>right-wingers think they are smart but they are retirement plan cucks
Right-wingers think they are smart but they are retirement plan cucks
Pick one sweetie pie
And I thought Sup Forums was delusional, wew.
to be fair, it probably wont
not that they'll be better off by not saving. Just that they'll be equally fucked either way
this is insane
even if the us economic system collapses or they refuse to pay they debts the international banking system is such a masterpiece that they will reenter it quickly
i mean... isnt it weird for you commies that both russia and china have debts?
dont get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with it, just pointing that there is no scape, there is no restart* , NESARA isnt possible, the central bankers won and the only thing that can change its a one world currency
kek this, fuck capitalism though
This is my retirement plan.
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>capitalist cucks are busy saving their money for retirement while I am spending all my money on starbucks, downtown rent, traveling and vidya because I know that socialism will replace capitalism
feels good man
Yes grueling labor on the communal farm land till I collapse from death at the age of 80 is what we truly need. I'll definitely talk about this with my other fellow progressive associates at the local Starbucks, as we browse Facebook on our Apple laptops. See, we're sticking it to Capitalism!
daily reminder that the best retirement plan is a shit load of kids
Woah wait Louisiana whatchase again you carpetbagging wanna be
Why would I need retirement? I'm thinking by 27 ill have invented an app worth millions , i'm 24 right now. Work at burger king its a pretty sweet gig.
Do you even speak English well? This is what the Founding Fathers warned us about the importance of education.
Are you really this stupid? Manual labor on farms is essentially a thing of the past. It nearly completely industrialized. Previous communism did not have industrialized farms now we do.
>tfw you won't even reach retirement age under communism
Watch it guys, he’s a thinker.
Not bad, but mine is more proactive
Why create carbon? slaves are the most environmentally friendly work force. No food , no sleep, you die, but think of all the carbon your corpse sequestered while all the carbon you didn’t atomize through a dirty Diesel engine, you know Ivan might be onto something, now if only there was a continent that was full of starving illiterate people we could “help”............
>some Boomers save for retirement
>retirement wiped out by jews on wall street
>jew bankers can easily make your money worthless just by printing shitloads of it and handing it out to themselves
>they're dumb enough to think buttcoins are a "wise investment" and will overturn capitalism tho
They should plan around economic collapse by buying and physically having GOLD. AND SILVER BULLION!
>i mean... isnt it weird for you commies that both russia and china have debts?
>debt comes from a central bank
man you brownies are fucking stupid
UBI is coming, the US federal government will incorporate and put everyone on their payroll
If you save for retirement, and the world ends, what have you lost?
If you don't save for retirement, and the world doesn't end, what have you gained?
It's basically the "why are you a Jew" scene in Crimes and Misdemeanors.