Have you realized Mormonism is the only way to save the white race yet?
Have you realized Mormonism is the only way to save the white race yet?
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>-1 niglet
Or Latin Rite Catholicism.
the problem is it is a wacky religion
but you are right, those whites in mormonism have a lot of kids and don't race mix a lot. i remember utah and montana has the least race mixing of the western states
All LDS are daughter fuckers. My wife's family is LDS, her and all her sisters got diddled. I've never met an LDS who wasn't fucked by her dad. I ain't saying it's a bad thing just that it's a thing that happens.
This. I came here to share this information about mormonism. Those creepy fucks knock on my door at least once per quarter to talk about mormonism.
>I've never met an LDS who wasn't fucked by her dad.
so you saying... your wife fucked her dad?
i know
mexico has one million mormons
> starting a family
> getting wife pregnant, seeing her through labor and birth
> pouring your life's resources into raising that daughter
> all this just so some other dude can fuck her
the ultimate act of cuckoldry, based morons aint having that
Mormonism= cuckolding wife to jews
help me understand something burguers, now that we are in a mormon thread
so, in mormonism, other man breeds your wife? and the pastor gets to choose who? is that accurate?
Montana is the white mans last bastion of hope imo. Only the strong can survive there
One of my guiltiest pleasures is taunting the mormon girl and guy (unrelated) at work by conflating their religion with Scientology
>have you praised Johnny Goodboy today?
and by taunting them with scripture that protties cut out.
>oh, you wouldn't have read that, it's in maccabees
They get impossibly mad
how i imagine you
>Have you realized Mormonism is the only way to save the white race yet?
>inb4 you never, ever post again.
Disdain for heretics is a very Catholic thing, my unwashed not-friend. I enjoy your anger as well but it just isn't as good as when I can see you visibly shaking and trying to recall what it was Joseph Smith said about reinstating the right of first nights.
im not Mormon but would possibly join for the babes and fuckable daughters if my business works out but i cant belive you would go up to some one be like your religion is dum that some amazing atheist teir cringe
Thats what was stated in the previous sentence, yes.
Oh yeah, daughter fucking is great. The weird thing is the women will be open about it and admit it like "oh yeah, my dad diddled me, so?" but the guys pretend like it's some secret even though everybody knows.
The LDS I know do arranged and will kill a man for going at a fellows wife like that.
There's more context to it than that, it's really only when they want to jab at me for taking Sundays off for mass, or when they say something about intercession etc. Their religion just happens to be extremely comical and they just happen to be extremely sensitive about it. Wonder why???
But anyway yes you should petition them to join for the babes and incest, I mean you have to bring two wives in when you convert and let them swing but the religion deserves all the degeneracy someone like you can shit out. God speed.
Yes, I realized this last year. I was baptized as LDS three months ago.
>The weird thing is the women will be open about it and admit it like "oh yeah, my dad diddled me, so?"
At what age and how serious is the diddling here? Never heard a thing about this
>t intercession etc. Their religion just happens to be extremely comical and they just happen to be extremely sensitive about it. Wonder why???
nigga its still cringe if i were you I would be nice to them
>Montana is the white mans last bastion of hop-
I havenโt taken LSD in three months either my bro
Christ says to turn the other cheek. so I turn the other cheek. You wanna ask him about it then convert to the RIGHT denomination.
dude what church are you talking about i know your not talking about the main stream LDS right?
>lol ur so dumn for believing in sasquatch
>what? of course the chupacabra is real, how dare you question it?!
Mayor's position could mean a vote of less than twenty people. Gas yourself you fucking kike.
Yes. You can glean this information from most LDS, although some who stray from Utah just go native and end up normie protties.
Hell is forever!
>Looks down on smart people (atheists)
>Can't type a correct sentence, has the vocabulary and grammar of a 12 year old
It all checks out, as usual.
Do you need to be Mormon to fuck a bunch of women without a condom on?
It's like a weak white sharia imo.
your saying for real the majority of the LDS church require you to bring two wives to join?? i cant belive that
>it was Helena, the fucking state capital
i have to type out lots of legal docs so i prefer to type like this
there is no god i am very smart niggas
LDS started as a literal polygamist cult, they STILL do that shit.
I am the religious one, the one you replied to is the atheist who wants into the polygamy child rape cult, get it straight
hey im also considering being Christian like my family so i can hedge my bets to get into the knights of malta like my grandfather
I like how every time someone is elected that isn't white, it's a "stunning Trump rebuke", LOL. They really have to freshen up their propaganda talking points.
