What is the pattern here?
What is the pattern here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Israeli Firsters
they're all jews?
They all want money, whether through Patreon or water filter and vitamin sales or book sales. They are all conmen playing you for your precious Neetbux.
close but not all.
You put the star on Richard, I think you meant to put it on Varg
Oh, I see I left out rug sales and psychometric testing/datamining.
spencer admitted he's a jew you cuck
citation needed
i'd fug sh0e so hard
>Muh Juden!
All stupid cunts.. Painful death to them all.
And you.
>jews making up 2% of the u.s population and owning 90% of the media is just a coincidence GOYIM
typical tricks, shlomo
Toni Loren doesn't deserve even consideration. She pro-abortion, which basically makes her a leftist. She also is too friendly with niggers, dated one or whatever she did, I can't remember. She's also on Fox News, which makes her part of the system, and not (at least nominally) an independent opinion maker.
Why does this matter anyway? It seems we should separate the message from the messenger. Every time one of the Alt-right gets too big, the system will smash him down personally. That's how it works. So, keeping it in the realm of ideas is the way to go. One thing for sure, the SPLC can't smash our ideas. They are getting bigger and more mainstream every day.
shoeonhead is pro abortion and dated niggers as well.
molymeme is an atheist, probably so is PJW and cernovich. southern is "searching" whatever tf that means.
goldy is the only one there that has the balls to talk about the genocide of christians in the middle east.
shoeonhead with that rockin bod
i'd like to know this too
this is all i can find wowowowow
Vargs not a Jew is he?
I don't mind Kyle Hunt but this mudshark banshee whore turns me off all renegade content.
>opportunist slut
all faggots?
All except Varg have low set ears.
pjw is a jew
shoe is a jew
Varg could kill all of them with his bare hands
What's the pattern HERE
It's a list of unrelated people who hold different views on different topics. Nobody should give a flying fuck about the messenger. Facts are facts, actions speak for themselves. The real pattern is edgy poltards putting everyone of a group in one basket. Zionists are the enemy.
Chicks you fuck with their bras on.
all avoid the jew topic?
Shill targets on Sup Forums? Too easy.
>These public figures who produce popular content don't deserve to be paid by their supporters for their work (just like everyone else who has a job) but theres nothing wrong with paying a salary to a CNN "journalist" for their talking-head commentary and opinions on current events because their paychecks come from massive multi-national globalist corporations
They are the biggest fronts in the market
>coal burner
>babbling idiot
>literally who
>condescending loser
>pedo kike
>abandoned his child
>plastic surgery
>literally who
>looks like that insufferable guy from high school
>pseudointellectual ancap nutjob
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