Counterterror police investigate 'punish a Muslim' day letters
- It goes on to offer rewards for attackers, from 10 points for verbally abusing a Muslim and 50 points for throwing acid in the face of a Muslim, to 1,000 points for bombing a mosque and 2,500 points to "nuke Mecca".
PUNISH A MUSLIM DAY - 3rd April 2018
When they go low, we go high user.
Wow. allah IS ackbar
sounds like something ANTIFA or leftist groups would make as a false flag
As already given above :
Neither newfag nor retard
Another link :
The note incites verbal abuse and assaults on Muslims, as well as attacks on mosques.
thats not even a good ass why do people find this stupid middle eastern woman attractive
Need to wait until the 3rd of April to be sure
- 2,500 points to "nuke Mecca" -
>a good ass
how long do we have to wait before there is a 2 line article in some newspaper somewhere saying that they caught the guy and it was a muslim
She needs punishment indeed.
>only 2500 points from nuking Mecca
False flag.
We're in it for the bantz, there's no bantz with this.
>how long do we have to wait
Until the 3rd of April... probably
filename, tard
For what it's worth
pls no i'm on nofap
Does she have lewds?
Asshole is as black as her pussy
Into the trash it goes.
>Literal Porn star
>Drop her cause she has tattoos
How do you go about throwing something in the trash that's already in it?
Seems legit