>Never heard a thing about this
Are you seriously involved with serious LDS? They'll only talk about this with people they trust.
>At what age and how serious is the diddling here?
From the women I've talked to usually starting when barely more than babies. And they do everything, they say "it's okay, it doesn't count because her my dad", they're like Catholic girls who do anal.
i bet i can buy my way in
If you're over 16 and they haven't tried to initiate you by now then it's safe to say your Gpa thinks nothing of you, or he never made it past "beer-getter" and CAN'T initiate you. Try getting better grades and joining the Navy, go for an intelligence job. Between the Catholic church and the Demoley International I learned a whole heap of shit to curl your toenails, which I think is what you're after. These groups REALLY value individuals with built in guile and cunning though, if I have to sit and tell you what to do (I just did) then it must be obvious even to you that you will not fit in.
Mormonism does great things for the white race.
Mormonism is a great influence on western society...to a point.
I wish that more Christians were as kind, sweet, and loving as nearly ever single Mormon I met. I wish that more Christians were as prepared for times of tribulation as nearly every single Mormon I met. Many of my friends are Mormons and I love them dearly.
But I can't advocate Mormonism with a good conscience. I can pray that God will cause a revival in His church. But I must reject the false gospel that Mormonism preaches. When they repent of heresy, I'll endorse them. What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?
The entire religion is heretical, blasphemous, and denies Jesus Christ as the true and living God. It teaches a Gospel and a Christ who CANNOT save you. It anathematizes Paul who wrote most of the New Testament. It calls God a liar.
My dear Mormon brother, it's not your fault. You were misled by Joseph and the other so-called prophets. Repent and trust in a Gospel and a Christ who can save you. A Christ who is the true and living God and not the brother of Lucifer. A Christ who was truly born of a virgin and not sexually conceived by the one that you call Elohim. You are in error and I want to warn you.
>Mormonism= cuckolding wife to jews
my ancestors were polygamists.
no one but my grandfather had sex with his plural wives.
>The LDS I know do arranged and will kill a man for going at a fellows wife like that.
literally have never heard of this.
should i join the free masons thinking about going to the marines can i go into intelligence from there
Marine Corps Intelligence is not fucking worth it. You'll be treated better in the Army or the Air Force. n
>t. 0261 USMC Topographic Intelligence
you have to be 25 to apply i dont think he was beer getter he could have been but i dought it he was in nixons cabit my idea would be to apply when im old and accomplished
have to have two sponser grandfather died when i was young
do i have to go to school for that
THEY pick YOU. No, 25 is not the age requirement. For these fraternities they keep fronts up to maintain a semblance of legitimacy. Again if you have no sponsor NOW, you never will. Join whatever you feel like. Joining a military branch won't give you better odds, you have to be initiated BEFORE the military, I mention the Navy because best case scenario, you see something you shouldn't see, worst case scenario, you do a bunch of mushrooms and PT on an aircraft carrier while going port to port and comparing LBFMs with your bros.
MOS School is 9 months. If you graduate high school and have decent ASVAB scores, you're good.
>proclaimed grandson of actual LDS polygamists
>takes offense at the arranged marriage and killing of men who try to fuck another guy's wife part of the roleplay
>not the incest
Are you saying the incest is real?
>treating you better than anything
Not fucking likely.
He won't have decent asvab scores
>a military branch won't give you better odds, you have to be initiated BEFORE the military, I mention the Navy because best case scenario, you see something you shouldn't see, worst case scenario, you do a bunch of mushrooms and PT on an aircraft carrier w
dam what if i become successful business man like me fada and rub shoulders with the right people i could pronaly do it if i really put my mind could they call in to get me some type of job where i can learn secrets
Polygamy has been outlawed by the Mormon Church proper. There are other denominations of LDS that still practice this.
But mainline LDS still practices this. It might now be earthly marriages though. I nearly promise you over 90% of the bishops have dozens if not hundreds of wives living or dead with whom he does not have a physical relationship with who are his wife as recognized by their so-called God via temple marriage.
Temple Marriage =/= Regular marriage as regular folk understand.
dam my Gpa really always did know i was a faggot
>I nearly promise you over 90% of the bishops have dozens if not hundreds of wives living or dead with whom he does not have a physical relationship with who are his wife as recognized by their so-called God via temple marriage.
you are fucking retarted. that practice ended when plural marriage ended. now children are sealed to parents, not bishops.
kys jew
I haven't been out of the Mormon Church long enough to forget being "strongly encouraged" long enough to spend 2 or 3 days at the temple for baptisms and sealing of dead people each year.
