some kind of constructive discussion and not just "XYZ topic thread"
Fucking saw a spic movie recently where the woman get it on with a tentacle alien most degenerate shit I've ever seen in film
>"we must secure the future of white children"
>is a single mutt in his early 20's and many dont even work
>faps to elsa jean
>donates to tradthot patreon
Sup Forums
Everything on (((TV))) is degenerate. Sex is everywhere even on prime time. Well, sex was always there in some way or another, but even as late as the 90/early 2000's, it was implied that a sex act happened on TV. Kinda like the sheets wold be lifted up while the sink into their bed. Now we have Homos kissing on TV and shit. I don't let my kids see any of this trash. TV also portrays the white man/dad as the bumbling imbecile, the female the head of the house and the fags as the morally superior leaders.
I love booze, video games, weed, and porn. That’s about it.
Dude get a life. High, fat and stupid is no way to go through life. Get yourself a real girl, and leave these pixel prostitutes behind.
I’m not fat. I eat well and exercise.
If only you knew how old that shit gets
>Fucking saw a spic movie recently where the woman get it on with a tentacle alien most degenerate shit I've ever seen in film
Japanese have been drawing cartoons depicting that exact same shit for the past 25 years and all I hear on here is about how "BASTE" they are for doing so
singularity imminent.robot girls. I ain't the dude you were replying to, but there isn't any reason to get a girlfriend. Hookers now and then to blow off steam, but the kind of woman I'd want to have kids with doesn't exist in the US. Once I'm done mooching off the feds for a free degree, I'm out
Fugg, I watched porn twice today after a week of nofap and exercising isn’t taking my mind off of porn as much as it used to. Porn fucks you up and it’s a damn shame I got hooked on it long before what would be considered normal in today’s society.
Fuck how old are you I’m worried it’s too late for me
Go back over to twitters and Reddits Faggot- get fucked, Sage
Might sound like meme advice but if you have trouble exercising willpower (i.e.: abstaining from watching porn and/or playing with yourself), try meditation. There's no better practice of willpower than sitting in one spot doing nothing but breathing for an indeterminate amount of time
u r brain is literally so undersimulated that it wanders to its instinctive release for dopamine. Stop blaming porn, u just have to find something that is more rewarding than a nickles worth of semen
Nazi flag guy, I’m guessing your not that old considering your posting online with a nazi flag. I’ve been drinking, smoking weed, looking at porn, and play video games for 25 years. I just wish I had more time to. Life is a fucking sick joke.
same and i beat off too. 3 times a day face*
nigger you're on a site that hosts porn threads.
Is smoking degenerate?
>56% doesn't exist
Smoking more than three times a day is degenerate unless you have a reason; i.e. stressful day at work, unable to finish a previous cig, etc.
>Calling Americans mutts when you're from the country which is sending the mutts over the border
Fuck you, beaner
I like degeneracy.
The more you obsess over not watching it the more you'll end up watching it with no end in sight
Just watch porn, nobody gives a shit
What is with all the incest vids on that site?? Shit is disgusting. It's all blacked this, step dad that.
Don't worry about it, goy.
wtf. story?
Enjoy being eradicated goblino, your white women are destroying your race and I love it.
The Mexican guy is correct. Better leave your woman at home. Think they won’t be infected?
Porn is pretty wholesome compared to all the shit here.
nice projection
My sister has a black boyfriend and 3-4 days a week i have to listen to her moaning and i am getting annoyed. I usually play some vidya to stop listening to it but my dad doesnt even care my sister is dating a black guy, fuck sake.
Wait a minute.. YOU'RE the goblino.. that's what we call you short beaners. HAS THE WORLD GONE MAD??
The ending to this is worth more than all the flapping pimpled gash in the world.
Required feels.
You've always been the goblino john.
Porn appeals to degeneracy, what a shock.
degeneracy is good
nice quints
Something ain't kosher...
>hurr 3 smokes is fine but 4 is just degenerate lmao
By is that way faggot
>tfw Sup Forums is comprised of betas masquerading as alphas
It's really pathetic.
Believing the alpha/beta dichotomy in the first place is what's pathetic
you realize you're no better, right?
(OP) #
I’ll let you into the biggest secret user. Human existence in the form of civilizations, is cyclical, meaning it goes in cycles. The 3 desert religions were set up fir this reason.
>Judaism to control (Shepard) = master
>Christianity to be good goys (sheep) = salves
>Islam to be threat (sheep dog) = whip
It’s a huge form of programming..designed by someone, long ago, almost certainly non human. It’s purpose is to develop technology and nothing else. Civilization is just a means of getting that technical development.
We have been here before, just not on a global scale.
>Sodom and Gomorrah
>Weimar republic
The Jews are a catalyst for change and destruction but they can’t do it without Islam. (((They))) bring down civilization but a new one forms from the ashes. With each new version of civilization we learn from the last ones mistakes and use their progress to evolve with technology.
>we are in the end stages of this civilization
A new one is already being formed, but the shape of that new tomorrow is up for grabs and the ultimate long term of Judaism is in the balance too, for the first time in human history.
Because the next civilization will be the first fully global one.
>The one we are in now was the beta version.
The next one will either be utopia or beyond our wildest nightmares.