When's the last time you had YOUR temple recommend?
Mormons love nigger cock.
No exceptions.
>Are you saying the incest is real?
massive faggots fabricate using >
killing happend JS was a chad for killing people. only true prophets have the balls to kill.
you clearly don't understand this kike.
incest never happened betwen siblings.
learn a thing or two about geneology.
your ancestors practiced cousin incest if you are white, but since your a jew all of your moms were impregnated by their brothers.
you dodged the point like a faggot.
no one is sealed to bishops like you asserted earlier. youre a massive faggot. it's good you're out of the church.
Bishops and everyone else, buddy. I chose bishops because they're very active in the Church.
So am I wrong about the weddings? And when was your last Temple Recommend?
>incest two wives
Untrue. In this stake, anyways. If you wish to have more than one wife, become a Muslim. If you want to diddle your future children, move to Telford in the UK. If you want to survive when the
SHTF, be baptised in the LDS church, or at least make friends with a Mormon family.
t. Elder, Cottonwood stake, Arizona
Would you browse this site in front of your Bishop?
>And when was your last Temple Recommend?
wtf are you trying to dox for? only kikes do that. get off this mormon board JIDF convert.
You're such an idiot ex mormon. no one is sealed to anyone but their parents anymore.
You clearly needed to leave the church bc you're not accountable because you're such a retard. whoever baptized you needs to be disciplined for baptizing a faggot retard.
just to overcommunicate, literally no one is sealed to anyone but their parents, bishops stake presidents, 70s, 15, nadie.
how does someone so restarted even know how to use a computer?
What are you on about? I was talking about father/daughter incest and the kind that stops when she grows up because that's my fantasy. The ultimate fantasy is father/daughter incest in a religious group where it's accepted and is an open secret that it happens.
It was just funny you didn't address the more controversial part of my roleplay first.
If multiple-wife polygamy is practiced by a group, why do men think that there are plenty of women to go around in that said group? It would be quite the opposite. If you're doing it for virgin brides you're better off joining a monogamous religion.
learn english idiot
It's called "selective breeding". Theres plenty of ways to make sure you have more daughters.
lulz. 70s browse this site for how to redpill the normies.
only faggot proties would guilt another christian.
Lol that's a new one kikes. Boy you hate white christians, especially violent self defenders.
Can't have more Bundy's now can you...
>father/daughter incest
there is zero evidence of this happening more in the mormon church than other churches.
incest is literally the only crime that is provable through DNA testing, which is why ancestry DNA was formed to prove that it never happens.
good attempt to lie about christians, JIDF.
go back to kazaria.
I guess if I'm going to be critical of the Mormon church, I should play it fair and exclude minutia. But your primary Gospel is unable to save you and the Christ whom you profess is not the True and Living God.
>Mormons mad about shitty bantz
>Entire high quality bantz are laughed at by mormons
You just have shit bantz
You know that this website runs contrary to pretty much everything your church teaches. I hope you admit to your Bishop that you've been viewing pornography, and shamefully pass communion. No way are you eligible for a Temple permission slip with this kind of behavior.
No the guys a kike. Look at him get more unhinged
Some Christians are part of the mob called the fellowship. Mormons hate mobs and are approved to murder them by Jesus.
Mobs hate Mormons.
>the Christ whom you profess is not the True and Living God.
sounds awesome protty.
good job having such a pure christ for you to worship, wait it's just catholic leftovers. so i am to believe the invented christ you made is the actual christ.
makes a ton of sense
minutia and otherwise, you make zero sense.
at least the kazars have a god that they didn't invent from another failed religion.
Another thing, if your christ is so perfect and true and living, why is prottyism such a failure. you have done nothing for your culture.
Your god doesn't bless you with beautiful women anymore because no one goes to your churches.
admit your prottyism and whatever god you think you worship has failed.
>pornography, and shamefully pass communion.
only kikes and prottys shame others into moral behavior.
I'm so glad you don't even meet the bar that you're setting for others. great logic there.
mormons are on this board to teach you sinners how to have more than .4 children per women. mormons have been going to the cespools of the world for the last 200 years to teach.
what the hell have your people been doing for 200 years to do anything positive?
The Fellowship has been described as one of the most politically well-connected ministries in the United States. The Fellowship shuns publicity and its members share a vow of secrecy.[8
Why do evangelicals love Israel? Read the link above.
We believe in zero state welfare, stay at home moms, sex for kids, men as leaders of home, violent defense of liberty and family, etc.
What kind of immigrants go to no welfare countries?
>things that never happened
For 500 pls.
Kinda. Jesus is part of the God Head, which is the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. He is the Son. Whom you refer to as the "True and Living God" is the Father- and the Holy Ghost is a special spirit whose role is to serve as communication between the Father and us.
It's true that just becuase Jesus dies for our sins, we don't all get to live with the God. However, it does allow for our resurrection. Every person who lives and dies is resurrected with a perfect, immortal body. This is Immortality. However, "Eternal Life" is another concept where you live in the same part of heaven as God- this is what Jesus cannot achieve for you, and you have to accomplish yourself.
When we are judged, we are placed according to something similar to our cleannliness- the more worthy you are of living with God himself, the closer in heaven you are placed to him.
There are 3 tiers in heaven: Celestial, Terrestial, and Telestial. God lives in the Celestial. You are placed in and within each during judgement.
Those who are unexposed or never get the opportunity to experience the Gospel on Earth have the opportunity to be taught in Spirit Paradise/Prison until Judgement.
Those who reject the gospel even after this opportunity forfeit their place in heaven and are sent instead to outer darkness, which I imagine could be someplace much like our world is now.
So no, you aren't put by God's side just by believeing, But Jesus did save you from eternal death by granting you access to an eternal body and the opportunity to earn your place by his side.
>>things that never happened
>For 500 pls.
faggot kikes and protties write the stupidest things about mormons and they think they know anything about mormons.
OP's horrible propaganda is easily seen through.
My parents converted to Mormonism when I was young. Decent religion I suppose, but man they are lame. I'm not saying that I was some bad kid that was up to no good, but those kids were so good two shoes.
My parents left the Church and stopped going. I realized that Catholicism, while flawed, was the closest thing to true Christianity.
Mormons are cool in that they have a good Church Structure, and have refused to cave in on issues like gay marriage. But they ware weak on Abortion, and are cucks that pretty much worship the US government and founders. The shit is just so stupid. Its no wonder so many Mormons are in the CIA.
The Constitution is not a holy document, or even inspired by God. Also, Christianity predates what you know as scriptures.
Away with you Zechariah Murphy.
> (You)
>My parents converted to Mormonism when I was young. Decent religion I suppose, but man they are lame. I'm not saying that I was some bad kid that was up to no good, but those kids were so good two shoes.
>My parents left the Church and stopped going. I realized that Catholicism, while flawed, was the closest thing to true Christianity.
> (OP)
>Mormons are cool in that they have a good Church Structure, and have refused to cave in on issues like gay marriage. But they ware weak on Abortion, and are cucks that pretty much worship the US government and founders. The shit is just so stupid. Its no wonder so many Mormons are in the CIA.
>The Constitution is not a holy document, or even inspired by God. Also, Christianity predates what you know as scriptures.
be a man and write your beta male commentary beneath the actual sauce.
catholicism is clearly flawed, but good on you for seeing that the only thing worse than going to a shit tier religion is going to the derivative of that religion, moronic prottyism.
civic nationalism is not a flaw in and of itself if you have a pure culture like mormons do.
constitution worship is dead. Mormons are leading the way as the only non LARPing saviors of western culture.
No one else is going to save you. so you insult paper worship as your daughters are being raped by dindus and lamanites.
>makes sense.
the Book of Mormon is the only american book literally every linguist ever agrees that predates the bible.
good luck refuting that one. BOM has never been refuted. shit tier prottys write criticisms of it that never hold up in academic research.
>in front of your bishop?
My sister asked me that. The bishop is pretty broad-minded, I'd tell him I was hoping for a missionary moment, which is true, unironically.
In case you ask: no, I'm still working on my temple recommend.
bro you need two side ways carrots to link the statements. hover your mouse over mine vs. yours. Are you just coming over from reddit??
you didn't go on a mission? You need to go to learn how the church works.
Saving dindus is not that important anymore, you need to learn the organization. which is not an easy thing to figure out.
he says to fight smart not run away like a bitch.
Im ready to have some babies. I will marry a good Mormon woman at this point.
>so, in mormonism, other man breeds your wife? and the pastor gets to choose who? is that accurate?
not even a little bit
>I will marry a good Mormon woman at this point.
thats the attitude bro.
even god has an organizaitonal structure that funnels people into his glory. you might as well pick the one that will actually do it.
Fรผck the white race!
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