All technological advancements we have now can be used to create almost any world we want, but the centralized power structure isn’t in place to make this happen.
>the question is what type of centralized power structure could ever truly be benevolent
>the betas are upset
Jesus Christ
>hurr beta
>anonomouse imageboard
alpha located
It only pisses me off for it's dishonesty. The rest of this fucking website has no problem being "beta" and Sup Forums and Sup Forums alone LARPs as Chad just for yous and to think they're being contrarian to their fellow beta. It poisons a lot of discussion here because Chad LARPing Sup Forums has to have dick stroking contests instead of arguments and will make the most shock-value-tough-guy-sounding-posts. Like how Sup Forums pretends it's having actual sex and not fapping to porn.
It's pathetic when you realize who's making them. Pathetic when they go on /r9k/ and admit to coming here and shitting things up on purpose because they're bitter.
>still upset
I saw my ex-girlfriend on the front page the other day. She had over 200,000 views. Good for her.
are you? why?
Link or die
Yeah it's getting weird. It gets to the point where I think it's some Asian robot just making porn titles based on algorithms created based on what's searched the most and has the most views. When you click the video it just adds to the machine learning so it thinks "HUMAN MUST HAVE CLICKED VIDEO BECAUSE OF PHRASE 'STEP DAUGHTER' SO PUT STEP DAUGHTER ON EVERY VIDEO!" instead of seeing most dudes don't have that fetish and just wanted to see the hot girl.
It's even worse that only just a handful of Sup Forums anons actually do something while the rest are patting themselves like they had a hand in their success.
her real name is Jessica
"I was only pretending to be retarded"
>complaining about people complaining
>still does absolutely nothing and contributes nothing
>"but at least I'm not as bad as the other people complaining"
Get a load of this alpha male
I can't be autistic like you?
>this mad
Every single time I go to pornhub the front page and related videos show up ww/bm interracial.
The participants aren't even attractive. Why are the biggest degenerates always ugly? Nobody wants to see that.
>This thread is for the discussion of cultural and societal degeneracy.
I'm for it
Here. Try this
Porn stars and the makers of it should be executed. No one will miss those useless cumdumpster whores anyways.
Right? The vast majority of this board is just sitting around waiting to try and bait/troll/piss off someone else. They aren't contributing to anything but, like normies, feel they want "be a part of something" and will rush to join in on any meme-spouting fad/trend that has nothing to do with politics.
Imagine what this board could be if it was allowed to be like the other boards on this site?
Mommy works nights?
found the degenerate
Found the Muslim
Good goy. Keep defending (((Porn)))
You cuck bitch
It's strange. I didn't mean to start nofap but I've honestly lost the will to do it.
I've seen some hot shit the last few days and as aroused as I was I sincerely didn't feel the slightest inclination to go home and rub one out over it. Maybe my brain isn't totally fucked from years of pornography.
I don't know what I don't believe about this post. The "fact" you dated this girl, perhaps you did, or the fact that this some weird ass vidya porn and you're just trolling it sending it?
Either way, you could have dated the girl for all I know. It just didn't realize the extent of themed masturbation was a thing. So many girls doing it too, there are so many chicks making money just fapping online these days. It's ridiculous.
My ex-girlfriend lived in a shitty neighborhood where her dad had to sell weed and work together with his homeless friends just to scrape a living. She's very free market and libertarian thus why she turned to camming and porn. It pays better then taco bell and she has the smarts for marketing herself. She saved everything to get out of the shithole house she lived in with her dad from that money and now has her own place. She used her attractiveness to get ahead because it's literally the only option in how shitty job prospects are. Now she has her own house and is much happier.
They're people too user. I imagine most have tragic stories.
what could it possibly mean?
it all comes crashing down
It's obvious isnt it?
Why would I lie about it? To look cool anonymously to my fellow Sup Forumssters.
But yeah man. Camming pays bank. Lots of girls are doing it.
If you don't have the will power to stop watching porn while always having easy access to high speed internet, you need to unplug yourself from the web for a while. take a holiday for a few weeks. go somewhere that has little access to high speed internet. even if you gotta go hang out with some degenerate hippies at a yoga sanctuary for a while it'll be worth it long haul. porn is a serious addiction that is not addressed in society. best of luck to you
> Maybe my brain isn't totally fucked from years of pornography.
Nah you're probably just getting older and your libido is naturally slowing down. Don't let Sup Forums fool you, the narrative of "I can't control myself and porn makes me fap to weird and weirder porn" is a 19 year old's lie and excuse. When you're 16-21 you're at your most horny. That's the exact demographic of this site. It's literally just guys being naturally horny for their age and pretending their inability to control that and themselves is an acting conspiracy against them.
They CHOOSE to fap, they CHOOSE to let Sup Forums dictate what they fap too and then they try to burn down the whole porn industry and everyone who isn't a teenager when they feel frustrated they're fapping to porn instead of banging the cute college girls they see around them.
fuck off antifa
Is your dad Justine?
I rented her from backpage the next day
>had a coupon
The not masturbating thing is all about self control. If you can't stop giving in to a quick dopamine fix, are you really much better than a junkie? Mastery over your instincts is important, if you're always looking for the next fix, you'll be way easier to manipulate by promises of. You become bestialized, like a dog who will do anything for a treat.